Hispanics, explain yourselves

Hispanics, explain yourselves.


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Argentinx are racist

Nacri Nato

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>that BK Brazil reply

Uh, I know it but I don't think I should say it

Burger King confirmed to be the fast food chain for gamers


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uhhh it would've actually been funny if they said the 'NDEAH' in the same twit

>Emergency food
>the main producer of food historically


more like soy, ever since 2000 we only plant soy

you don't understand it wasn't real neoliberalism
That's what happens when your entire farming sector is operated by rich cunts who only care about the export market to finance their fifth finca

to do fuel? where are these fuckton of cows that used to be there

It's been this way ever since 1800s, since they (the 'Rural Association') funded the wars against natives in 1860 to conquer southern Argentina and in exchange they got the lands.

They funded multiple coup d'etats and who knew, the moment militar juntas took control of the country, members of that association got positions in the Ministry of Economy and made changes benefiting themselves

For some, "normies" is the N word

Consider ending your life prematurely


What does that mean?

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>It is taboo to say "negro" in his country

what the actual fuck I still cant get my head around this idea, amerigoblos are cucked

ni idea

It's a new nigger way of saying "no idea", the pronunciation is malformed on purpouse to show it's being used in a sarcastic way. Again, you see anyone using that expression, treat him like a subhuman (same way you'd treat any argie)

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Is Burger King based and redpilled?

If it wasn't for the farming sector we would've been Venezuela 20 years before venezuela
>b-b-but they have money so they are bad ppl :(



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>that picture
holy cringe

>>the main producer of food historically
I feel like we porduce more than u

Is the word also used in reggaeton? I think I've heard it once in a song.


no,it's a meme from twitch


It is an Argentinian thing, ndeah and ahre, ahre is from ah reloco, and it means you are a crazy troll.

Hunger makes you say weird things

Thanks for Vaca Muerta and the beautiful Patagonian lands btw


They gave account control to a zoomer it seems.

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Ah the classic brasilian education

no one gives a fuck about that in latin america, you could call a black person a nigger to his face and he wouldn't give a fuck

Just a couple if rich fuckers own the soy production and sell it to other countries, we get nothing out of that.

They would stab you and rob you, if you don't say anything they would do it anyways.

Afrouruguayans do care tho

>¿Te puedo decir negro?
>Depende. Normalmente son conceptos para denostar. La discriminación de lo negro tiene que ver con que la hegemonía se encuentra en otro lado. Yo no te digo “blanco”.

why do argentinians hate black people so much?

well maybe the southern cone is an exception because blacks are a really small minority

We only hate brown and beige people, we don't hate our fellow BLACK brothers

Claro que sí les dicen blanco, que son pelotudos? El puto liberalismo marxista, ni si quiera son negros puros, todos los negros de Uruguay son mulatos hasta De La Cruz es mas blanco que la mitad de los brasileños

Europeans say it more after getting culturally enriched by africans.

El negro de la nota es gay y esta casado con un argentino "blanco". Tenes que entender que esta en un nivel de progresismo especial

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you're white

argentina es un cancer
un cancer que de a poco se filtra por las fronteras y los paises vecinos nos volvemos un poco mas idiotas cada dia que pasa

quien invento el dulce de leche?

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LTA yorugato


los asiaticos, en el 3000 antes de cristo
es literalmente calentar leche con caña de azucar, y la caña de azucar no llego a america hasta la conquista

El manjar es Chileno
El pisco es Chileno
Las arepas son Chilenas
La antártica es Chilena
El ceviche es Chileno
Machu Picchu es Chileno
Las Galápagos son Chilenas
Los tacos son Chilenos
Los hotdogs son Chilenos
El tango es Chileno
Las Falklands son de Inglaterra

La Patagonia es chil-


What did they say?

Los de Tacuarembó, obviamente.

>clown profile pic
Every time che

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