Is this accurate?

is this accurate?

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based on what?

Judging by the shade of brown give to the country of chile, no, it is not accurate

Why do americans overrate themselves?

Poland and Hungary enlightened

>OP is from Chile
>Why do Americans
This post really makes me think

wasn't made by me that why the thread lmao


Bruh this was obviously made by an american. Who else would put USA as enlightned but Germany, France, UK, Ireland, Australia and Canada as just civilized


Mongolia is enlightened, all of europe is savage
thank you


Attached: universities-top-500.jpg (1800x1800, 679K)

What is barbarous?

I stand corrected. The reason is probably that most Americans haven't left the country and seen that most of the developed world is roughly on-par with America.

>raise mauritius, indonesia, australia, canada, jamaica, puerto rico, and gabon all 1 level respectively

russia should be half
canada and usa should switch colours

Only Africa and Portugal are correclty marked.

this map is straight up wrong isnt it theres one or two in poland

>More barbarous than the rest of the Caribbeans
By caribbeans standards, hell even by latin american standards, we're unironically one of the most advanced states.

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this is the dumbest map I've ever seen

Rich coming from a south american

I got maps too.

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Not at all. "Civilized" hasn't been an apt way to describe anything since at least the 1800s

the highest ranking polish "university" is jingojanga or some shit I never heard about somewhere in the 600s!/page/0/length/-1/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats

>Qatar is civilized and we're half civlized
we should be in the same tier

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>not savage

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your post really made me think about how life in india really is
it's a huge country so I guess you can't genralize

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