Is Switzerland the America of Europe?
Is Switzerland the America of Europe?
Switzerland is the Switzerland of Europe
Aren’t a lot of those migrants Austrian, though?
Mostly euros and yugos
I went there 4 years ago and it was awful. No one spoke English and everything was expensive. So no it's nothing like America.
>I went there 4 years ago
I'm sorry for your loss.
>So no it's nothing like America.
Well let's see
>No one speaks English? Check
>Ruled by a jewish elite? Check
>Fucked up demographics? Check
>Never defeated Vietnam in war? Check
>Economy artificially propped up by the exploitation of other countries? Check
Switzerland = America
>No one spoke English
Yeah, no. Pretty much everyone speaks English in Switzerland.
they just didn't want to speak with a ghoul.
You made a big mistake. Also dont visit here.
Why so salty Germ? Shouldn't you be happy that at least one German speaking country is performing?
Federal republic. Protestant then a bunch of RCs joined. Money obsessed. Used to be a Celtic population which then came to speak a Germanic language.
Yeah kinda.
Not a bad post for a germ
I guess we both know how satisfying it is to kick the everloving shit out of a royal army with your republican farmer militia.
not really, 65%+ of the population speak English as a second language, we have no Jewish elite, our Demographics are nice because we have mostly high level foreigners from the EU, we never had war with Vietnam and our Economy is strong because we adopted the industrial revolution early, are blessed with with lots and lots of hydropower and unlike our stupid neighbours we do not burn down our country every 50-100 years.
>No one spoke English
there's nothing to visit in your country but dry treeless hills, desert, and one massively ugly and polluted city
But we hate Americans
No, only you, because you're some slav diasporashit.
No you
This literally applies way better to Germany though.
We have no Jewish elite to speak of and your economy is propped up by the EU.
Fuck ameriKKKans
t. swiss on exchange
gesù cristo, that's like 2 out of 5 switzerlanders
residents != citizens
t. analbanian
I want to move there. What should I know, swiss/bros/?
Switzerland is Albanian clay
>40% of Swiss have a German grandfather
Reminds me of the same making those claims about 25% of French, with most of them just having an Italian grandfather or something.
Actually 40% of Swiss RESIDENTS indeed have at least partially a migration background. We have a massive foreign workforce here, 70% is old EU, the rest is Yugo or other random shit countries. Fortunately we do not hand out citizenship to everything with a pulse like Germany does and hence most of those foreign RESIDENTS don't have a Swiss passport.
I thought it was really hard to immigrate to Switzerland? Or maybe I was thinking of citizenship?
immigration is pretty easy for EU-13 citizens, and as long as they have a job they can stay.
Citizenship is hard to get. 12 years residency, no criminal record, no welfare record in the past 2 years, evidence of full integration including language and in some counties it still takes a public vote to grant citizenship.
On the other hand we have the best running economy of Europe with the highest wages and lowest taxes, so naturally we get a lot of immigration pressure. On the plus side, we need the extra workforce and on average our immigrants are better qualified and better integrated than in other European nations.
Was in Switzerland two weeks and only two people I met didn't speak English: one tickettaker on the train and one old dude at a convience store in Zurich.
It actually sucked, kinda. I wanted to practice my French when I was in the french-speaking cantons, but whenever someone detected any hesitation when I was speaking French, they immediately switched to English without a word
>and in some counties it still takes a public vote to grant citizenship
What does that mean exactly?
I want to immigrate there when I graduate desu
You get your citizenship from your town/village of residence. In smaller towns and villages this requires a public vote, you have to present yourself to the village assembly and then people vote if they want to give you citizenship or not.
It's imho a good system, you can see how the fellow performs for at least a dozen years and if he/she is up to standards and decide on that base. And in case the person later fucks up and becomes a welfare case, the village has to pay for that with their own taxes.
Unfortunately in most bigger towns it is not done this way but by a commission, so they are less strict.
I've done the research, it's been my goal for awhile now.
Companies are legally required to discriminate against hiring people who aren't from the EU or an EFTA country (like Switzerland or Norway). That means you pretty much have a 0% of getting a job there as an American, unless you get transferred there by a company you already work for.
The only way around this is to have a degree from a Swiss university, which means companies aren't allowed to discriminate against you. I'm gonna get my masters there, so that'll cover that for me.
Americans only need to live in Switzerland for 5 consecutive years to qualify for a permanent residence visa, compared to 10 years for most countries. You can also get a permanent residence visa if you marry a Swiss person. That means if you lose your job, you can stay in Switzerland and don't have to leave. It's still 10 years to apply for citizenship though, and you need to be fluent in one of the local languages to do that, along with a bunch of other things.
Most companies (at least in IT) also won't hire you if you're not fluent/very high level in at least 2 of French, German, Italian, or English.
This, I got expats complaining all the time that they get no chance to improve their language skills because Swiss will switch automatically to English whenever they hear the slightest bit of accent
>high migration background
>liberal employment laws
>high disparity between the rich and poor
yeah we're pretty much america light
Mu dad used to work in Switzerland as financial chief of some large business. And he also disliked the people, as he felt people got judged by their wealth. He said the Swiss were unpleasant people that are only there if you have money.
I have no idea if its true though.
We don't talk about money and showing of your wealth is absolutely haram and social suicide.
On the other hand, If you aren't married to a Swiss or really put a huge effort into building up a social circle you will hardly ever get more than superficial contact with Swiss people. It is very hard for foreigners to find friends here.
Same here. Except Dutch people are always open and friendly, but if you want more than exchanging pleasantries you have to make an appointment. And were too busy (watching tv) for that.
The only language you need in this world is English. What is the point of mumbling a few words of German in a funny accent?
How clear are the cultural distinctions between the German/Italian/French areas of Switzerland? Also, is Swiss-German a dialect or a distinct language?
Higher quality of life desu
the cultural borders do not run along the language borders. A Calvinist Genevan will have more in common with someone from Zurich than someone from Fribourg and so on.
Swiss German is either high or highest Alemannic and it is intelligible to regular German speakers.
>visit switzerland
>have a rare conversation with a swiss person
>his english is better than mine
>he also speaks 2-3 other languages
dont know much about it but i hear their flag is a big plus
They never going to be like americans
>12 years residency, no criminal record, no welfare record in the past 2 years, evidence of full integration including language and in some counties it still takes a public vote to grant citizenship.
True, we have a national BMI around 23. Every time I travel in Germany I'm astonished how many fat people there are. Not sure why tho.
I love Swiss cheese
Switzerland is more like the Australia of Europe i think
Over 50% of people have 1 foreign parent but im included in that because i have a white south african mum. I know an insane amount of people born in england who've lived here as a small child.
And our biggest immigrant groups are still british and kiwis.
Unironically Russia is the America of Europe, just poorer.
I love American Bourbon
:) You are welcome to it, my friend. Together we shall eat well
All the trash, scum and niggers from my village emigrated to France or Switzerland
Portuguese diaspora are the worst people I've ever met. I would unironically genocide them all
Cхyяли тyт pyccкий флaг, живoтнoe?
>Mu dad used to work as financial chief of some large business
>people got judged by their wealth
What the fuck did he honestly expect in that kind of business?
Me too, fuck those dumb emigrants
So basically California?