Jow Forums Do you sometimes wish you could suck your own dick? (no gay btw)

Jow Forums Do you sometimes wish you could suck your own dick? (no gay btw)

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I did it once, regret it since
I am horny but not that horny

I wish I could suck anons dick

how did you do it?

auschwitz people can bend to that point

so your saying ur skinny af?

>>yes, I suck my own, what give it away?

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I've had at least 5 dreams where I do autofellate. Not sure what that means.

i can do it

No, but I really wanted a qt guy to suck it.

I just want to suck dick desu

pics or it didn't happen

kys faggot

You really want to suck your dick/you want to fuck your mother.

I can and it's not as fun as it sounds.

I can suck my own dick but I don't do it, why would I want precum in my mouth?

me too

I've been told it feels more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked

even better

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you need to lick the head not the skin around it

but what does it MEAN

It's not very pleasant since it's painful to get into the position where you can do it and you regret it pretty quickly when you end up with semen in your mouth and you're not turned on anymore

No, i'd rather suck someone else's dick, but unfortunately i can't do that because i'm straight and only attracted to vaginas.

You forgot what country you're quoting

I sucked my dick by accident two times

wat? how did that happen?

Yes, im not very flexable and I wish I could sometimes when very horny. Although id probably instantly regret it once I nut.

First I wanted to know if I could do it sitting down and second standing up, turns out I can do both