sector rotation edition (also bears on suicide watch yet again)
>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy? Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.
You're fine baggy, you post on topic (for the most part), actually back up you posts with proof of position, and you bring a much needed sense of humor to this general. Still a fag for using a trip though.
Austin Bailey
That's like one of the nicest things anybody's ever said to me here. Next time I make an OP I'll try to remember to drop the code.
Financial sector suffering today, poor JPM-chan, she's trying the best she can PCG plunging to the center of the Earth again, but I still wouldn't buy it LCI stalled today, but shorting it would be stupid since the squeeze has been activated DB boucing, SHORT IT Also making a thread with a trip is very offensive, I've only recently realized this and apologize for my past mistakes
guys this next wave on VIX is going to be harder and stronger than what we experienced this morning. We're going down, there's nothing we can do to stop it.... This is completely normal due to that natural and organic growth we experienced, just wait for an entry tomorrow.
Lincoln Smith
I'll probably FOMO into NOK on my next deposit, wish me luck I heard gold started paying a dividend Stop using baby talk, you sound like a faggot
Anybody wanna gamble? SN is binding waiting for a move
Matthew Long
thoughts on QYLD? this fund looks comfy if you can get in during a vix spike.
Julian Johnson
Can you post your LCI holdings?
Alexander Jones
Why? I literally posted it not long ago.. like no more than a month ago?? Maybe your butt buddy comfy can tell you...
Justin White
post it again please, nobody is going to dig through archives
Nathan Phillips
Because I'd like to look at it, I'm studying LCI and I've been listening to everything you said. No need to get defensive, but if I could see your current holdings on it, they would definitely provide a lot of credibility.
How do I determine what is the best financial decision for me, if I can currently save about $1500 a month, is it worth saving up to around $20k for a house downpayment/closing costs, or putting that money into the markets every month instead?
I have to 'season' my down payment by having it in cash for a while right? So I need to hold pure cash for a good long while before a bank will accept it?
im 25 years old and have $10k in the markets and $3k in cash
Levi Sullivan
bro, your post reeks of FOMO. Watch your self...
Ryan Ward
I'm not interested in buying at all. This is my first time witnessing a possible short squeeze. I'm just looking to understand it.
Jack Robinson
Just know I'm in the green.. maybe if all of you weren't complete faggots I would but seeing that for months all anybody ever did in here was complain I don't feel like I have show anyone here shit especially someone like grim that never ever post a stock pick and just spends all day sucking comfys dick..
Evan Walker
Fugg this is a good find, might add it to my BST section
All you need to know is that I have 3700 shares around 6.90.. I really don't give a shit if you believe me or not.. I don't need credibility... especially not from comfys butt buddy. Ill make money either way.
Jackson Anderson
short squeeze is when the shorts are margin called and force to cover, but nobody is selling shares so they're forced to cover higher causing more margin calls, and more covering. Then the stocks up like 20% and you guessed it, people get greedy and try to short sell it, but more people start buying and nobody is really selling the float, so they get forced to cover and the stocks up 50%. Which in turn attracts more short sellers, until people who are actually holding decide they want to sell and finally the bubble pops and finds a happy level to set a new support and trend from.
Carson Butler
I am so suprised by that reply.....
Ethan Harris
7.17-6.90*3700 ~ $1k
roughly the same as fagdulums entire portfolio, I wasn't lying
Camden Phillips
I've posted my portfolio numerous times and talked about my picks. Not sure why you're so upset with a simple question, especially considering you've spent hours upon hours shilling the stock, posting a screen cap of your holdings shouldn't kill you.
After all this time of being a faggot and taking your butt buddies side(who doesn't know shit about stocks) now you want to find out what it is?? After ive been telling this thread for months what it is??? Please tell me you arent this retarded... wow.. just... wow
Easton Torres
Aiden Young
Jesus christ buddy, take a breath. You clearly can't tell the difference between shitposting and genuine posting. Taking sides? Is /smg/ some kind of High School to you?
I don't get why you care so much about this stock. Every day you berate people for not buying it and when someone shows an interest you get even more furious that they dare question you're word.
David Walker
man I have no idea if that is true or not
in general, the advice is the younger you are, the more equities and less cash you should hold. right now though, we could be looking at buying opportunities approaching, in real estate and equities. that makes it a pretty OK time to hold cash; however, you never know how long it might be until the proper time comes.
I would suggest going to your bank, and talking to a mortgage loan officer about your best options moving forward towards pre-approval, even if your goal to buy a house is 2-3 years out. You don't have to start the pre-approval process, just get an idea from them about how much cash you will want to be holding around moving forward, what sorts of interest rates to expect, etc. It's nice to be pre-approved and ready to move in if you see a good deal, even in slow markets there can be good deals on houses that get snapped up quick, you want to be ready to move.
for investing, you can always slowly add money to a robinhood account form your bank. $10-$100 a week, invest it safely and slowly. get a feel for it
Luke Hall
Thanks baggie! I've never seen it happen in real time. I don't really learn so well from reading about things, I enjoy witnessing or doing them. Sorry, I just had a question. I didn't mean to make bigfivegay have a breakdown again.
I kinda want to eat a day trade and go long on some VXX...
Joseph Hill
Now go Kys faggot. Take comfy with you.. you two are seriously the biggest fucking retards and some how rub each others dicks constantly even though neither one of you have ever made an actual winning or trade let alone post one...
Colton Ortiz
But this isn't shiny at all.
Kevin Cox
I can tell you can see what's going on... lol
Jonathan Hughes
Its honestly mainly just you.. comfy.. and rkg that piss me off to no end
Carson Morris
>bullying grim don't be the aids-filled trap-loving faggot we all know you are
Liam Brown
GuyGentile has an LCI thesis video on YouTube if you have time to watch. It's a decent overlay on what could potentially happen.
It's not your fault for the sperg out, some people are just naturally unhappy and project this negativity online
Justin Gutierrez
youre way worse. Id rather see shitposting than some Angry fag having a midlife crisis everyday
Alexander Rivera
are we all just putting our trips on now?
Adam Reyes
Im maxing my ROTH IRA for 2019 soon and beyond that I am indeed holding cash for not really sure what reason though honestly....I dont watn to invest if i want to have the cash within the next 12-18 months to buy a house, but also just letting cash sit tehre and lose 2% inflation a year blows some big dick bro
I want to get a house and live in my own building and start accruing home equity as soon as I can, but during this current bear market everything is so cheap I want to buy up as much equities as I can....its a hard decision what to do long term I wish I had more cash on hand to do it all but I don't make enough to make that possible.
Blake King
Grim is actually really nice and rarely shitposts. I think you may be mistaking him for another. Either way you shouldn’t let them get to you like that. You better than that.