Bear market food?

I tried keto but I ran out of energy after a year

ive done it a few months and dropped from 185 - 160

If you're trying to lose weight I think it's very good.
But without carbs my mental and physical energy goes down after some time.
I know some people who do it for years with no problems, but it didn't work for me.

oh yeah i take a ton of modafinil to stay awake, dont plan on staying on it forever, just until i drop down below like 140

>brown rice
>not a hint of saffron in sight

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yea i eat white rice and ground beef for dinner daily
it's quite nice actually
only needs salt

Doesn't keto have a potential to fuck your liver?

I thought this was just how everyone cooked rice until the gf bought a dedicated rice steamer.
Allows me to spend more time cooking the meat and veggies

Or you could stop being a nigger and just buy a rice cooker. They sell them at Walmart for $9.50.

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if you stay on it for years maybe? a few months isn't going to do shit