Why is this board so sexistic against femanon
Nathan Jackson
Jacob Flores
only because your mother never gave u attention doesnt give you the right to hate on woman.
Oliver Perez
There are femanons here but they don't make their gender the focal point of every post they make
Joseph Brown
Negative IQ post
Brayden Cook
we don't hate women; we just think they are less than men.
Julian Carter
i came
Josiah Garcia
Yeah but if it doesn’t matter then why do you treat them differently
Justin Johnson
This is an ANONYMOUS BOARD. They are treated equally by default
Christopher Ortiz
roastie you ain't gettin my BTC
Matthew Martinez
this. also: it is illegal to assume gender in 2019. i know my rights. if i want to raise my kids gender neutral, i have the right to do so. i'll sue everyone who tells me otherwise. also: dont vaccinate your kids, its a government trick.