Should I invest in India?

Someone actually did it

> my sides

Attached: image.jpg (986x797, 573K)

> Indians aren't submissive,
Did you even read my post?

As the world market crashes all the offshore outsourced jobs will be moved back home to save face. The shithole countries will suffer the worst of it. Don't invest in a shithole user.

T. pajeet inheritance fag

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oh sorry I misread that, my bad. Don't call me a fag now. Please be kind sir, pretty please with some whipcream.

Africa was actually the next on my list. Though I'm a bit worried that the political situation may not be as stable as India.

>China's growth was only possibly because it's a extremely homogenous society that has been completely cucked by commies for decades.

China has been cucked for two milleniums at least.

They have literally been the whole worlds onahole.

>Stable political situation
Choose one sir. The country is fucked with the convicted terrorist Narendra modi killer of 3000 making policies. You will get beaten to death for eating beef, a 7year old girl was raped by the ruiling party bjp to instill fear in Muslims and farmers protesting tax exempt grain imports we're shot en mass. Do the needful and stay away sir.

Pic related is a 70$ million USD apartment building abandoned for 15 years because it's supposedly haunted. Despite being in my neighborhood (nepeansea road)
T. Pajeet inheritance fag

Attached: IMG_20181204_141314.jpg (4608x2592, 2.63M)

Invest in Tata Motors some time in 2h 2019.
If China and USA keep escalating the "trade war", outsourcing to India will be explored by companies.

>a 70$ million USD apartment building abandoned for 15 years because it's supposedly haunted.

how corrupt and shitty did the previous incumbents have to be in order to lose to bjp?

India and Africa are the dumbest most useless people on Earth and all they do is fuck each other over non-stop. As a dumb westerner they will intentionally play dumb to your requests and try to steal your money.

China, despite its problems, is probably 200 years ahead of them.

t. international scrap metal trader