/smg/ - Stock Market General

Does /smg/ lolis?

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That's something only retarded coasties would pay money for. I don't live in california.

So, a correction or recession?
Amazon and Google really shit the bed today.

No real panic selling. Correction.

Elon Musk apparently does.

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>ETFs are good long term investments they said
>Little but steady growth they said
>Whole ETF portfolio tanking no end in sight
Did I get rused?

it's a dip approaching correction territory today, there is too much extra cash flowing right now for a recession people are going to buy the shit out of this dip.

When will AMD hit the bottom?

I think so too. Lot of dip buying going on today especially.

>made 3k in first 3 days of last week
>lose it all on the 4th

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