My dream is to insert my dick into the big ass of a white woman. My height is 173. my dick is 16.5cm. Do I have a chance?
I'm not incel.
My dream is to insert my dick into the big ass of a white woman. My height is 173. my dick is 16.5cm...
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My dream is that Japan gets nuked again.
>posting whores
Why don't you go to the West?
My dream is to get a Japan GF
Because this is Jow Forums, so people will say nasty shit to try and get a reaction.
Probably have a chance cause of the kpop
post your dick, pussy.
if you guys don't treat your uncontrolled horniness you will regret it so much in the long run
Why? Whats wrong with our women?
Only if you're negro
>being a curry nigger
Japanese girl is best
my dick's bigger
step aside takeshi no vacancy here
>I'm not incel.
Sure things, Takeshi.
>being a whore lover
Dat ass
they are not cute and pretty like Japanese girls
I just dont feel attracted to them
I would still go out with girl on the right desu
>Probably have a chance cause of the kpop
I'm not interested in gay sex.
sure thing, poo-in-loo
Are you Chink cunt in BC?
okay mahummad,thanks for the reminder.
I love only our women
Gook cunt in BC*
Very close
I really love your milfs
Jow Forumsに来る日本人はネトウヨか頭のおかしい人ばかりだからね。
My dream is to get a Japan gf, i'm a manlet with 19 cm