day 10.
when the fuck will the suicidal thoughts go away?
day 10.
when the fuck will the suicidal thoughts go away?
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did you do the wim hof breathing buddy?
trannys are gay
Every time you want to kys, fap
It that doesnt work, go for a run
If that doesnt work fap again
thanks for remindering me. lets give it a try.
Hang in there and keep the focus on the your true goals
Probably 3-6 months. Will be very tough but read into brain plasticity and you’ll feel better about yourself.
As soon as you start boozing again
good lord, im finished.
did you try to change your daily habits too ? to avoid reminders ?
you'll never be quite right
When you stop thinking about alcohol and coke. Think about something else
no excuses buddy, if you don't do it, you'll lose.
watch intro, get motivated:
watch tutorial and then do it
do a cold shower after this.
you will feel different. this is the beginning of change my friend. power.
Don't be a pussy and give up.
6 months here. I know now I will never be satisfied. Not satisfied in a bottle. Not satisfied now. You make money, as much of it as you can. Then die. Suicide is too permanent and short changes the future.
OMG i haven't though about KMS in about a fucking month OMG
You are just a child. I'm on day 6 of no heroin. Still shitting my pants every few hours. I want to die.
Alcohol isn't even a drug you pussy.
go to rehab. fucking christ.
Haha nice. Based pants pooper.
Give it another two weeks or so. Shit's rough man. Stay strong, you can beat it.
Alchohol is all in your head after a week, unless you were drinking all day every day. Every day gets better
did you ever reach the point of fulling the pleasure jar or do you see that jar can never be filled
Anyone here ever come off benzos after a long time? If so, how the fuck do you sleep?
day 4 of no sensu beans..
Im loosing my mind, I think Im about to go super sayian and punch my dead grandfather in the after life.
nobody likes a quitter keep doing drugs you degenerate
Instead of going cold turkey switch to smoking weed heavily till the withdrawls from the alcohol and coke go away. That should hold you over then it will be a lot easier to quit weed when the time comes.
That's what I did when I quit abusing Amphetamines
6 months in nothing compared to how you’ll feel after it
>when the fuck will the suicidal thoughts go away?
Never. Suicidal thought s are a normal part of thinking. NPCs don't think and are programmed to react with surprise and horror to the idea, but humans all get them.
>wearing pants
this but unironically. sober living is a fucking meme
You americans are fucked up in the head with your drugs.
You’re lost for good user, you’re a rat in the kike cycle forever
5 years clean and I dreamt about coke this week. Everybody has different willpower, but I know myself and know if I meet someone who can get it I need to cut them out of my life and move on one day I’ll have them buy for me. If you want to be clean, you need to be all in.
yep. took me almost 1 year of being sober after being a drunk for 10 to feel better. 3 years to completely reprogram my brain. I'm not the fucking same person anymore in the best way