There will be a big announcement in the spring of next year that will help crypto in a big way. A major player in the web will start accepting crypto as payment for goods.
I contract independently for them, yet have no non-disclosure agreements relating to this. This is what I know, belief or disbelief rests with you.
I was not in crypto, and just got in on the recent crash.
> when you are panicking so hard that you need to post false information for other idiots to buy your bags
Lincoln Gonzalez
Robert Allen
i was not in till a day ago. You can believe or not, but it's not false.
Angel Martinez
>a major player in the web are you talking about spiders ffs? you are a street shitting pajeet who knows nothing.
James Robinson
won't answer, but thats the most likely, yes?
David Davis
>no non-disclosure agreements then name the big player, user
Gavin Miller
Kill your self
Jack Anderson
I am not allowed to say who i'm working for
Christopher Roberts
Does this have anything to do with what Charlie Lee was working on for Litecoin? He said he was working on a major deal for Litecoin with a major online retailer....
I’ll take that as a yes. What did you fill your bags with?
Thomas Lee
Ok. Amazon. Thanks op, got it. Merry Christmas and happy holidays
Charles Martin
>no non-disclosure agreements >not allowed to say what did he mean by this?
Dominic Brooks
eth, bitcoin, bitcash, etc, and litecoin
Jose Cox
Idiots. Someone is dumping a pile of cash into litecoin. Gee, I fucking wonder what faggot OP is carrying bags of?
Hudson Flores
im new to crypto so if you have reccomendations pls lmk
Carson Hernandez
i said what here i am new to crypto, i just got in because of this and the recent crash lowering prices.
Blake Thompson
Buy a mount with litecoin and get a free legendary item for the cock ring slot in the next expansion. Jesus, ATVI really is circling the drain.
Lucas Adams
it's possible especially through some 3rd party custodian/exchange like bakkt, that's how Starbucks will start acceptng btc soon through bakkt. It's basicly what Hal Finney was talking about crypto-banks, I don't know if OP is larping or not but wallstreet knows how to do this stuff
Joshua Taylor
Edward Snowden?
Luke Rogers
I'm not larping. I know this is all user and thus unverifyable, so belief or disbelief rests with you. I've just used the chans for a long time and wanted to give the community a tip.
The boss is planning it and Plans on announcement in february. I don't know which coins he will accept, but I do know this is in the works.
Aiden Smith
I work in a photostudio for a company. I am not allowed to disclose the company name or any of their photo-processes, but I did overhear this, and nothing on my agreement covers stuff like this.
To be clear, I do have a non-disclosure agreement, but it does not cover stuff like this, just the specific processes which i work in and disclosure of the company I work for, since they have a social media policy which i often run afoul of, but since I don't indicate any affiliation with them, i am ok.
Anthony Hall
I work for a cyber-techno machinations company word on the street is a major deal is being done behind the scenes.
Partnership with omisego. Partnership with McDonald’s Thailand. Unkanking the wanked bmw oh thank you I won! Thor node capcom vs marvel node. 2018 rock year
Jack Price
its not amazon, its eBay you idiots. I am surprised more people do not know this
Fuck it I believe you user. Also either buy 10k link to make it or 1k for suicide insurance. It's always been like that
Gabriel Young
i don't have 10k to trade. I have $1000 to set aside for getting into the market. By link do you mean chainlink? Also what exactly do you mean by suicide insurance?
Hudson Edwards
Amazon will be accepting LTC soon right? thats the LARP post from yesterday
Cameron Fisher
I know of two big companies that intend to accept crypto in the future. Obviously with big companies things take time though.
Henry Hernandez
ebay will accept what? why ebay when they have paypal?
Hudson Hughes
kill yourself larp
Liam Perry
why dont you tell us then you LARPing pajeet
Cooper Miller
>buttcoin halves in value in one month >’lets start trading goods for coins’
Angel Rivera
Look, i said don't believe if you don't want to. Ignore it and move on. I'm just saying, if you are in, maybe now isn't the best time to sell, and if you aren't, with the current downturn this may be a good time to buy.
Michael Allen
What do you guys even mean by Larp? Live action roleplay? Like, i've used this site for a while, and this is probably one of the boards i go on the least, but i've lurked a while and have no idea what you even mean by it.
Chase Fisher
larper confirmed
Brayden Thomas
Lucas Allen
look, i actually don't know what it means in this context. It usually means live action roleplay, but I'm not sure how that's applicable here.
Gabriel King
Nathaniel White
Brother, it means we realized you are lying about everything you said. Your mistake was pretending not to know what's a larper, that broke the suspension of disbelief.
Eli Young
K. I'll be back in february, and i'll link this.
Eli Perez
respect for staying in character even after being busted
Colton Thomas
>I have no NDA Then say the company you nigger
Jordan Collins
his LARP performance included basically admitting he's talking about Amazon
James Gonzalez
that's because Jow Forums is full of stupid children who don't know what words mean or anything about the internets.
Juan Murphy
kys, yes?
Jayden Rodriguez
"larping" is when your poo sticks to your butthole so you have to wiggle your butt to get it loose >I was larping in the bathroom for half a goddamn hour this morning Im never getting that chicken korma again!
Chase Morgan
doesn't matter who the fuck accepts crypto... people will never spend crypto. that's not what all this is about. crypto as a currency is a meme.....we just want to ride this shit to a million and cash out before everyone else does. fuck off larp.
Christian White
larpers dress up like knights in shining cardboard and fight dragons at their local park, you nigger fucking retard.
Juan Cooper
Prob Only a matter of time until Alibaba gets in on it too, which would trigger a domino effect (Amazon, eBay,, etc.). If one of those pins fall, look the fuck out.
Brody Ross
It's Amazon and XRP.
Adam Brown
It's not character.
I have an nda, but it doesn't pertain to this. It pertains specifically to naming the company and the processes which I work with (photography).
Well, to be fair thats most of Jow Forums, Some people will look at it and go long on it, especially with the current dip.
Thank you.
Well, even if that isn't the idea of crypto, if, as an example, bezos says he's accepting crypto, the applications for crypto expand and the demand for it, theoretically, goes up, so value would too.
Eli Walker
is that what a pajeet would say? does amazon hire pajeets?
Brayden Ortiz
Christopher Barnes
if by pajeet you mean indian, yes, amazon hires a lot of pajeets.