First world niggas be like "Oh no...

>noooooo it's so hard to keep 100% of my income to myself instead of being obliged to pay 70% of my income to foreign man who invaded my country and to humiliate myself this way everytime I earn money, I wish I could ditch my entire family to be raised by a divorced single parent and live in an antisocial experiment that shames people even for greeting someone else, encourages females to treet men like shit and where the median citizen that society at large caters for is 30 years older than myself
thirdies man, I tell you....

Attached: family-group-photo-96381f51b1a4eb10c4fbbbe9c805f6d32fa7c233-s800-c85.jpg (800x599, 188K)

>above food, water, and shelter
>things many people in third world countries don’t have