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What's the optimal diet for a crypto trader?
Jaxon Cooper
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Nicholas Barnes
Cocaine and boi pussy
Jayden Perez
based and redpilled
David Carter
Ketamine and protein bars
Luis Russell
Whatever they eat in prison, I guess. Hope you like shit on a shingle.
Thomas Ward
Chicken tendies
Luke Torres
instead, ask what the optimal diet for any human is
you need a couple of good staples that you feed your gut bacteria with
i really enjoy potatoes, beans, rice, lentils, chickpeas, legumes in general have an amazing carb to protein ratio and your gut loves that stuff
i like to add meat, fish, yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs and other animal sources to it
a plate of rice, a variety of beans/legumes, some carrots and potatoes, plus a 100-200 g amount of fatty meat, accompanied by a fresh salad and some yogurt and citrus as desert - thats a perfect meal
Matthew Sanchez
sounds bloaticious
Christian Carter
Juan Perez
no carbs. just veggies and meats
Dylan Miller
I would remove legumes because of the high omega 6 content and add gelatin rich foods to balance methionine with glycine. Also, replace potatoes and rice with fruits and milk. At least 1g per kg body weight in protein a day is also important.
Only optimal if you have a high body fat percentage imo. The leaner you get, the more exogenous energy you need and fat is not as good for performance as sugar.
Evan Roberts
Eat what your ancestors ate. For some, this means farmed goods; for others, it means herded animal products.
William Gomez
Mixed greens and legumes should be your diet.
No limits on fruits and vegetables.
I would avoid eating mammals- its basically cannibalism. Eat fish/poultry instead, and only organic/grass fed/free range
Avoid anything that comes in a can or box. Avoid sodium. Avoid all processed carbs. Carbs are poison to the body. This includes white rice
Henry Ramirez
really depends, ive found that the relatively high water content of rice and legumes makes me less bloated and aids digestion
gelatin as in animal products? also, more fruit would be nice but its still winter in germany, so theres that
unless your ancestors were poor and tended to eat a poor mans diet, right
Aaron Wright
>its basically cannibalism
Other humans eaten raw are the most healthy thing one could be able to eat.
Jacob King
More vegetables and water.
Andrew Flores
>gelatin as in animal products?
Yeah, skin and bones basically, a good snack are pork rinds for example, I think you can buy them in Germany because it's a well known danish snack. You can also supplement with collagen or make jello from gelatin. This is a good article
>more fruit would be nice but its still winter in germany, so theres that
Citruses are cheap all year, if you have no qualms to buy non-local produce from Spain etc.
Josiah Williams
>eating as crypto trader
I am fuled by cocain, caffeine and whisky
Andrew Lewis
drink bone broth
Jonathan Bennett
cigarettes and vodka if I may believe the trollbox
William Stewart
not trolling, but can you explain the difference between bone broth and regular old soup stock? isn't regular old stock generally made from bone? sort of like how with the probiotic craze certain yogurt brands now advertise it as such
Ryder Wilson
>Hes still eating a (((plant based diet))) in 2019.
kek, enjoy eating like cattle user. You are what you eat.
Camden Sanchez
>thinking plants are bad for you
Along the YIN YANG meridian, plants are opposite/complementary in most respects. Life forms, sure, and many realize now sentient.
However, plants and humans are symbiotic! One respirates Co2 and the other o2. One cannot live without the other!
Plants take non organic elements from the earth and make them digestible for humans. In fact, the only true source of minerals for human consumption come from plants. Elemental sources cannot be metabolized and end up causing sickness and death in humans.
Human faeces is PLANT FERTILIZER! That which is SHAT is life giving food to plants!
Humans and plants have evolved together. There is much WISDOM which plants can impart to humans. One need only EAT!
You learn that by selecting the type of plants grown, you can make an ideal combination specific to your blood type and nutritional constitution. After some study, you learn that food can, indeed, be your "medicine"...just like that old guy said a few thousand years ago!
After a period of systemic adjustment, you realize that your health has improved and you are bursting with abundant energy. You are never ill! No colds, no flesh eating bacteria!
The idea that one would need health insurance (socialist or private) becomes an absurdity!
At some point, you realize that the digestive tract you inherited required constant grazing...such as elephants, horses and cows do...and learn of JUICING! Most of the nutritional value can be extracted and made portable along with other benefits. You adopt this regimen after carefully weighing the pros and negatives and find an increase of super-charged energy....along with a small mountain of grindings from the juicing process...from vegetables and plants grown by yourself, with your your own garden!
Jonathan Sanders
kek pretty retarded pasta. Enjoy your plant phytochemicals reckting every single cell in your body. Humans only eat plant out of absolute necessity, meat being the most ideal food for humans. We are omnivores when absolutely necessary, carnivores for optimal health.
>we are grazers
Grayson Jenkins
i think it's just boiled for longer when they make it
Brody Watson
>you are what you eat
>you eat cattle
>cattle eat plants
>you are plants
Owen Hughes
>and, most importantly, you must post about MEAT on every platform ALL THE TIME. Very important and relevant to bitcoin.
-Nakamoto. Bitcoin white paper.
Ayden Cruz
Air and water. You can't afford anything else
Luke Cooper
Peanuts, cereal, rice + furikake.
Caleb Cook
Whole foods (not the hippie grocery store)
Cut carbs if you're trying to lose weight, otherwise a diet resembling paleo is god-tier
Adam Howard
Bone broth requires boiling stock bones and connective material until the bones achieve a powdery consistency and the joints are gelatinous. Advocates say that more minerals are released from the bones this way and that said minerals are more in compounds which are more bioavailable than can be achieved with a mineral supplement. Also the proteins in the joints break down into amino acids that our bodies use in greater abundance. So having them in excess may protect the body from breaking down muscle to release them when times are lean.
Bone broth tastes worse than regular broth if both are unseasoned (chicken is a notable exception).
Those are the two main differences.
Matthew Rodriguez
>plants eat water and sunshine
>you are water and the light of God
Samuel Torres
there are some pretty tight BB reductions out there these days bro. I make it the old fashioned way and use this stuff if I don't have 8 hours to roast and boil bones. Check out 'Meadow and Marrow'
Isaiah Lopez
Isaac Price
100% lobster and monster zero ultra
Noah Cruz
enjoy your ass cancer
Brandon Gray
Oat bran for breakfast
Sardines or tuna for lunch
Crab cake or grill fish for dinner
High fiber, high protein. Stay fucking Chad.
Angel Reyes
Carbs are the main food for the body. Your cells love carbs. You can survive only eating poetatoes.
Your bro science makes me angry.
Henry Gomez
That's asinine. Regions without chicken, pigs, cows, sheep, grain or corn all lost the domestication lottery and made do scavenging, planting roots, and fishing. Nothing was planned for optimum nutrition.
Alexander Rivera
corn flakes and soi milk