Why are you children still messing with Bitcoin?

you people literally freaked the fuck out when it went from 5.1k to 5.5k and vice versa.

wow, an 8% shift over the course of a week.

you people do realize there are MULTIPLE stocks that jump up 10% a day, right? and if you buy call options on those stocks you can make 1000% on your money, right?

oh you didnt? and you have been losing your absolute shit when your meme coins make you 5%? thats adorable, you all really are retarded.

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call options? Sorry i dont gamble

go home Warren Buffett, you're drunk

Imaging the time you spent reading over this post for edits and mistakes and then to still post this pointless personal thought it gives me joy

>on a 10% raise
>via call options

Math isn't your strongsuit, is it? Do you even understand what a call option is? How did you magically turn 10% - price of call option into 1000%?

You are definitely right about retards on this board, and you are leading the pack.

Learn to fucking leverage trade at 100x margin, you child.

sad. hope your 3% gains are treating you well!
a lot of autism going on here. knowing I hit a soft spot makes me LOL.

I sold the contract for 10x the price I bought it for

way to out yourself as a complete fucking retard

Apple call options are going for 20 bucks atm. The price is 200. Apple has to go up 10% for you to break even.

Read a thing: investopedia.com/terms/c/calloption.asp

>Apple call options are going for 20 bucks atm
imagine unironically being this fucking retarded rn

not a single one of these call options are "going for 20 bucks" and options dont have a static price.

youre a complete fucking retard and are exactly why i made this thread making fun of your type

Attached: SmartSelect_20190426-174734_Robinhood.jpg (1440x2673, 485K)