El Salvador
>you’re cunt >do women go crazy for doctors on your cunt
I think that's true in every country. Even third world witchdoctors get pussy.
El salvador
t. doctor. Fuck my life.
My brother is a doctor and he got the ugliest wife in all Mexico.
Yes, but only if you're white
Why not??
what is the disadvantage of having an ugly wife?
Yeah im a latino doctor and got asked out by a sexy 19 year old nurse on my last school rotation i was even a registeree doctor yet but had my lab coat on lol
>An American doctor will make more in 1 year than I will in 8 years as a doctor in Sweden
Also, in this shitty job you see every week 14 year old qts that come to register for pregnancy checkup from mara niggers. It's pretty sad to see how those bastards get all the hot teens while i wasted my youth on this useless degree and am still a virgin. I feel like a cuck.
Bro just post a picture of urself in a labcoat and use tinder to fuck hot teens
Are u autistic?
>Only is they have a specialty
About to apply to mine in about a week .
That american doctor had the luck to get into a residency program that 20 more didn't, and that 70 foreign doctors didn't.
There was another Salvadoran that used to post here who was a doctor, too. I went to medical school for three years and I couldn’t deal with the pressure t bh
Nobody uses tinder here. Perhaps trannies do.
Take STEP 1 and find a residency in the US then, if these third world pajeets can do it, I don't see why you can't
GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE MATE. You jumped ship right in fucking time. Medicine is a big waste of time. Just drive around Colonia Escalon, San Benito or Santa Elena. They're full of bank offices, advertisement agencies, and fucking spas or hair salons. Doctors are not needed in this shithole, and their culture is fucking annoying, all doctors are fucking pricks.
3 years? Man u were so close my negro u should go back
Are you trying to scam me mate? My brother is also a doctor, he DID Step 1 and 2, passed them and nobody accepts him because no residency program can be assed to process an H1 visa for him.
I want a cute small doctora gf
I’ve used it before and there is some cutes here and there but it scares me to think that they might be the type of women that would have a baby with a negro marero t bh
Salvadoran women have no taste, though, so you truly must be autistic to not be capable of finding a girlfriend while being a doc
In a way you’re right even call centers are paying more now than the government will pay you for being a doc. I think I made the correct decision after all
It was only three years but those three years were suffering. My body is just not physically capable of functioning well with only a few hours of sleep
It's 8 years here.
1st year is leveling from highschool. Literal highschool Biology, chemistry, physics.
2nd Year is real med school. Anatomy and physiology
3rd year is microbiology and pharmacology
4th year is semiology. You go to the hospital and watch a doctor do his consultation. Every fucking day, just stand there and watch. Useless bullshit
5th year is medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology. Literally the same as before plus you do night shifts of slavery every week
6th year is the same thing as before
7th is internship. You learned nothing but now all the inpatients lives are in your hands. Pretty much you're a secretary who fills out forms and do errands. Hellish experience of 36 hour shifts every 4 days with no breaks all year long, and you still have to study
8th year is social service. You work in a public clinic with no wage for a year. You deal with the shitty people of this country. You also make a half assed made up thesis.
Over the course of studies in this degree, there is a class that is called primary healthcare, it's nothing but bullshit reading guidelines to fill out forms in social service. It's 12 fucking classes and pretty much adds up as one year long of that bullshit.
And in the end, you're unemployed! And hated by everyone. Congratulations!
Man you did fucking nothing. You're living the life.
Do you not have private clinics splattered all over the place? Every doctor I've met has at least one.
It's the only way to survive after all, but only the old cunts get patients.
Fuck it all, im becoming a chef or a violinist.
Oh, look at this slut, so full of life. He probably fucked that biochem professor to pass, and no doubt she fucks the surgeon residents to get a good score in her night shifts.
It sounds like u finished the hardest years of studying and just needed to work on internships and stuff u have to go back son, think of all the pussy u will get if u become a dr
Yeah but like the other user said it’s only the old guys the ones that get a lot of patients, young doctors have to make a name for themselves first so that means working for the government for like fifteen years or something like that but there is no guarantees that that will make you a successful doctor at the end anyway
Fuck it all man. The only reward of internship was that i got to touch teeny preggo nipples once.
why do doctors in literally every country cry about how bad they have it but they have it the best in that country out of all other professions? same shit in here too
No. We fear, distrust, slightly disgusted by them. They're over educated austists with no time and a high tolerance for gorey stuff
Those faggots are unionized they can demand everything they want,
It's not the best profession here mate. Best profession here is marketer or some corporate shit like that.
Ugly children
Maybe in Europe and USA but here it definitely isn’t the best career path. People at call centers are winning more money than your average doctor nowadays
The average woman still finds doctors the sexiest of all proffessions
>It's pretty sad to see how those bastards get all the hot teens while I wasted my youth
I got you bro...
any profession that offer control, money, and reputation such as doctor attracts psychopaths, and psychopaths attract women
The control of telling a fat woman to diet and have her come every month even fatter
but loyal wife
doctors literally have the power to decide life and death of its patients.
seen one childhood friend of mine who suddenly collapsed in highschool (never happened before) and her doctor mum was just like "oh ok", eerily cold bunch of people
>the power to decide between life and death
Rather the power to decide at what hour you want them dead. Every day is like this in the hospital, you look for the dying to check what bed will become available that night.
Doctors don't save lives. At most they slow down death for a few days.
That's 1/4 of why our health costs are so out of wack (the other three are administrative costs, lack of any incentive to save, and a bizarre need among Americans to offer unlimited insurance to certain people so 75 year old cancer patients can live to be 80 year old cancer patients). A GP in the U.S. makes literally x1.5 as much as a Canadian GP despite the U.S. and Canada having nearly identical median incomes. It's an even bigger gap for nurse practicioners and physician specialists. Even fucking dentists make 30% more in the U.S.
What were his scores? What specialties did he apply to? What programs did he apply to?
You have to apply smartly, there are programs that accept PRIMARILY foreign docs, because the work conditions are (relatively) shitty. But if you're applying to Harvard's general surgery program.. obv you're not going to get in unless you're like top 1%