Attached: BD435EF5-8115-41F6-BD38-BA3AC676AC30.jpg (750x1003, 436K)
Umm.. time to pack it up?
Andrew Richardson
Benjamin Johnson
what did he mean by this?
Angel Scott
Do it fag. I dare you.
Sebastian King
Then he should prove it and dump it already fucking aussie scammer fuck.
Kayden Jones
Brody Gomez
Well that’s not good. There’s 1 m from the tulip trust (anyone know when those unlock, that would be helpful), and even if he isnt satoshi, he was a very early miner, so figure at least a few hundred thousand more on top of that
Cameron Reyes
>BTC is the only coin I hold
>dumped SV on y'all pajeets
Adrian Baker
Tulip trust doesn’t unlock until next yr, so not sure why he’s tweeting this now
Ryan Carter
Thanks for fudding LINK, Craig.
Angel Russell
the fact that he isn't even predentin to be all in BSV exposes him as a scammer
Angel Gutierrez
fuck is that?
Jace Ward
That’s because he’s smart
Daniel Cooper
t-t-t-t-t-o.. sell.... everything..?
Mason Jones
>faketoshi been into the drug cabinet again
Josiah Allen
Listen up you little cocksuckers, you are either with Craig, or against him. He fucking invented this shit, so he has the RIGHT to destroy anything in this space as he sees fit. How fucking DARE you faggots develop anything involving crypto without his express permission? Well, you've really fucked up now, because Craig is coming after you degenerate anarchists, and you will lose EVERYTHING, and probably end up in prison because of it. You "investors" have participated in the illegal buying and selling of unlicensed securities, and have encouraged others to do the same, which is also illegal.
I'm forwarding this thread directly to Craig, as he is a very good friend of mine from the bathhouse scene. Prepare to get fucked like only Craig can fuck, you retards!
Jaxson Gutierrez
Charles Thompson
Nolan Long
>He fucking invented this shit
nah... he is a deluded scammer
Jose Hall
So you own none?
Brody Thomas
1.1 million btc that belong to csw, which he can’t access (they are held in trust) until 2020.
Eli Adams
It'll never go to 0, the minute it goes anywhere near or below 1k people will be buying it by the truckload. However unfortunately we aren't anywhere near the bottom yet
Evan Fisher
i own no wrights
Tyler Price
based and blackpilled
Carson Sullivan
>Has the ability at any time to pump SV to near infinity and completely kill BTC shifting the hashpower over by signing a single transaction from the million stack.
>Does not do this
It is called a bluff and the longer you do it the dumber you look. You know that dude in mountains of debt driving around a luxury car and doing everything possible to look the part? That is this chump. The fact that he is even patenting shit is a key indicator he was not part of Satoshi, they specifically went open source and faceless to circumvent all of this shit.
Aiden Peterson
>For any you.
nice stroke post, the guy is unironically stupid
Blake Morris
so in 2020 he dump everything
and then it goes to 0
Camden Morales
Read the second page of the document. There is a clause in case of Kleiman death (which happened already)
Brayden Scott
The max number of trustees that can be appointed by Australian law are four. Seems to suggest this image may be a fabrication
Ian Rogers
there's 0 proof he has anything to do with any amount of bitcoin holdings
Jaxson Stewart
you left out the part where he already *should* have access since kleiman is dead
William Hernandez
Why do you think we are in a year long down trend lad
Thomas Robinson
Given that the early bitcoins were mined into separate addresses for every block, that would be one huge ass transaction that couldn't possibly fit into the retarded 1mb blocks. He'd have to issue hundreds, maybe thousands of transactions, that would not only cause panic because Satoshi is moving coins, but also clog the BTC tinychain all by themselves. It's doable, though.
Anthony Brooks
Not deliberately, but thanks for mentioning. His Tweet in the op makes more sense if he has full access now
Carter Hill
Looks like it's crashing and burning still haha
David Allen
There’s a part in there about the trust being managed in the Seychelles, so saying 3-7 trustees in the agreement isn’t a deal breaker
Xavier Hall
can someone unironically explain why btc is going down? obviously the price is put down on purpose, but why would you do that?
Brayden Robinson
I have no desire to own an obsolete prototype.
Cameron Cooper
Yeah but you're not namefagging
Henry Rogers
because there are more sellers than buyers. You're aware that the ecosystem needs 5 new million every day to keep the price at current level? This year or next big exchanges will go down we'll have a mt gox 2. Be ready for sub 1k bitcoin.
Benjamin Kelly
thanks brother from another mother!
Eli Bailey
35k 2020
Nathan Russell
>or next big exchanges will go down
Not Binance right? How will I sell my LINK
Ryan Reed
based Craigtoshi Wrightamoto
Bentley Kelly
Buy when everyone is scared.
Sell when everyone is cocky.
Luke Flores
Lincoln Scott
why do you fat retards idolize this attention whore?
Josiah Long
why would I trust a guy who said bcash will flip bitcoin a year ago?