Bear market food?

Bear market food?

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with mealworms or beans its complete food!

you're overcooking your rice, if not that, you're using low quality rice, which I recommend you rinse and stir in cold water several times before cooking. That way it won't clump. Also put a spoon of oil in the water beforehand.

I didn't have any butter on hand :(

both of which you can grow yourself in leftover compost!

I personally love rice, especially plovas (like poela but with pork or chicken). Don't know how exact name in English. If you aren't good cook you could also just eat spicy rice with beans, but not in cinema as it is in bad taste.

P. Š plovas in English is called pilaf or pilau

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Fool proof way to make rice and u dont need to put fucking butter in it you Amerifat.

Wash rice. Put into pan with water about an inch of water higher than the rice. Then boil. When it starts boiling turn the gas down to lowest u can and put a lid on the pan. About 20 minutes later u will have perfect rice.

im keto so i got rid of urge to eat

This you need to close it and let it stream like dumplings

Green Onions/Onions/Garlic

Good luck anons.

I tried keto but I ran out of energy after a year

ive done it a few months and dropped from 185 - 160

If you're trying to lose weight I think it's very good.
But without carbs my mental and physical energy goes down after some time.
I know some people who do it for years with no problems, but it didn't work for me.

oh yeah i take a ton of modafinil to stay awake, dont plan on staying on it forever, just until i drop down below like 140

>brown rice
>not a hint of saffron in sight

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yea i eat white rice and ground beef for dinner daily
it's quite nice actually
only needs salt

Doesn't keto have a potential to fuck your liver?

I thought this was just how everyone cooked rice until the gf bought a dedicated rice steamer.
Allows me to spend more time cooking the meat and veggies

Or you could stop being a nigger and just buy a rice cooker. They sell them at Walmart for $9.50.

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if you stay on it for years maybe? a few months isn't going to do shit

>stop being a nigger
>shop at Walmart

>buys gucci rice cooker

tfw short ltc

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>sauces in mugs
hipsters have to go.

ground beef and eggs


Hello, I would like for you to calmly explain to me just what in the name of fuck this is, and why it is in a god damn coffee mug; you fucking retard.

i'm 95% down from my initial, all i can afford to eat these days is my own shit

Listen up more rice in the theater.

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>short ltc
user I....

Are you that polish Jow Forumsack posting your food daily?

You must understand that cinema didn't explicitly listed that you couldn't eat plovas at film. What they did listed that you couldn't bring snacks, therefore plovas doesn't count as it is full meal not a mere snack.

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No but I am the biznessman who posted the "now that we're financially ruined post your lunch/dinner" threads over the past year.

It'd bbq and sauces you autistic fuck.

I bought 50lbs of rice, i'm hoping this will be enough to sustain me through the bear market.

I'm already running out of ideas to cook rice with though.

>chicago cutlery

Fucking fat cats with their fucking rice cookers.

>itt a bunch of chinks with their rice

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1. with ham
2. by the gram
3. in your house
4. with your spouse
5. with fish and tomato
6. with beef and carrots

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