Would you rather live in the Pacific Northwest or the Northeast?

Would you rather live in the Pacific Northwest or the Northeast?

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Southeast of Florida

Northeast has always held an appeal for me although I don't know much about the northwest other than the weather sucks

Rural New England

The northwest has mild temperatures. The northeast has awful temperatures.

Do you have enough money to support this?


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I live in the Pacific Northwest

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>not living in the inland northwest
lmaoing at ur life

Portland is the best state

What is it like?

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PNW is based

shoutout to all the homeless stuck in the 90's sk8erbois of portland

I lived in the northwest for a while and liked it. Never lived in the northeast, might as well try something new.

Both are kino. I would choose northeast.

Either one seems infinitely better than the rest of Murrika.

i've never lived anywhere else so i can't really explain it, it's just home.

Burgers, which state/city would be warm and overwhelmingly white? Does such a place exist?


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Utah is also a cronyist shithole full of weird cultists.

you sound like a seething catholicuck

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Kill yourself M*rmon subhuman


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How? Mormons aren't even talked about during the speeches. Like I said, rent-free.

Unreligious actually.