>diversity and inclusion
why are companies so obsessed with this shit?
Diversity and inclusion
Cuz rich jews force them to in one way or another. Now fuck off back to pol
Diversity is code for white genocide
it started as a forced measure. competitors were likewise forced. eventually affirmative action became an industry standard.
ive heard that the uk term for it is "positive discrimination", sounds more realistic
(((government))) and (((media))) forces them
because equal opportunity wage cuckery is good for business, retards
sage for Jow Forums
>Inb4 Jews
This hiring for Culture thing just got more popular and widespread.
They hire for gender and race vs experience and skills.
It's why companies like Intel are in a world of hurt right now.
I was almost not hired at Boeing because im a white male introvert.
They almost hired a black women in her 40s that had only worked in a hair salon her whole life.
Fuck, I had 7 years experience in that area and glowing recommendations from my coworkers.
love it when all you crackers complain about white genocide.
Some companies do it out of optics and obligation. The PR for having these hiring practices is significant.
Most, though, recognize on an institutional level that bias and discrimination can prevent the company from attracting top tier talent. There have been studies centered on tracking identical resumes with only the names changed: the 'ethnic sounding' ones recieve less opportunities to interview. Thus, these kinds of calls are an attempt to self-correct: the institution recognizes its hiring flaws and how those flaws may put it at a talent disadvantage, and therefore makes a targeted effort at finding that talent.
My dad runs a company with 400 employees and he likes to joke that they only have 2 black employees. Pretty based if you ask me
If he had more he could get more tax breaks.
I'm not aware of any such program.
>all minorities seem to do is complain
why do people lie on internet
Just saw a startup fire a bunch of talented engineers in exchange for blue haired lesbians middle management.
Cool strats
for faggots who were touched by their uncles at a young age
I know right? We had a black president so that means that racism is over.
Nice dubs dubs.
But that actually happened.
I can prove I work for Boeing if you'd like.
>complains about diversity
>white women are the biggest beneficiaries of said diversity
fear of being called out for not doing it and therefore losing costumers or whatsoever
Any government supplier (aka everyone) had to use affirmative action with hard quotas back in the day. By this I mean when my grandfather was working his boss walked in and literally told him "fire three people and hire two blacks and a woman". If they didn't the lost their contract. AA has evolved since then away from hard quotas but shaped HR policy while it was law. Now AA requires that should two candidates both be qualified for a job and one of them is white and more qualified, and the other is black you hire the black guy. This was a major reason, but also there are various tax incentives to do business with female and minority small businesses, hire excons or "disadvantaged" individuals, etc.
So now all this going on gives financial incentive to companies or shaped HR policy in order to meet former and current regulation. Also, discrimination lawsuits are flying left and right so as a sort of overcompensation to protect against any lawsuits or bad PR the companies go beyond what the law requires and positively discriminate against hiring whites and males.
That's the honest tl;dr of a much more complex and sinister history.
in other words lower your standards to let a few subhumans through
Hope they all go out of business TOMORROW
>muh jooz
it never ceases to amaze me how uncanny the similarity is between stromniggers who blame jews for all their problems and actual niggers who blame whites for all their problems
It never ceases to amaze me how you can have the internet and not confirm that, yes, jews indeed have a shit ton of power.
>you can have the internet and not confirm that, yes, jews indeed have a shit ton of power
so do whites, yet the general consensus is that this doesn't justify niggers' accusations of whites "rigging the game against them" yet people are happy to use this logic against jews
Because they're simpletons. Of course the non-jew elites in the West are just as awful as the jews. The thing with the jews is that pretty much they are the source of all the problems in modern times because they have dominated the realm of the mind and set the cultural tone/vision. They wouldn't have gotten away with it without a traitor gentile class, but saying something like "it's the jews" is pretty fucking accurate.
>whites without jews:
Prosperous, long history of civilizations, strong family structure, strength, honor and duty as the highest values, high-trust
>blacks without whites
Hunter-gatherers or subsistence agriculture
>whites with jews and 'minorities' imported by jews
Degeneracy-family nearly dead. Duty ridiculed. Strength viewed increasingly negative - 'toxic masculinity', 'imperialism'; weakness and hedonism is elevated to a virtue. Honor is a forgotten word. Low-trust society.
>blacks with whites
Living standards and order unimaginable in any pure black country. There's no better place to be black than white countries.
This. Couldn't have said it better myself. The Jew couldn't have accomplished what he's done without traitorous rich white elites who care more for money than for the people, however, the Jew is still the source of the problem.
you simply arent awake NPC.
Why not just get rid of the last two?
>last place in oppression olympics
Because they can be sued, fined, boycotted, or even put out of business if they aren’t. Individual executives can be fired or imprisoned over it. They have to at least look obsessed with it to avoid this shit thanks to laws and (((media))). It costs them literally trillions of dollars every year to hand high paying jobs to incompetent blacks, women, and other members of protected classes in order to protect themselves.
If SJWs and the government realizes this, he will be out of business within a year.
the dumb ass below probably thinks jews are whites and is conflating the two like most NPCs do
If you were to sort Jews out of “white” in terms of racial disparities, you’d see that Jews are by far the most “privileged” class. SJW whining about “white privilege” is really whining about Jewish privilege. Ironically (but not coincidentally) it’s usually Jews pushing the “white privilege” narrative.
>Half of them are in the top 1% of net worth and income.
>2/3 of Ivy League grad students are Jews (Asian applicants get penalized, but not Jews)
>All major Western media companies are owned and ran by Jews
>Dramaticallh overrepresented in media, government, law, business, finance, and medicine—in other worlds, the sectors that run society.
It’s also hilarious how Jews HATE having this pointed out. Recently a Jew surf for and won a discrimination lawsuit and the ADL and other Jewish organization condemned the notion that Jews should be acknowledged as anything other than white, because then it makes all the other stuff listed above fucking obvious.
So they don’t get fucking sued
The UK is very open about this. They will simply state in the job position that a BAME (black, Asian, and minority ethnic) person, god I hate that term, is preffered.
Saw it for example at a random UCL teaching assistant position a friend of mine applied for.
100% illegal
Jews love to be viewed as minority when convenient, and be White when it isn't.
See Discovering talent has nothing (or at least mostly nothing) to do with it. There is more than enough talent in their native base. The reason why they are biased towards non-native names is because these people are simply generally significantly less qualified, thus creating a bias.
>How do I know? Look at school/uni statistics.
Furthermore, women entered the workforce and mainly populated positions such as HR and Marketing. Women are more left.
>How do I know? Look at voting statistics.
Also, quota regulation has increased signficantly.
Everyone knows that, for the most part, niggers are stupid and useless but companies will get sued if they don't hire them. So, knowing that some of the niggers they employ will have to be terminated, and that their nigger nature will attribute this to racism and they'll be tempted to sue, the companies must go out of their way to prove that they're not racist.
Society desperately needs a reset.
It is so fucked up.
>be white
>live in London
>white is now officially minority
>universities are PACKED with non-whites (non-native)
>muslims everywhere, praying rooms everywhere, blacks everywhere, asians everywhere
>segragated af
>quite common to be the only white person in a room
>search for job, overqualified
>read the job description
>BAME person preferred
The absolute state of the Londistan
Wouldn't you? I certainly would love that convenience.
Because it makes them better.
It's scientifically proven that a token black guy would make a group smarter, being that he's far less likely to been engaged in the same biases.
Why can't people in the Jow Forums bubble realize that a bunch of white people aren't as smart as a bunch of minorities and one white?
It's like cancer, get one SJW in the HR dept and they'll try to hire other SJWs to consolidate power, the company will start it's decline into bankruptcy, then in the terminal phase metitocracy is replaced with identity quotas.
Show me the "scientific" study and I can guarentee you that I'll find major holes and most that the findings are most likely not practically applicable.
>one black makes people smarter
>no blacks around with enough experience
>hire anyways
>people not smarter...
That on itself is already a vital point. If there is such a study it needs to take into consideration that the black itself needs to be a peer or just a random black.
If a random black guy makes the group better, which I highly doubt, then you are right. But I wouldn't be suprised at all if it needs to be a peer i.e. just as experienced. And that poses a problem since these are in short supply. So there is that.
What do you mean? White people have always been obsessed with minorities. That's why you made this thread
>Blacks don't have biases
That's debatable.
>black guy would make a group smarter
How so?
It has been shown to make a group make smarter choices and this is the line that everyone parrots, but if you look into the reason WHY this happens, it's because when people interact with a person of a different "tribe" (there are many ways humans classify themselves tribally, not just race) they tend to be more on edge, and in the business setting this means they are more likely to explain their ideas, support their ideas, and less likely to go with the flow and accept a group decision without understanding and supporting it at least a little themselves.
Thusly the meme of diversity is demystified; no it's not about some magical quality of having different skin colors in a room that makes the room smarter, it's about sacrificing a little bit of lost comfort for a little bit of gained productivity.
You will ultimately decide in your mind whether you think it's worth it or not, but one thing is pretty certain, pushing diversity in this way does demonstrably lower it's actual effectiveness.
Just as all the sundry European peoples in America have become mostly indistinguishable from eachother, they have also stopped thinking of themselves as different to begin with; diversity in this way is therefore unsustainable, because its effectiveness only lasts as long as the underlying discomfort between two sets of people does.
Its a weapon to destroy anything from the inside, like cancer, and its expected to do that, give a big thanks to CIA niggers
Where I worked they hired an IT person of color who couldn't change a hard drive. I had to show her how to do it.
>it's about sacrificing a little bit of lost comfort for a little bit of gained productivity
Diversity has made it so no one in my office talks to each other. The quality of life in this job is unbearable. But everyone is more productive because they aren't preoccupied with other people. Everyone is just a NPC to me.
women and minorities make better consumers user. Think about it, if you're a white man, you most likely don't waste your money on shitty trinkets and frivolities. The strategy here, is to give women and nonwhites more disposable income, and that in turn makes for a better and more reliable consumer base. More debt, more crap, more money.
Companies like diversity because:
If everyone gets along well, it allows a larger pool of employees, they can easily hire from places like India, China, Mexico, etc. and no one will have a problem with the person at work assuming they follow the "diversity" meme.
Having a larger pool of potential workers allows businesses to buy workers at a cheaper cost. Supply of workers is hire, so the price they ask has to drop. Basically, white people ask for "too much" (aka not a complete shit life) and Ranjeesh will work for 40% off. Easy to see why they want all people to be accepted in the work place.
Also, keep in mind, companies like diversity because diverse (we all know that means Non-white) people like to buy status symbols. Indians, Chinese, Eastern Euros, Arabs, Niggers, All LOVE status symbols. White people were never that obsessed with acquiring token status symbols. People wanting to acquire a Benz, a rollex, the latest iphone and the largest homes drives consumerism, and it increases profits.
Think about it, I think Hippies are lame, but hippes are WHITE PEOPLE and they really were the only people to start a ANTI-CONSUMERISM movement. Companies realize either consciously or subconsciously that whites are not good for their businesses in many cases. A lot of white people will tell you "life isn't all about money", this may not be true, but it shows they have less of a status climber attitude than the caste driven pajeets/sand niggers/asians.
Basically white people suck for profits. They ask for too much money to work (they want a decent life style and a bigger piece of Goldstein's pie) and they founded an anti-consumerist movement. Basically white men are the worst thing for the industrial machine. They are one of the few groups with enough brains, empathy and strength to resist becoming just another cog.
It's to counterbalance racist fuckheads such as almost everybody on this "free and critical thinking" echo chamber. It ensures that actually qualified people get a chance at a job and not only some executives nephew. Whites only used to hire other whites and now they are forced to hire like 10% non whites so it actual matches up with the population and Jow Forums niggers cry "Muh white genocide" just because they have to actually compete with other races now. Really goes to show the cognitive dissonance and brain washing the average Jow Forums brainlet undergoes
It's the jews user