/smg/ Stock Market General

Ror! Then you can barter for everything and your life can become a side quest.


Attached: dividends-monopoly-man.jpg (423x245, 21K)

Turns out buying ea at open yesterday was a pretty good idea

If you say ror one more time I'll kick your ass

Was it this last hour? Trump tweeted so the market spiked up and every bull thinks they are a genius.

The minute I close my Nasdaq short the market will crater with near 100% certainty. Damn you, Bogs.

Oh I see I see. I'm new to this, so I'm not even following twitter on anything. I hope he keeps tweeting so it goes up.

FB is killing their own ad revenue via privacy, and whatsap is a freaking Mossad honeypot. They need to be shorted, but at what price? Or do they actually launch crypto and make it big off occulus? I'm thinking short...

It flopped user

This is inorganic, manufactured growth, wait till the 11 o'clock flash crash.