Jow Forums
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International #1115
WWI naval strength
This is considered the best film ever made. Is it even well-known in countries other than America...
/nachtschicht/ wenn die sonne aufgeht wieder /deutsch/
I wish i was white
Does Jow Forums like med music?
/balk/ eliniko edition
/ita/ - il filo della bellezza algida
Post Shahar (the Israel meme man)
When I masturbate I like to visualize the indigenous cultures of asia minor, Iran and India...
What do people in your country think about Russia?
I just fixed Europe
Why are they so smart
ITT: Jow Forums in 1801
You're cunt
Do 23andme
Are n-words based?
Hilo latino
Warmongering boomer
Black women produce more estrogen that wh*te Women
/luso/ fio lusófono
Is this common in your country?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
My language will go extinct in 2 centuries or less. Anyone else the same?
Ville Valo from HIM
Is this true in America?
I am a child of immigrant parents. Born in Sweden AMA
How do we save ourselves from a French dominated Europe in the XXI century?
I will buy an iPhone 11 soon. Is the brand popular in your cunt?
White American girl in Latin America
How long have you been here?
Why are Asian girls so perfect?
Hey you should handicap your country because their might be some nasty effects in a hundred or thousand years from now
Thoughts on German-Americans?
Bück Dich
Katara is my favorite brown anime girl. I could never be racist knowing that, if she were real...
What countries do you hate the most?
Dios mio
I suffer in poland
Worship me I am North Italian
/fr/ - le francofil
Can you euros tell which country a girl is from just by just looking at them?
/v4/ + friends
1.cunt tree
À partir d'aujourd'hui, la Lingua Franca pour Jow Forums est le français
Why isn't turkey as rich as France and Belgium when it too had a really large colonial empire
Ruins latin america
International Photos
*blocks your path*
When did you understand that capitalism is a deadend and socialism is the only real solution?
Brazil isn't whi-
Why didn't your country help Poland in her time of need?
This photo was taken at a gay party in the state of Bahia, the blackest state in Brazil (81.4% black)
Why do spaniards want to be pigskins instead of med bulls??
Why do they worship white people so much?
India and Albania have the same average IQ
Rich people
How do Italians and Spainards feel about having Germanic names like Federico, Enrique, Rodrigo, Riccardo, Alberto...
There are only 356 regular posters on Jow Forums
Did it really happen? Is Wikipedia reliable?
Sverigetråden - Greveupplagan
How much would you pay to spend time with an American?
/deutsch/, früher Abend
Why is kot perfect being?
Do Britfags Hate The Germans?
8 out of 10 of the top rated movies on imdb are American
Pay attention, fags
Please explain to me WHAT about this is schizophrenic at all
Was there a weirder man in history than this one?
What's your favorite developing country (second world)?
Would you go out with a spanish girl?
Tfw no big butt redhead gf
Please enlighten me
Do Americans really do this ??
Jow Forumscraft: Yugo Wars
Anybody noticed the browns are getting a little too uppity on Jow Forums...
I only speak 4 languages:
She has balls to complain about Brazil or USA
Why are posters from these countries always so agressive, abrassive, crude, angry, lacking humour, etc
Who are you going to support in this inevitable war?
Top 30 most common last names in Sweden
First world niggas be like "Oh no...
King kike hates them
/mex/ thread
/ita/ - il filo
Where were you when you realized that Finland is the worlds only internet superpower?
Saturday night Finlan bread
How do Americans live like this?
Damn I thought Italy was first world
Ur cunt
Shut up fat
ITT: seething yuropoors
Would you say that Israel is more or less of a legitimate country than for example Belgium?
Wtf bros
From today's march on Jokkmokk
How do you say "HAHAHAHAHAHA" in your language?
This is Slovenia
Internet is faster than many developed countries
Would you marry a Latina?
Where were you when you realized that the Portuguese are quietly the best people in all of Europe
Why do redditors like to use the term "Mayo" when talking about wh*Tes...
Is winter in Scandinavia as comfy as it seems?
Norwegian Male & Female phenotype
Do you shave your pubes?
Im balding bros
You currently share the planet with Br*z*lians
Thank god Br*zilians are on the other side of the world
How is the education system in your area?
Where is you're forename common
Who's worse?
Chaste Knights™ edition
I'm American and my opinion is *bbbrrrrrraaaaaaap* my opinion is *bbbrrrrrraaaaap* this foreskin too spicy *snip*...
The future of the British Isles
How do we make Jow Forums love America again?
60000 years
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Fun fact: In Finland it is illegal to defend yourself or your property
/balk/ Royal edition
Holocaust? What's that?
What race is this?
This is my hometown
Why do Americans dress like little kids?
In Europe, kids lose their virginity at 13
Reminder to all trans """"people"""" that your self image and identity is a product of escapism and mental illness and...
/ita/ - il filo pacifista
Tell me your daily routine
Tried for decades to get accepted by Europe
/svt/ - Sverigetråden
So we have now 3x more vacant jobs that unemployed people
/deutsch/ pustefix edition
"I am European. I love my race and I support Americans."
Michigan should become an independent Arab state and admitted to the Arab league
Western civilization
You will never have an italian girlfriend
Barely make up 0.6% of the global population
I hate having to work
Why dont you have a gf, user? Are you afraid of girls? Are you considering to go tranny? or you're just a fa9got?
Countries where South is better than north:
Do you love Apulia, land of the Apus?
Tell me about evolution of sweden architecture
How can I get rid of this tumor?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
How do we save Belarus from being swallowed by Putin?
/museum tour/
Do you love poland?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
The future
Why do European girls like Muslim guys so much? (any swarthy person from South Asia/Middle East)
1. Your country
What do americans eat in the breakfast?
What does European think about Arab people?
1. your country
ITT post landmarks from your country
What countries in Europe have good employment prospects for programmers and would actually grant a visa to a foreigner...
1. your Country
What is the best city in Europe?
Face of Jow Forums
I just realized Poland is richer then Portugal
"the Chinese are the negroes of the East" -my Mom
Official language: Arabic
I just realized im a complete faggot, I cant get off to women (not even to traps) at all anymore. FUCK U Jow Forums
An Italian family entered the metro today. They were very loud
It's Caturday
Ring ring
R8 my handwriting in english and post yours
So my dog and my dearest friend had stroke yesterday and it's can't move his legs anymore...
Why are Middle-Easterners so fat?
Name one (1) thing she has said that is wrong
Is there even a single real japanese on this board or is it all proxies and tourists/english teachers?
You have 10 seconds to act as Italian as possible
Europe should unite as one
Why are asians so trendy?
Will Greece ever regain Constantinople?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - /mikoto/
The two greatest leaders in world history
Which movie best symbolizes your country?
This is America
Be western woman
Eastern Europe expectations vs Eastern Europe reality
Makes sense
Kurva anyátok
Thank you to abos for sharing your land with us :)
Ðis is justice
Call a US bank
I was the most famous poster in Jow Forums /int in 2012-2014. Ask me everything, lads
Been there done that. Can you say the same?
Korean women stopped breeding with Korean men
Do Americans really?
Indios are literally chinks
Why are Balkans stupid?
/FR/ le francophile
Please come to America and fuck our women!
Why do you hate this country?
Well Jow Forums? What are you wainting for?
Bombs on Japan were not necessary, the war was already nearly over at that point...
Post the worst countries ever
Why are amerisharts like this?
Terronis are the real Italians. Cringe northern LARPers should just fuck off to Austria if they hate South Italy so much
Do Americans really
This picture was taken at a gay party in Bahia, the blackest state in Brazil (81.4% black)
In southern europe the males are more attractive then the females
/lat/ - hilo latino
Post your town city flag this mine berries
MEDI-TERRANEVM master race
So I've accidentally deleted my cute/hot girl folder. Please help me rebuild it
Mexican border
I literally wrote the book of revelation, did you like reading it ?
Why anime become world-wide?
Be me
Hello fellow human being
Do women in your country do this?
Yo momma is so fat, when she passes in front of your tv, you miss half of an episode!
Tfw you remember your Jow Forums phase
Can you imagine?
Do you love Japan?
Sverigetråden - Partyupplagan
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2257
Why do so many SEA people want to be east asian?
What is the "California" of your country?
Mfw sushi is taking over the world
He doesn't speak
Why're white people so straight?
Australian abbos are so fucking ugly...
When the American experiment is complete we will be the most beautiful race to ever walk the Earth
Brown people
Which is the least cringe state?
This is the map of Brazil internet speed...
Do Americans really though?
Can Americans please explain why they love Amazon so much?
How do I become Japanese?
I'm American and my opinion is *bbbrrrrrraaaaaaap* my opinion is *bbbrrrrrraaaaap* this foreskin too spicy *snip*...
How far left would they be in your country?
What's the ideal bodytype for caucasian female?
We're under attack bros, we gotta do something asap!
TFW we're being forced to read the communist manifesto for my Modern History class
Hey Language Masters
Are latinxs black?
Asian names for European countries
How common is your forename?
How has racial diversity made your country better Jow Forums? Please be specific
Be walking around in berlin minding your own business
How common are baizuo in your country?
What's the most evil things whites have ever done in your country?
I want to die
Do you enjoy expensive restaurants?
Favourite pornstar? Has to be Sydney Cole
You wouldn’t believe how hard it is in a Canadian university...
Umm, Australia, are you OK?
Northern Spain
We're all here shitposting because this hairy thing had a lot of sex millions of years ago
Who is Jow Forums's ideal man?
What do you think the average person on Jow Forums's brain looks like?
Is your country normal?
Do Mexicans/Chicanos find this movie offensive or are they lying?
Do you have sisters?
Why did we let Europe die?
What strange things do you see in your metro?
Do people in this area even feel like they belong in a certain country? you're in the core of europe...
Area 51
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
They look like meds but pretend not to be
oh my... Finland-san! ::blushes::
Why are they so fucking based?
Are middle easterns based? how did they manage to make the three most well known religions? how do they do it bros
What the fuck is wrong with Brits? Milk does not belong with tea. This is fucking disgusting
Be honest Jow Forums, do you think your application to be the BULL here would go well...
Reasons to love Israel
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Do Americans really do this?
/brit ////////////////
/ita/ - il filo
The average age of a european is 43 years old
/lat/ + /chegalle/ = Hilo latino
The main difference between Finland and Sweden
Is Spain so empty because of colonialism?
What makes you instantly recognize an american online?
Does anyone even think this 'country' should continue to exist? It was an experiment gone wrong...
He was such a nice and friendly guy. I heard kids really liked him
Your honest opinion on Germany and the German people?
Rural Spain
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Epische Gamer Ausgabe /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What was your country known for in the 1700s?
Is the world finally waking up to the climate crisis?
Do you ever plan to visit countries from South America?
Most yuropoors are more subversive than left-wing jews
Do swedes really do this ?
What's the pagan version of your culture's place of worship would looks like?
Why does Brasilia look desolate...
Why are germans dog fuckers?
/fr/ - le francofil
How to take a shit in Finland:
You can choose one country from this map and swap it for any other country on the earth
Average brazilian poster
Is finland racist?
The coomer
Anyone else here remember the pre-euro time? Talking about the currency
Wtf this is actually possible?
How do Brazilian remember Brazilian Holocaust?
1. country
Are we just gonna keep pretending that these people don't exist?
Stop being so fucking paranoid you bigots all we want to do is defend ourselves
Based Abe importing Polynesian BVLLs to save Japan!
Name three good things about this country
How do Russians and Germans feel about one another?
What do childless europeans do in their free time? in my imagination they smoke cigarettes in cafes...
Mmff mmfmmm, fmfffm
Post the most German music you know. Nothing with red balloons allowed
It's time for the princess of Italy find a handsome, rich and royal husband
Why are swedish people always trying to convince us to sell our souls to united nations and jewish bankers?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsupplagan
Tfw no tomboy gf
Has any of you guys gotten into a fight before...
Do canadians really?
Nofappers on suicide watch
Why is this board so obsessed with women and sex? Like, I don't give a shit about how you like white...
Be worth $30 million+ (probably a lot more)
Thank you for your service
/deutsch/ am Abend
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Is this accurate?
>thousands of this guy raped german girls in 1945
I suffer in Eastern Poland
TFW no one gives a shit about you or your problems and wants you to fail
Why do they love eachother so much?
What do you guys think?
Why are everyone love Asian girl?
This whole Islam angle is making this Left vs Right wing thing very confusing in the West
American tourists asked me for directions today
Lets clear up a few misconceptions you people have. Pic related is what the average american girl is like...
This will be the tallest building in Czech Republic
How many women have you fucked?
Was watching amateur cuck porn as usual
Korean Students Speak
You will never die of frostbite while fighting 30 000 russians with your gang of 2500 karelians and 500 finns in the...
Ancestry Results
Thank you for your service
Basest country?
He calls people nigger on anonymous image boards even though in real life he would never call a black man that
Why not just
I'm starting to feel bad for Asian men
I love Asian American girl
Luso /Fio Lusófono/
Why are Italian girls so perfect?
Portuguese women were built for the french massive cock
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
White People's Problems
/fr/ - le francofil
When I show this to arachnophobes, they don’t seem fazed by it compared to the image of a spider. Why?
/ita/ il filo
The solution to the "White question" isn't is to bring more immigrants
Could I pass as a local in your country?
/deutsch/ Mucki Ausgabe
Sverigetråden - FredagsUpplagan
Mom asks for the password of my computer while i'm at uni because my sisters needs to send an urgent email and can't do...
NEA (Northeast Asia)
What’s the best kind of interracial couple and why is is asian/latina?
Do you love Korea?
Area 51 Raid
Do Arabs girls like Indian guys ?
Hey user u rikeu our costumes?
Name 1 (ONE) country
Was this song popular in your country ?
Your country
Pic related
Climate strike
Int is the worst board
Fuck feminazis
Why jap, cina, korea and fin hated each others?
Is there anything more cringe and bluepilled than abolishing the death penalty?
The perfect country doesnt ex
How are you preparing for the African century?
Korean women don't want to date Korean men
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
So in Canada. unless a girl specifically says “I want to have sex”, it’s rape?
Mutts keep posting pictures of turks and arabs in Germany
Finding a dutch girlfriend
What phone does Jow Forums have?
What video game are you playing, user?
Mfw Americans unironically call roundabouts traffic circles
How do you deal with being ugly?
You have 5 seconds to explain why you haven't converted to Orthodoxy yet user
Does she have the ideal European Phenotype?
Ok so they say a krach will happen
Why is Spanish/French/Italian accent hot, but Eastern European or German disgusting?
Post daily life in your country but use pictures something like this
Bye bye whitey
Go to get a haircut
Would the Arabs accept this?
Doesn't look any better than Northern Ireland which is 3 times poorer
My flight to China is in two days and I'm kind of pussying out :(
*blocks your path*
Sverigetråden - Ett värdigt slut för en värdig häst upplagan
Two girls in this pic, one small, another big
Why are germanic names such as
Do thirdies even realize how easy they got it?
How will life in the year 2100 look like?
The virgin Azeri
White people in the 21st century be like
Can Euros please take their tardcard back?
/fr/ le francofil
He torrents his movies
Japan made Korean women their sex slave
Rate my apartment
A map from a 1997 French textbook represents 'gradients of Europeanness
Gypsies look like this???
Why are Indian and Paki are so disgusting, smelly, short, ugly ??????
In his country they don't have milk bags
/ita/ il filo
Why are black people so funny?
Do you love Belgium?
How can you tell the difference between Brits & Norwegians?
Tfw delusional wife
No you're not white
You wake up in Australia
Why are Poles such victims?
Go on Facebook for the first time in years
/Deutsch/ migriert zum Klimerprotest
1. Native language
It feels like they're over-represented here
Have you stopped drinking yet?
What are r/int's favorite games?
/egy/ /زب/ /misr/ /masr/ /kemt/ /ahwa/ /مصر/
Why is the USA split up into 50 states?
Yes I'm smol
I'm suffering in Istanbul
Is this accurate?
My name is Miika. Does that sound a gay name to your language?
How do I become cuter
Pay denbts
Russian Family Butchered two Adopted Children
I'm better than you. Does this make you angry?
You have 10 seconds to act as Canadian as possible
Are you fighting to end the Pittie stigma?
Would you rather live in the Pacific Northwest or the Northeast?
No one:
I LOVE isreal you should TOO
Wtf indian women look like this???
Name a better country
Hey lads just enjoying some premium european cider :)
Ugh........what could have been
How do I extreminate wh*Tes
Kurva anyátok
Today is area 51 raid. I honestly wish someone dies during the raid for fun
/v4/ + friends
What's the most popular pizza topping in your country?
1. Evropa
/ro/ - firul nostru
Thank you for everything Britain
Those master race feels
Homos & trannies of Jow Forums whats your ethnicity?
Ur cunt
I'm so cold
Is wearing blackface acceptable in your country? could your head of state do it and get away with it?
You do nothing with your guns why do you get so triggered at the idea of losing them?
How common are white American and Latina relationships...
Who is Jow Forums's ideal woman?
Capitalism works tho
What's the special drink in your country?
Be 25
Would you support a military response to Iranian provocations even if that means a 'total war' with them?
Why do they lisp? they almost sound as gay as the French...
Is your country this retarded?
Why do mexicans insist on using american words while speaking spanish?
/lang/ - language learning general
Any other meds here have brown eyes and want to kill themselves?
Jow Forums seriously believes that whites not being the majority anymore = whites dying out
E_ _ _p_ _r
Oh Canada
The Fourth Rome
Why are Chicanos like this?
Aghhhh please save me Donald
Do Americans Really?
Why are asian women so soft? White women have much more muscle definition
Does your country have a best friend?
I lik cofe and frens hehe
Official language: Arabic
Do people in your country eat bugs?
I love this Australian girl
Mfw i remember my Jow Forumstard phase
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Hilo latino /lat/
East vs West coast?
Thoughts on Mexicans-"Americans"?
Why don't African/Middle Eastern countries just recreate the borders of their countries so the ethnicity/religious...
What does the far left look like in your cunt??
The French Empire should have won. Imagine living in a world where Liberté...
/mex/ subcultures
Why does America produce the most disturbed and soulless people in the western world?
Honey, when are you gonna introduce me to your parents?
Hey, you havent finished your daily 4 big macs. You dont want to be put away for disobeying us now do you?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Damn why dont we get attractive politicians like Israelis do, this women is perfect
In America, the majority of children are not proficient at math
What are words that you use that make people instantly know what nation you come from?
Hispanics, explain yourselves
Is mexico relevan for your cunt?
Sum up your cunt in one image
New Jow Forumscraft coming soon
Why are Arabs so cringe and imbeciles?
Why aren't you married yet user?
New movies suck
Do you love Japan?!
Do Russians really do this?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Do Americans really?
How do we civilize these people?
Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
Why westerners are so mild?
Why do Asian girls smell so much better than white girls?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Map thread
Am i simply mentally ill? or am i normal but most of the people in the world went insane...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
English isn't his first language
Which country has the best looking traps/trans
I am black just fucking say it faggots
Say something nice about the country you hate the most
What is the difference?
Why are mutts like this
How difficult is it to learn Finnish?
The third worlder:
Why are Europeans like this?
OMG israel is like so evil, don't you know they literally killed a million billion innocent palestinians...
Why does Eastern Europe produce such good video games?
I hereby declare any nation that fetishizes BLVCK QVEENS great allies of the Baltic Nations (Republic of Lithuania...
/deutsch/ Abend
Das ist ein, achtung Wortspiel, Spider-Man /deutsch/-Faden
I have gotten yellow fever because of this board and i am no longer attracted to white girls or any other race of women...
Are you able enough for an Italian gf?
So they are pretty much western europe, right?
/ita/ - il filo umaroso notturno
You learn the US has just had a communist revolution and the economy has been collectivized by the American workers...
My president
Latinas vs germanics?
1. Your cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Neutral in WWI
What is "light" beer and why do americans love it?
Has your mom/sister ever date a black guy ?
Why do spaniards have germanic names such as Rodrigo, Roberto, Fernando, Afonso, Alberto, Henrique etc
What is the best Latin American country?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Americans really do this
When a non-Arab talks shit
/americas/ general
In Germany where men tend to pee sitting down
American houses
America is the most decadent and hedonistic country in the world
A war is about to start
This terrifies the Alt Right
What country is this?
The future of the British Isles
Why do cute asians date meh strangers?
Would you marry an italian woman?
Thread for the international Jow Forums-related discussion and admiration of East Asian people
Racism isn't natural
Only the best countries ITT
And this is our son's room. He's very knowledgeable of other people's cultures
For me? It's Red Bull, and for you?
Watch our military parade
Where were you that night Jow Forums?
Christian arabs
Have you ever caught your parents having sex?
Eventually all women will be fat and your choice will be either bang fat hogs or be an incel
Emigrating to Canada
Hilo latino /lat/
Noooooo we wont pay the war reparacions we own those things happened suck a long time ago !
Was soll ich als Nebenfach wählen? Hauptfach ist Mathe ehemals/deutsch/
I hate Am*rica so goddamn much
Sverigetråden - Fridlysta upplagan
What's your favorite thing about finland?
What the fuck goes on here?
Ask an Italian girl anything
Seriously though, why do Belgians keep wrecking their F-16s?
Whitoids be like "uh oh marriage too spicy"
My mother is Jewish
Tfw hairy and light skinned
How often do you think about suicide?
/fr/ - le francophiles
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
1. I am a broke American that works online
Post fertility from your country
Stage 1: Anger
Finland paying denbts to Sweden, colourised
I'm sissy for US, I want big American cock to liberate me
An America girl tourist just told me 3 minutes ago
His country uses fahrenheit
Would a Chinese lead world promote degerneracy or crack down on it?
Is 172 cm acceptable in your cunt ?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship