Millionaire from working class family

OK so I have struck it gold and am currently a multimillionaire. I was watching the movie Margin Call where the guy from the Wimbledon movie says he gives a chunk of his wall street salary to his parents.

Is this something people are supposed to do? My family were working class (now middle class). My father still works as a laborer in his late 60s. We don't have a good relationship because all he ever did was work (it's not a hate thing; I love him but I just don't know him....ya know?).

My question is: should I give my parents money? They would have enough to retire instantly, and the equivalent worth would be like I handed them 10k on a 50k per year income. I don't know the etiquette around this kind of shit.

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Sure why not op

if you make it and don't make sure your immediate family are taken care of you are a nigger

I would love to be able to do this for my parents

>bad relationship with dad cause he worked too much trying to support you and your family

yes you fucking should give them money if you can afford it no worries

Go buy drugs and hooker instead. Keep up with the the debauchery.

They washed your ass when you shitted yourself as a baby 1000 times and woke up to feed you during the night. Now you won't even help them to retire a bit earlier and save them from the misery. You know, they will not live forever. Maybe the next 5-10 years are their last one.

Dont hate your father for working. Many children may know the love of a mother but few rarely recognise the sacrifices a father makes to provide the best for his children.

Ok yes but the times he was home he didn't really give a shit desu... I was basically raised by a "single mother" who also did fuck all. (I smelt like shit until age 25 when my buddy told me to scrub my ass in the shower...25 year old dingleberries). i was basically a feral child.

faith in biz restored

Imagine being so dumb someone has to tell you to clean your ass.

thats my point. my parents didnt "raise" me, they just provided food and shelter.

do i still give them money?

Your parents shouldn’t have to tell you to clean your asshole. I don’t care what you do with your money because this is a gay ass larp.

So how did you become a multi millionaire?

Yeah, there's worse ways to get to adulthood than with a dirty ass.

i didnt shower. why didnt they tell me to shower? i was around them every day; why didnt they tell me i smelt like shit? no wonder girls avoided me during HS.

they also never took me to a dentist.

They could have thrown your faggot ass on the street too. Just lock up 1MM into a dividend yielding investment and have the checks go to them, then when they die do whatever you want with it.

Fuck you of course they raised you. Life ain't all sunshine and rainbows, but you should help out those who helped you out. They're your fucking family loser, and it sounds like it wouldn't be hard to help them so just do it.

1. Whatever you are offering here you need to be able to sustain them for the rest of their lives.
2. You don't know how long they will live. Could be another 20 years. If you are going great to tell him to stop working you better have this under control.
3. Really hard conversation to have with family talking money. Siblings and cousins may want some.
4. I suggest give them a lump sum and goto financial planner or advisor with them. At least they will get a sane and tax effective plan. If they die early you get lump sum back.

Definitely do this, but this requires planning and just doling out 50k a year and dropping it on them is not the way.

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kinda with OP on this one, dunno how bad his situation is but personal experience is that it can suck real bad to have no upbringing, especially when you're not naturally self aware and have to learn from experience. Dont just have kids because it's what everyone does, make sure to know what you're doing.

But nevertheless OP they did do what is the minimum responsibility of a parent and allowed you to grow up healthily enough to shitpost, may as well do the child equivalent and allow them to retire without needing to work

Yeah, they raised your ass. Might as well save them some years from toiling for an income.

Fucking christ, do you even have to ask? Your ’rents should already be retired. Fuck.

THIS all fucking day.

OP should be ashamed he hasn’t already helped his pops retire.

Then give them some money and fuck off. Just to show them who's boss. Make sure not to let them know too much about your wealth if you don't know them really well, cause it could bite you in your ass, still a good thing to do trying to help your parents. This action will confirm if THEY love you or not, you stated you love them even though you don't care much about their company or what they do, go ahead. Maybe give them 5/10% of your net worth, not 20%. You clearly have better chances to avoid wasting the money and make more. Unless you plan on living modestly and never work again. Then go ahead with no remorse. Or you could simply take care of them when they're too old. Also I gather you want to get them out of poverty? This changes things, but if they don't need money it would definitely be better to gift them a vacation and take care of them when old rather than "here's 1mil $, goodbye". Depends on how you want this to play out, but giving them back is not a bad decision unless you have valid reason to suspect they'll try to syphoon more from you for their own gain(doesn't seem from what you said), in which case don't give them anything and don't tell them anything, but help them if they need help.
Just focus on knowing them as persons instead of parents, if you don't, and make the decision later, you have the time now.

Yes, faggot. Tell em you appreciate the fact they didn’t abandone you in a dumpster despite having the option.

absolute brainlet thread (not OP)
giving money to people who aren't used it and don't know to use it is the best way to ensure they'll do stupid shit, go broke in 2 years and hurt themselves in the process
is your father struggling at work? is this causing him health issues? has he mentioned this to you personally? then yes, help them
any other reason, no, hell no. for all you know, your father likes his work, and you offering money could hurt his pride ("my son thinks i'm a loser who can't provide")
there's a LOT of potential for things to go wrong here. be there to help out if something like cancer happens or if they reach out for help, but never open the checkbook randomly


>appreciate the fact that they didnt abandon you
that's such an absurd mentality. Don't have kids if you never understood the significance or sacredness. Only savages have kids just so they can impose guilt/gratification upon their child to feel important

this desu.
i was an ignorant kid. i smelt like shit (why didnt my parents show me how to bathe? my breath smelt like shit because a) i was never taken to the dentist and b) i wasnt enforced the habit to brush my teeth.

One of the reasons why I want to make it is to give my parents shekels. They got jewed hard by the system and ended up working their whole lives without even getting to travel once.
I want them to at least see the world now while they still can.

keep your money
or do this

this is the most sensible post itt
instead of giving them money, buy them things that they need (a retirement home if possible)
pay off their debts
take them on holiday
time spent making sure the money you give them isn't wasted will be more valuable than the money itself


In that case, your parents are kinda shitty.

It sure is nice. They took care of you your whole life. Take care of them a little?

what the big dea? throw a couple mil in an index fund. let them live off 4%.

>My question is: should I give my parents money?
yes but in installments so they don't spend it all at once

>t. Dads
Brought a tear to my eyes.

yes they should and yea they need to. am parent - i know this much at least. 4 - 5 year olds don't know these things until they are taught. this is just basic stuff

that is pretty shit parenting user.

Gifts carry tax advantages. Possibly they could save more and you could save more on taxes if they are your dependents. I don't know if that's possible and it sounds like you don't care about taxes anyway.

My parents never toilet trained me so I shat my pants until grade 4. Still can't use a urinal and still have the urge to shit my pants every now and then. I will still help them out when I make it.

my dad attacked me once as an adult and cried when he got injured as a I fended myslef.

He continually was hit to me for years and years

I still helped him out ... I made sure he had enough money to support him and mum through their old age and forever.

Are you from South America ? Or the Phillipines? Or are you from Detroit or Texas?

If your parents treated you well, yes. If they didn't treat you well, no. It's basic common sense. They aren't entitled to your money because they are family but giving them a portion of your networth is a thankful act for treating you well.

You tend not to stay rich for very long if you give your money to poor people who are bad with money. You're better off buying them stuff, like take care of their mortgage or car loans or whatever, if you must. I'm planning to buy my little brother a house if/when he gets married so he doesn't have to spend 30 years in debt slavery and can have kids instead.

Giving people who are bad with money a lot of money they didn't earn is generally a bad idea because they waste it on frivolities, or worse they increase their cost of living to the point where they burn through that money rapidly and now they're even more poor.

Nah, I wouldn't in this case. They just wanted to fuck, produced you out of instinct and then left you to fend for yourself basically.

New York, why does it matter? Your parents are not only the ones that gave you life but also allowed you to live this long. If you do not think that deserves repayment you are a nigger or turbo jew plain and simple.

fucking KEK

>left you to fend for yourself
>provided food and shelter
Pick one, nigger.

Animals do that. Hell niggers do that. It's not a standard of measurement. Parents chose to have those kids, so they better fucking treat them well. Kids don't take a lot of work to raise, you just have to NOT neglect them like OP's parents did.

>Had to have someone tell him to wipe his own ass at the age of 25
>Yet smart enough to be a multimillionaire
Some of this doesn't add up OP
I work with literal retards, as in they're mentally deficient and can't take care of themselves, and yet most of them know how to wipe their own asses.

>and you offering money could hurt his pride
who gives a fuck about his pride. the entire purpose of a father is to teach his son all he knows so that the son ends up a better man than his father. it's time to pass the torch from the old to the young. I fucking hate boomers because they refuse to pass the torch with respect to the younger generation and appreciate them. My dad refused to do this. He still tried to bully me when I got older. I didn't take it anymore and we had a physical fight and I knocked him on his ass. After that, everything changed.

The fact that you are asking whether you should give your parents money given their condition means you are an unsocialized autistic piece of shit who should die.

>niggers do that
You mean in America by law with food stamps and other gibs that whites pay for?

>you are an unsocialized autistic
thanks to who? his parents for doing a shitty job. OP your parents suck. They may even be autists themselves. Only you can know if you can forgive them for being defective parents. Forgiving their flaws is part of growing up. But it depends the severity of the abuse. If they were clearly abusive i wouldn't give them any cent.

Tell us more

I hate my mother but would still support her if I struck it rich. You know what you need to do.

I would bring it up with your mother first. She would know how your dad would react.

My Pop was a Navy Seal until I was in high school. Then he went to work for Blackwater. Now he contracts for govt agencies. I've made an effort to hang out with the guy and he's reciprocated. We've drank together, built, horseshoe pits together and used them, and golf together regularly. Its filled a spot in my life I didnt even know I wanted filled. Build a relationship with your genetic donator and gain as much as you can from them.

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wiping ass in toilet != cleaning ass in shower

Give them a mil and let them retire

Unless your dad diddled you or your mom had an affair or something, sure - throw them some money. If nothing else, it'll be a good power play.

Give them AIDS and kill yourself OP. That will show them.

Oh hey op you're still around huh. Have you decided against being a nigger?

depends, are they good with money but they just don't have a lot? Sure, help them out i guess. Would they go buy a new TV or a down payment on a car? Don't do it.

Why don't you also get to know them as well? Sounds like your dad working a shitting job allowed you to get to where you are while sacrificing family time. Spend time with them and then give them a salary so they arent stuck with shitty old lives, if they aren't massive dicks, that is.

Talk to a financial advisor on the best way to do this. No need to burden them with the extra taxes or whatever, there is likely a specific way to do this right

THIS. its now time for you to wipe the asses user, investing in your family is the only worthwhile investment in life.

It's most peoples goals in life even to just do that, what you can do now op. I never talked with my dad either but if i ever make it i'll do that too.

So true

Only white people wouldn't give their parents something when they make it.

Don't be a whitey op.

Its disgusting how they just toss their parents into nursing homes when they know how shit those places are.

>currently a multimillionaire
>needed someone to tell me I smell like literal shit, at 25 years old
sounds legit as fuck

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sure kid

I come from a large family, so me and my dad's fight was met with a lot of emotion from my siblings. They condemned me for the most part. "he's an old man" they said. I continued to remind them that he assaulted me first. Just as he assaulted all of his children many times growing up. Eventually my siblings accepted it and the torch has most certainly passed to me as the oldest son. My dad was always a bully and that came to a screeching halt. Things are different now when he talks to his family. He's been humbled. This should happen between every father and son. Hopefully it doesn't have to be a violent transfer of power though.

how the fuck did you "make it" smelling like shit?

I'm smart, caring, handsome, funny, and smell alight. But no experience no not hired.

Should I just go be the "hot guy" at Safeway?

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cause he didnt make it, he's larping. He's probably another linky dreaming of what to do with his imaginary millions