fuck is that?
Umm.. time to pack it up?
That’s because he’s smart
t-t-t-t-t-o.. sell.... everything..?
>faketoshi been into the drug cabinet again
Listen up you little cocksuckers, you are either with Craig, or against him. He fucking invented this shit, so he has the RIGHT to destroy anything in this space as he sees fit. How fucking DARE you faggots develop anything involving crypto without his express permission? Well, you've really fucked up now, because Craig is coming after you degenerate anarchists, and you will lose EVERYTHING, and probably end up in prison because of it. You "investors" have participated in the illegal buying and selling of unlicensed securities, and have encouraged others to do the same, which is also illegal.
I'm forwarding this thread directly to Craig, as he is a very good friend of mine from the bathhouse scene. Prepare to get fucked like only Craig can fuck, you retards!
>He fucking invented this shit
nah... he is a deluded scammer
So you own none?
1.1 million btc that belong to csw, which he can’t access (they are held in trust) until 2020.