Why are brazilians like this?
Why are brazilians like this?
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Don't give more material to that autistic romanian homo. He already works hard every hour of the day spamming 15 different boards
Am I gay?
he looks like a geisha on the right
No, it is not gay for a man to be attracted to a feminine looking person. It is quite heterosexual, in fact.
What other boards does he spam on?
/lgbt/, also /sp/ i think
How do you know it's him
he makes the same thread every day with the text "why are you gay?" (which he posts on Jow Forums frequently as well) and posts the same images he posts here
Jow Forums and Jow Forums too
not that I go there, but I've seen him there first thing in the rare occasions I clicked on it
Hmm what an strange lad desu
I still have no name of this guy, pls tell me
He's kind fat anyways
nevermind he isn't transgender like i thought
why are you saving tranny pics and why did you even get to a site where you could save them...
that's the real question
he isn't?
I'm talking to the dog not its flea
he is, you almost tricked me
I would fuck it.
they want BWC
Amerindian twink genes.
Why is this board so fucking gay?
Argentina will beat Brazil in the shemale porn industry by 2020
Our shemales are not that hot
maybe it's just because i'm smashed but i love trannies. i fuckin' love trannies, dudes
Maybe but Japan still have the 1# place in shemale porn
Looks better than 9 out of 10 girls on the street
honestly, your trannies are much better. i find it very hard to fap to a jap tranny
Our trannies look like shit. They are strong and ugly.
Japanese ones looks sexy and comfy
that tranny manages to look like a woman but at the same time ugly. wtf
>first world trannies
>don't pass at all
>kill themselves
Brazilian trannies
>actually more beautiful than most women
>thicc as hell
ok, this is epic
Why cut it open? Why?
no way
agree. but the north american trannies are fine also.
Uma delĂcia
amo travestis
quem ai tb?
I don't see anything wrong with this.
Neanderthal genes. Seriously, every country with Neanderthal genes (anywhere outside of Africa) has faggots and trannies in abundance. There's a direct correlation between Neanderthal genes and tolerance for faggotry.
The blacks are rife with homo/tranny shit. They just try to hide it a lot more because being masculine is basically all they have.
Whites are much gayer and you also have the cuck fetish that is peak faggotry. Blacks in America are also more likely to develop faggot behavior because they're 30% white on average.
Would you rather have sex with a tranny or play Deadspace? or Resident Evil 2?
Based and redpilled
>I, I.. I have something that I need to show you, user
i want those trannys
You are gay.
All boards on Jow Forums are into traps now.
I think it's a symptom of pornography and hentai.
I started watching porn at like 10 years old. After more than a decade of porn, you end up looking for new stuff, and more extreme stuff.
BDSM, Interracial, Midgets, and inevitably Traps/Trans.
That's what happened to me at least. I'm not gay tho, I would never date a trans women, and I'm not attracted to them romantically. It's more of a domination type thing, when it comes to traps.
He's not fat at all, probably 20 BMI, most internet traps are just really underweight. And he doesn't have a feminine frame.
fucking trannies is cool, it's not real faggotry. also, the problem with faggotry is that it's out in the open. as long as you recognise the superiority of the heterosexual way (we create kids) and shut the fuck, it's not so bad. @ me iff i'm 100% right
black men on average are more likely to identify as gay when compared to other races of men
and this is from a community that is rife with homophobia, meaning the numbers would in fact be higher
Highly questionable considering the gayest and most fucked up degenerate shit and government policies comes from whites and white countries.
>Highly questionable
the statistics don't lie, and that gallup poll had a large sample size also (120,000 responders)
they're a tiny percentage of west's population yet make up an overwhelming amount of its LGBT scene
take a look at any pride parade and see how many black are out skipping about
Highly questionable, too many cucks and pro-gay government policies.
>had a large sample size also (120,000 responders)
That's barely the minimum. I rarely ever see black faggots, if at all. Brazil for example is a 90% black/brown country and yet 90% of faggots are white.
This picture was taken at a gay party in Bahia, the blackest state in Brazil, filled with white faggots.
>Highly questionable, too many cucks and pro-gay government policies.
Not really, did you ever consider that the reason why west is so relaxed when it comes to gay rights, is that it is because the average western man is less likely to be insecure about his sexuality orientation when compared to other groups of men?
you think it's a coincidence that the most homophobic communities also have the highest percentage of gays? it's a collective coping mechanism
>That's barely the minimum. I rarely ever see black faggots,
i don't care about your subjective views you fucking autist, statistically the average black man is more likely to glaze or bounce on a cock than any other race of men, and that is a statistical fact
Whites are by far the most cucked and faggot race no matter how hard you try to deny it. Your low birthrates, high divorce rates, cuckolding, obsession with importing millions of men from the third world into your countries and you faggot-loving pedophile governments are more than enough proof, something Europeans were already very well known for since Rome.
It's not about being secure about your sexuality, you're just really a bunch of faggot cucks and it makes perfect sense why you're being dominated by Muslims and your entire race is dying out for not having enough children anymore.
>Whites are by far the most cucked
White men have the highest levels of interracial dating and sex by far, where as 1/3rd of all ethnic ""men"" in the west are self-admitted sexless losers
>low birth rates
This isn't the 80s, birth rates are on the decline globally as living standards improve, the only people have 3-4+ kids are dirt poor farmers
>high divorce rates, cuckolding
kek you keep beating around the bush with niche studies, you did the same when you posted the anti-lgbt hate crime study as "proof" that ethnic men aren't gay. Even though if you poll them directly you'll find out they're more homo on average
And now you're doing the exact same with the divorce and cuckold studies
why can't you be direct and bring up marriage statistics? dating statistics? co inhabitant stats?
because you know it will expose you like gay study did
>the biggest cucks
>the highest divorce rates
>the lowest birthrates
>the most cucked and pro-gay governments
>divorce stats
beating around the bush again
Whites males make the best beta provider cucks. Women don't want you because they're sexually attracted to you, they're sexually attracted to your wallet and your black neighbor. You try that in any non-white country and women are guaranteed to get murdered because we have a very low tolerance for cuckoldry.
the brazilian user is too disingenuous to post studies that directly show who is getting cucked and who isn't, so he has to cope with divorce rates and other off-topic studies
Meanwhile your entire faggot cuck race is dying while black populations keep growing like never before. Your denial is simply pathetic, it's so much evidence it's hilarious.
>birth rates
i told you, this isn't the 80s, declining birth rates are a global issue
you need to stop coping and accept reality my friend, it gets easier over time
See It doesn't matter how hard you try to deny it, it's all over the place and the whole world can see it. Even the Chinese are making jokes about whites being cucks, and women love white cucks because you pay them alimony support while they're busy banging real men.
you are correct but you are wasting your time by arguing with that guy
Indeed he is. An entire dying race of faggot cucks trying to convince me that black men, of all races, are the biggest gays. Hahahahaha
i'm not trying to convince him he's wrong or anything, just for others reading
you can search the archive and see that the incel is here posting everyday
he's deranged desu, i see him commtiting a mass shooting
Guess which race is the gayest and most cucked in Brazil.
Had it not been for the laws of this land, i would have slaughtered you.
>Had it not been for the laws of this land, i would have slaughtered you.
Why are most faggots in Brazil white despite Brazil being a predominantly black country? Is it their faggot cuck genes?