Why do spaniards want to be pigskins instead of med bulls??

Why do spaniards want to be pigskins instead of med bulls??

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MEDS BVLLS are not wh*toids

>let feminism control the country
Spaniards are all cucked manlets

who said that?


Spaniards are comfortable being brown. It's the Moortuguese who seethe when questioned on their whiteness

Swedes have bigger dicks

We are obsessed with tanning, silly macaco

But you macacos are the only ones obsessed with skin colour

is what's his name supposed to attractive

They want to be latinx

t. "Argentina is Blanca!"

I hate Spaniards and the fact that they created this entire globino race of fugly mutt manlets attached to our country. Latinos must be destroyed. Damn you Spain for this.

Spaniards call those pink northern creatures "guiris".

probaly because no one outside of Jow Forums race autists classify people as meds and nords nor do they give a shit

This but unironically.

says the man from the nation that had to make laws so their women wouldn't get blacked

Says the one whose bigger and most important city is ruled by a muslim major.
Very few people here is brown
The US will speak Spanish one day and you can't do anything to stop it.

Some of them are pig skins with blue eyes and blonde hair.

those are andalusians and extremadurans

Girl here. Antonio Banderas makes me wet.

spanish use deteriorates across generations among hispanics in the us and any simple google search can tell you that