Portuguese women were built for the french massive cock

Portuguese women were built for the french massive cock

Attached: portugal.png (700x466, 60K)

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French guys are generally seen by our girls as pretty effeminate desu

French women were genetically engineered for maghrebi cock

what is the difference between portuguese woman and a sea lion ?
one has moustaches, a fur, and smells like fish
the other is a portuguese woman

this is how I was born

I'm a mutt so I am very manly

Arab mutt?
Then you're seen as a filthy moor who must be exterminated in holy crusade.
Euro mutts are the only passable ones.

I'm arab mutt, french father portuguese mother

Ugh, you're the worst.

Portuguese women were designed for my cock

...is this a good thing? :3

Not him but my dad did that
though he doesn't have a massive cock

Are you another portuguese mutt ? based

my father is a massive portugaboo and is currently fixing a house in a small remote village in Portugal. It's really comfy

I see our colonizing genes are still strong, although you're a bone a bit harder than chew compared to Luxembourg or Switzerland.

you are the one who is getting their women colonized by baguette cock user

based fellow french mutt

height ? penis size ? what do you look like

i want to know EVERYTHING ABOUT you

french/portuguese mutt are the most powerful race

your women are the one colonizing our penises

Attached: 3c7.jpg (249x249, 17K)

You may see it that way, but it is France turning portuguese and not the other way around, m8.

height ?
>1m86, need to check that again
penis size ?
>15 on a good day
what do you look like
Like a fucking virgin , not much facial hair, thin hair, at least I don't have receding jaw but it's not remotly close to chad-tier. My brother got all the good gene, he has a massive dick, thick hair and full facial hair

Portugal is turning Chinese

based french settler in Portugal

Do you look more french or portuguese ? also you got a good height and a nice peepee

has you and your brother ever dated a portuguese chick . I gues you live in IDF right ?

Think about all those delicious hapas.
And you're just getting hirsute women.

mhh you are right. Macao provided a lot of asians sex slaves, they belong to our iberian penises

I don't know really, no one ever really commented on my appearance, I used to have a darker skin but I'm a bit more pale now. When I look myself in the mirror I'd say french but my rather big lips throw me into ambiguous mutt territory.
My brother dated classic white chicks in high school/junior school but he is now dating a Spanish girl, not the prettiest girl he had but she is really nice, funny and dresses really well, good banter to
> I gues you live in IDF right ?
Thank god I don't, I'm in Rhone Alpes

Ça va, cher, just dropping by to let everyone know I am Cajun French with a Portuguese wife

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>big lips

how come ? big lips is a negroid feature
You must have negroid ancestors

I live in IDF and it's Portugal V2, there are many portuguese parties

do you also have a white/yellow skin ?

You are not french

not nigga big but I always found them a bit bigger than usual. My ex-gf told my they were big, but she liked them enough to bite them again and again when kissing
I guess, IDF probably has a lot of communities, I always pictured more arabs and blacks there though.
A girl in high school told me that I had yellow skin but no one else told me that. Also an asian guy at my local rpg club asked me if I had asian origins, maybe because I have rather small eyes and that I sometimes close them a bit
please give me some cajun french idioms/expressions, I need them for a ttrpg game taking place in New Orleans.


>I live in IDF and it's Portugal V2, there are many portuguese parties
Do you live in 94 ?

Do you also live dans le val de marne ?

My coiffeuse m'a demandé aussi si j'étais asiat car j'ai des cheveux de chinois

On est pareil bordel

I never heard a such thing

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my portuguese cousin has a french boyfriend and he cleans, cooks, does the dishes etc. but he's a pretty nice guy to be honest so I'm not mad that he's french.
t. portuguese living in austria

>t. portuguese living in austria

wtf are you doing there you imbecil?

sure. That's why Portugal has te lowest fertility rates in europe. kek

Attached: fertility12_rate_portugal_europ0r-0c_2.png (1080x1050, 89K)

I was born in Portugal but I grew up here my father is Austrian my mother is Portuguese.

lmao based muttuguese cursing his own mother

So what you're saying it is French men were made for other European men

Are there any people who love to emigrate more than the Portuguese?

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Everybody sees fr*Nch 'men' as effeminate
