cum lmao
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
me on right
megastuff oreos are too much i can barely get through a line of them
i seriously hope none of you have ever been pencil chewers
love graphite
hate aluminum
The gf has no dick which is nice
oreo filling is crap, literally just crisco and sugar
posting this early so that (You) can't
Nice quads. I hope your day is swell
30 minutes of community service left. Can't wait to be out of here.
Teeth marks are how you know any writing utensil is mine.
Why do Eurovirgins spell it aluminium?
Kinda cringe ngl
>tfw my ass is starting to develop
thanks to Jow Forums I'll soon be pulling women left and right
fuck you sven
British chemist Humphry Davy, who performed a number of experiments aimed to synthesize the metal, is credited as the person who named the element. In 1808, he suggested the metal be named alumium.[91] This suggestion was criticized by contemporary chemists from France, Germany, and Sweden, who insisted the metal should be named for the oxide, alumina, from which it would be isolated.[92] In 1812, Davy chose aluminum, thus producing the modern name.[93] However, its spelling and pronunciation varies: aluminum is in use in the United States and Canada while aluminium is in use elsewhere.[94]
so it should be aluminum
you can't fucking stop me you swedish fuck
cannot imagine a future where i'm not a neet
cannot imagine a future
one day we're gonna find out magnets cause cancer
I can't help but being evil. It happens with no thought, my first impulse is always the worst one. What do?
fucking magnets, how do they work?
i came
actually microwaved food causes cancer
feelin down again
how much to buy a finnish gf?
it'll be ok bud
wizard handmagic
ok fuck all women
they're are ALWAYS the reasson a good online dating service goes to shit everytime
I lost my virginity to a girl I met on tinder
microwave and boiling are unironically the safest ways to cook food, just more bland than other methods.
Do gamers who get payed get payed based on how good are they or how popular are they?
Popularity because of sponsorships but the most popular are usually the best
Both makes money. If you are good you get paid for your skill. If you are popular you get paid for your looks.
Sponsors will only invest into a Player if they see potential in the future with them.
>tfw no Gasai Yuno gf
lol so gamer women complainig about wagegap are unpopular and suck at it
what am i if im against big government but also against big corporations? is it too idealistic?
They are popular because they understand how evolution works. Then they apply that to game theory. Most female gamers are not only fit, but have good facial aesthetics. Social darwinism perhaps...
Why do japanese people have no empathy towards sea animals?
gonna get as high as i possibly can
There is not a single school on the East Coast that offers Calculus II in 7 weeks.
have you looked for online courses? or is that what you already looked at?
>calc II
pirate a textbook dummy
calc II is THE ultimate brainlet filter in mathematics right next to discrete
on what
anarchist left
a couple things (all 'scripted ofc) and a bottle of vodka. have a nice evening, anons.
Pretending to shit at work
>mexican intelectuals
>Shart In Book
this person you see here, doesn't exist she never did
ummm thats me??
filtering all the gay threads (except /cum/)
nah that aint it
>math? no thanks I'm a liberal arts major
What is it about traffic delays that makes people lose their fucking minds? I saw people reversing down the on-ramps just now, and once I got off the highway people were driving on sidewalks and busting out surprise u-turns like they were the only ones on the street
good morning
>Yeah, I double majored in physics and philosophy
>forgot to take food out of the freezer this morning
aaaaa now i think i'll have to go to mcdonalds or a&w
anthony & weiner
what about mary brown's chicken and taters?
Have $10k school debt. Had a wealthy benefactor relative who paid for 3 years ($60k); last semester I finally flunked out. This relative died today (you can read about it on USA today and others).
My parents would pay it off for me but I don't know if I want them to. If I were really out of luck here I could find comfort and solace in the fact that I really have nowhere to turn and nothing to do but greatly up my work hours and do a bunch of overtime for basically a year. In any case I'm pretty sure I'll have to move back in with my mom. Without paying rent I can probably make over $600/week if I find the right job soon enough with enough hours.
But again, I'm NOT totally out of luck. My parents would definitely pay it off for me. So I wouldn't be permitted the spiteful masochistic pleasure of feeling like a slave for a while; I would feel comfortable.
What should I do? Let my parents take care of it? Or try to do it myself even though I don't need to?
i don't really like fried chicken... i have coupons for those other two as well...
How do you not like fried chicken fucking weirdo
only eaten fried chicken once. it was okay
if they are well off then take it, otherwise just work
have them pay it off of course
Coomer meme changed my life. I finally found the motivation to stop habitually masturbating
only the skin is ok then the chicken is kinda bland usually and it's greasy as fuck.
is it a porn star?
why does she look like she's 10 despite being 16
sup guys
chu mean, ese?
she has the body and face of a 10 year old but she's 16?
man she's right about that climate change look at those mosquito bites
she has the body of a WOMYN
she cute
tfw no computer generated gf
>school debt
Cringe and redpilled
idk what's the obsession with that climate change girl or whatever she is, i feel like she's most likely a puppet of someone else
Unless they’d be going into debt to pay off your debts, you should let them cover it. It’s foolish to bear that burden if you don’t need to. Financially, you need to be saving up a down payment for a house and stuff, not picking up the tab on shit you can’t afford due to misplaced pride or whatever
cokie roberts paid your school bills?
mary brown pipo be like this chicken NOT spicey
>$10k school debt
you gotta be fucking kidding me, wtf why would you let it grow that fucking high?
welp, you fucked up
I doubt it. Children on the political stage are NOT disinformation agents just meant to override women’s maternal instincts, it’s a GOOD THING that she is engaging with the political process