Brythonic edition 2
Other urls found in this thread:
me on the left LOOOL
the current reading material
Why have none of you ever had sex?
based taff
What's happened to Tim lads?
Haven't heard from him in quite a while
>posts norman castles
that's embarrassing
realistically, you'd rather be irish or scottish than welsh
Im a poor white northerner who grew up in a household with alchoholics
Irish are the lowest of the low
anyone else here hate taigs?
did you vote for brexit?
pakistan zindabad
Safe to say I won the last thread
slowthai and dave the favourites to win the mercury prize
my face got a bit burnt after sitting out in the sun reading a book for an hour
This indian summer does not suit the delicate Irish palette
how can you be depressed just be happy instead, not difficult
think my monitor might be too big or it's because i'm using a TV as a monitor and it's fucking my eyes up
Bore off Jow Forums u borin cunt
Never heard of slowthai and dave is a wog so it's not looking good is it lads
honestly reading through this mong's posts he is one of THE most boring posters on this site
literally adds zero interesting content
what book?
why does everyone say Irish people have green eyes
Imagine actually needing anti bullying software to browse Jow Forums, honestly can’t think of anything more pathetic
Storm of steel
they have a higher proportion of green eyes than anywhere else even though it's still a very low percentage
Scottish people are the worst of the worst in my experience.
Imagine seething because you got filtered LOLE
no we dont
you can filter on the native extension you stupid cunt
no we aren't
be quiet
yes you do
and he thinks he's a bully
i appreciate the envy we all have for scots
You seem like you know a lot about anti bullying software you delicate cunt
>honestly can’t think of anything more pathetic
being a tripfag or a janny
my skin is peeling so bad. it's because i was out in the sun for two weeks a couple of weeks ago during my holidays. was literally boating everyday, waterskiing and whatnot.
do people unironically think jannies are unpaid?
how gullible do you have to be
The Scotch are fucking based, you have to admit that
They get $30k per year
Toi est á Americain avion chien beacoup une pizza travaille
Shut up daffers
if you think that janny who deletes russophobic posts isn't getting paid by some gay discord somewhere i have a bridge to sell you
Scots have the personas of big ard men but they are the softest blouses I've ever encountered. Every single one has a chip on their shoulder about something or another.
Scots have become Swede-tier in left-wing cuckishness. Nothing rugged or manly about them at all any more. Last time Scots were cool was the 90s
never met anyone with green eyes
haha yeah lad nice! improvements!
>Flying saucers, levitation
>Yo, I could do that
>Scots have become Swede-tier in left-wing cuckishness
who hasn't desu
Fuck off pol u boring cunt
i also like scottish people
better than engloids
Imagine wanting independence but wanting to stay in the EU lmao
The Irish and Scotch people are the most powerful race of people in the entire world.
that's because you're autistically afraid to look people in the eyes
If I was a Jannie I would totally take bribes and just all round abuse my position for monietary gain.
You silly island people and your silly island people images
A bit like blacks
boring book for boring cunts
fuck off back to pol yourself you boring cunt
alri micheál why haven't you been around much lately
Fuck off pol
just a few short days before the cycling world championships grace our beautiful yorkshire lanes
cannot wait lads
sniffing my farts
me mam
me sister
Just been busy man.
>says the Brit/pol/ tripcunt
i did go for a coffee with toilberg, it was literally just a coffee
cheeky cunt made me pay
uh huh
how many hours do you typically put in per week
struck a nerve have i
Who the fuck are you mong boy. Get out of my thread.
>literally can’t stop talking about me
business good?
so I don't think anybody has asked before but what are your thoughts on brexit lads?
Whole lot of lead to steal from church roofs
Death to america
Death to israel
A curse upon the jews
alri Zachy
love a brexit me
uni seems like a heavy laugh quid for a vodka n aw that patter till ye needty spend 4 year way cunts called harold who went on a gap year first to "find himself"
shlomo won't like this one
it was summer so lots of people on holidays
houses unattended
7-7 about 5 days a week averaged out I'd reckon. It's alright. Just very bored man
A Brit/pol/ homeless nonce
the poo is at the proverbial gates
Fact: every single European cunt is bent as a banana
mikey's been going my driveway
shabby job he did as well
stealing the bricks or laying them?
some britpol tripcunt in a padded cell
sick to bastard death of you lot
based mikey
would absolutely heem that displaced triprunt like tyson fury
got a few of them in me bath
looks ugly, kill it