I’ll take that as a yes. What did you fill your bags with?
Insider info on Crypto
Ok. Amazon. Thanks op, got it. Merry Christmas and happy holidays
>no non-disclosure agreements
>not allowed to say
what did he mean by this?
eth, bitcoin, bitcash, etc, and litecoin
Idiots. Someone is dumping a pile of cash into litecoin. Gee, I fucking wonder what faggot OP is carrying bags of?
im new to crypto so if you have reccomendations pls lmk
i said what here
i am new to crypto, i just got in because of this and the recent crash lowering prices.
Buy a mount with litecoin and get a free legendary item for the cock ring slot in the next expansion. Jesus, ATVI really is circling the drain.
it's possible especially through some 3rd party custodian/exchange like bakkt, that's how Starbucks will start acceptng btc soon through bakkt. It's basicly what Hal Finney was talking about crypto-banks, I don't know if OP is larping or not but wallstreet knows how to do this stuff
Edward Snowden?