You fired!

Yeah i don't mind workerkpill at all. For example i extended a ladies garden pond. You work your ass off but the result is something special and people are really happy when they see the results. They also pay well and half the day you get to chill with them anyways popping beers, eating lunch, dinner etc.. My instinct tells me i should really just get a few more clients because you can easily make the same money as wagecagers with literally 0 psychological terror. Plus its literally paid physical exercise.

Are you Mexican? Your sentence structure is disgusting. A McJob is the best you were ever going to get.

Do this. This is great and something I wish i could do. If you can get more clients through word of mouth and keep it all tax free go for it. Miles better than wagie work

I was wagecucking minimum wage. The greatest irony is that mcjobbing is done because its uncomfortable to put in all the initiative. At the same time its the most horrible fuckin thing. It's like people who never go to the dentist and "prefer" having inflamed roots.