Ok so they say a krach will happen
Will germany turn into a facist state again and invade its neighboords ?
Ok so they say a krach will happen
Will germany turn into a facist state again and invade its neighboords ?
Yes , not even joking , Germans can't be trusted
I know that...
This time we will stop them
I can't fucking wait
One can only dream...
germans wont do another military invasion but if you haven't realized the ways that germany has been economically and federally invading the rest of europe to get full control I mean, are you even paying attention
You are not European
You are not German
You are Algerian
The EU is just a shitty vertion the 3th Reigh by another name
Wtf is a krach?
100% MED not nafri
the reason why you killed 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 jews
Every single article in the German constitution, every single political institution has been carefully designed to prevent the rise of any anti-democratic forces ever again.
Wich is why they will rise again , oppression gives people strength
They would not hesitate to economically cripple the entire continent to keep their budget surplus.
Maybe that word makes sense in French but it doesn't in German
Yes, no country has ever amended the constitution.
You are no cute
> hurr durr based fascism
When will good-for-nothing NEETs posting frogs on a Kyrgyz traditional medicine imageboard understand that, under a fascist regime, they would be the first against the wall?
>3th Reigh
If hitter won the world would be better , at least for us in the middle east
They'll start with diplomatically integrating some neighboring nations and when it reached the point where people start thinking they're acting weird, they'll invade entire earth (and fail because that's what they do)
And that's what the eternity clause is for which makes it impossible to alter the core principles of the constitutional order, even through constitutional amendment and before you start asking, no the eternity clause can also not be removed or amended.
you arabs are cursed to live in shitholes, nothing will change this
Agenst the wall, no
Homeless because they won't get a joob.
At least the ones on social security.
Shut up John Luke , the Middle East was creating equations while your ancestors battled with shit
The reason me is bad because hitter lost
*Jean Luc, please
Fuck white people
Go back to Algeria
Leave it to the swefag to I instantly gobble the hole bait without even gagging
I'm not algerian I am a MED like you
My brother ..
Are you really this retarded?
Or is this just over engendered German bait?
Please excuse this french flag, he's probably an underage nafri who got lost on his way to /jvc/
I'll gobble your benis silly boy.
nazies got power in germany in absolutely democratic way.
what is jvc?
no offense or anything but imagine thinking some piece of paper has magic powers
>oops, better stop my divisions and battalions of angry heil hitler shouting fanatics in tanks
>cos the other guy has a piece of fucking paper!
That's what it's like being a puppet state. I don't think Germany's unique in this.
The only upside is that because the state identifies itself with certain ideology, once a state has disappeared and been repudiated it will be harder for those ideologies or policies to make a comeback thanks to being seen as a package deal with the regime that instituted them.
18 to post here
that's not even remotely true
you're just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks arent you?
Why does this thread seems like an ERP?
this time we'll nuke jutland