Things you waste money on

Things you waste money on

>Join gym for a 12 month contract
>Go 4 times
>Never go again even though they take money out of my account every month

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Get Jow Forums, faggot

You need a combination of Jow Forums, /lit/ ans Jow Forums to truly make it

Fucking ripple and nano

have sex user

Can someone turn her into a Pepe?

Same thing, this has been going on for 4 years.. I only go to the gym maybe 5 times a year

As a ripped English major with his whole life savings (

There is no such thing as racism. It is a concept invented by jews as a psychological weapon against the west.

My man
Just deadlifted 295
Bought 2nd rental this week
Up 60% on BTC
On my Wayne to visit my parents, good meal, wine, and a nap in the garden, re-reading sole Thoreau

Jow Forumslit/biz/ is the patrician way


>Implying racism is a bad thing.

Dude I used to go to the gym religiously from 17-22.

My peak was 200kg deadlift with a bodyweight of about 78kg. I was ripped as fuck low bodyfat ecto frame at 6ft. Now I just don't have time, and that is the reality. Sad I know, I do go hiking and stuff though.

Pls be kg

>78kg @ 6ft

>Buy a power rack, olympic barbell, 2 dumbbell bars, high and low pulley attachment, tricep rope and lat bar, 6 pieces of all plates from 2.5lb to a plate, 6 pieces of fractional (1.25lb) plates, lots of gym mats good for two layers on a 6x6ft area, adjustable bench, and the biggest bags of whey and creatine myprotein has.
>PPL religiously 6 days a week, >1g protein per lb bodyweight, 400 calorie surplus
>Develop ulnar nerve subluxation after 2 weeks, can't do like 90% of the exercises without elbows aching, not even simple curls or bench press

Tried to get Jow Forums, ended up wasting tons of money. Still skinny fat, but I now also have shitty elbows on top of that.

We same. Except that i only pay the deposits (luckily) and never come back after leg day.

>Goes into 6 day program without any prior gym experience
>Hurrrd why do my elbows hurt

Nice one.

Based and unironically Redpilled

This, Holy fuck , imagine braging about a 300 lbs dead and being 78kg . Could literally dl and high bar squat more within 1 month

But progress is progress.

But the program is called
>A Linear Progression Based PPL Program for Beginners
I kinda assumed that meant I didn't need any prior gym experience

So instead of being condescending, what do you suggest I do?

I don't think my form is shit or anything of the sort, I watch tons of "common mistake" videos to avoid making errors...

Also faggot, why not lift twice a week with a decent minimalist program like wendler/dan john or your own.

Didn't google the causes of your condition but if you are prone to injuries, substitute exercises.

A PPL is ok for a beginner, as long as the progression and rep ranges are not retarded.

Since you have a power rack, try reverse grip bench, but put pins so you don't kill yourself. Try a variation of bb/db row/chin/rack chin that doesn't fuck you up.
Squat should be good, as hip thrusts.

>Develop ulnar nerve subluxation after 2 weeks
did a doctor say you have that

Fuck it I'm gonna go to the gym today. Probably lift pussy weights since all my strength is gone. Will try not to blow my elbows out like the other user.

If it's the case he should fix it and substitute exercises.

If lifting doesn't impact your cognition, go ham my man. Get that 250 kg dead

Jow Forums is ok if you like unironic beefcake faggots fagging around & being faggoty.

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I bench more and I'm only like 87kg lmao.

You should still do a few practice days for a while, go maybe 2/3 times a week at most for a few weeks. Get your body used to it, and get passed the beginner DOMS, before jumping into such a high frequency program.

That's why i never take 12 month contracts (also in phone contracts). Although i've been to my gym for more than 12 month.
Freedom > small savings.

t.AGP tech tranny.

Most of Jow Forums is skinny retards. /plg/ is good for general lifting advice and strength training.