Ive only 10x'd my money in the past 2 months.....
Ive only 10x'd my money in the past 2 months.....
this is last chance to buy the dip
Oh fug :DDDDDD
Yeah bro I’m still only up 40 Grand what an absolute faggot I am! Better sell and pay half in (((taxes))) like a good got, I wouldn’t know what to do with millions anyway right? Hahaha
Fuckin tards. Let’s check back here again in 24 hours. LINK is never going sub $3 EVER AGAIN.
The beautiful thing about this Link pump is all of the absolute agony it's going to cause now that it's dumping, and as the dump gets worse (we are only at the TIPPY TOP of the dump, panic hasn't even started yet).
Link was not in a position before to hurt people the way that it can now. Before, it was just hopes and dreams, that even Linktards didn't really believe, deep down.
But now you have people with ACTUAL six-figure paper gains that they could be cashing in, but their delusion is going to keep them from doing so, and they're about to lose it all back to the market.
The dump that has begun is going to be LEGENDARY.
I am so happy and excited right now!!!!
>link at $1
its going back to 20c
>link at $1.45
its going back to 60c
>link at $2
its going back to $1.20
>link at $2.25
its going back to $1.60
>link at $3.80
its going back to under $2 HAHAHHAAHAHHA
do you see the pattern?
dirty swinger. it's never going below $3 again.
Can someone actually debunk this stinky meme? Im too retarded to do it myself.
t. Not redditor just low iq channer