So in Canada. unless a girl specifically says “I want to have sex”, it’s rape?
So in Canada. unless a girl specifically says “I want to have sex”, it’s rape?
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I support raping girls who say that something other than fully forcing yourself on a girl against her will is rape
Are you really implying that flirting automatically means that I want to have sex?
Imagine a girl willingly sucking your dick, but because she didn’t verbally say “I want to suck your dick”, she can say she was raped
It's literally as simple as saying "Are you sure you want to do this?" And her saying yes. I don't understand how you can think this is a bad thing.
no because I'm pretty sure that "coerced consent" is also considered rape
so it's not rape if she says she wants to have sex, sometimes
No. You need to get it in writing.
Here you have to obtain consent for every single act during sex, each time you don't get enthusiastic affirmative consent when changing positions, it's one more potential rape charge.
>girl, on her knees undoing your pants
>"a-are y-you sure you w-w-w-want to do t-this?"
Maybe she just felt like your pants looked better unbuttoned and it was nothing sexual
what if she's mute? is she forbidden from ever having sex?
In Canada, yes.
even if she does say it it's not like they'll believe you over her in court
have sex after obtaining consent
please nuke us
People who make these images and think like this have never had sex or had it in a satisfying manner
If you’re both drunk, the male is the rapist
guess she just has to write it down
why canadian women look like men?
Honestly the best way to obtain consent is marriage. Don't have sex with a woman until you've married her and then treat her like a queen and focus on baby making sex.
No court on earth even the most liberal shithole will bring a husband to trial for "raping" his wife. Marriage is pretty much a deed guaranteeing you to sex. Even if you forcefully rape her, no court will bring charges if you're married
haha how wrong you are, there have been tons of rape cases in marriage
I've never heard of it happening. It's fucked up of there are.
"rape" and "coercion" victims really just need to learn that people, including themselves, can make bad decisions. just because you regret fucking a guy doesn't mean he forced you to do it, you just made a bad choice
just google it, i am 100% you'll find examples immediately even without looking myself
they're trying to normalize mental illness
They seem to imply gays are predisposed toward rape. I never knew Canadians were so bigoted.
try it. here she would get 3/4 of your money, you'd be forced to pay her 4000$/mo and you'd go to jail for 10 years if she so much as whispered she was raped
they're showing how only men can be rapists, this is post rape so they're happy and holding hands - most likely rejoicing in their recent rapes
For w*stoids even yes is not yes.
Plenty of cases in France as well.
Rape happens within marriage, and is regarded as such in France.
Here as well.
Judges already apply that criteria and the current president wants to make it an explicit rule. Also inverted burden of proof in rape cases (have to prove you didn't rape if accused).
>"Are you sure you want to do this?"
>[desert sounds coming from her vagina]
I don't even understand the sign on the left.
I think it’s suppose to be modified lyrics to a song
she is saying she will have a powerful mindblowing orgasm that will contract her vaginal muscles so hard she will literally be holding your hand if you grab her pussy
Shame she is cute.
>Tfw no cute mute girl to be friends with and joke with
>She has terrible handwriting and nobody can read it
>Yes, in my country girls are legally rewuired to say "please fuck me" to get any action. And I always tell them to say it out loud before I do it
Is that supposed to dissuade me?
you have to video tape the consent or get written contract before anything or you are setting yourself up for being accused of rape and paying money and/or jail time
Who cares what she says if she can withdraw consent retroactively?
I cant get a boner while drunk, ive been in situations where I was about to get some from an equally drunk girl but couldnt get it up, i now believe it was a blessing in disguise
>No court on earth even the most liberal shithole will bring a husband to trial for "raping" his wife. Marriage is pretty much a deed guaranteeing you to sex. Even if you forcefully rape her, no court will bring charges if you're married
wait did the ginger rape the arab or did the arab rape the ginger
>you have to video tape the consent
So amateur pron?
I'm ok with this.
Obviously ginger raped arab.
#breaking stereotypes #sobrave #notallgingers
Fact, most people bitching about the wholw consent thing are beta fags that arent really getting much pussy anyway, any well adjusted individual can tell when doing shit is appropiste and when it isnt
Plus a laughablly low number of rapes end up in convictions, even if you did it fully aware of the fact that you where cohercing the other part chances are nothing Will happen to you