What's the tallest church in your country?

What's the tallest church in your country?

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Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal in Antwerp

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This beauty

Attached: Rouen Cathedral.jpg (800x1281, 239K)

WOW, is the spire entirely made of steel?

radio mast/10

Cast iron actually, but yes
Very impressive

I'd highlight the tallest church in my country (NYC) but its activities embarrass me so I won't

The one in my heart :3

it's the heighest in the world too

cologne cathedral is 4 m shorter but more aesthetic though

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>Cast iron
I'd have thought that would rust to easily.The maintenance cost must be astronomical

Beauty, but I can't wait for the day the construction works in Mechelen will be resumed. It would have been the tallest in the world.

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Salisbury Cathedral, 123m. Very popular with Russian assassins.

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I can't help it, but it looks quite small actually.

Its...something I guess.

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ugh...what could have been...


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This trash

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can we all agree that gothic looks better than romanesque?

No, romanesque looks more impressive and medieval to me.

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The tallest American church is my Big Black Cock




aarhus cathedral. 96m

this is correct

Cathedral Basilica of Lima
Dunno the height

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