Chainlink Suicide

As his five person company's live valuation slipped below his option
strike price, he reached for his TRNG stress release pistol, placed it
against his temple, squeezed the trigger, and successfully blew his
brains out. This final act is still recognized as the largest creation
of shareholder value in history.

In a future world where even the smallest shittiest startup is traded
on the urbit public markets. Anyone can short sell these hopeless and
poorly managed companies.

This particular CEO is on the risk neutral to risk loving spectrum. So
he uses a TRNG stress release pistol. It's a 250 millibitcoin firearm
that uses a nuclear decay based hardware TRNG that can be set anywhere
from 1 picomort to 1 mort. He keeps his at 1 picomort. The guns are
designed, manufactured, and their risk is syndicated by a web of
distributed companies.

Upon his expiration, his lifeline chainlink oracle triggered the TRNG
stress pistol's smartcontract, instantaneously transferring the life
insurance payout to his wallet.

Attached: blyyatt.jpg (604x576, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A stake on your head.

Everyone knows that you don't leave home without a stake. Stake backed. Trust.
It's how the world works.

Want to punch someone in the stomach? Automated sensors captured that
infraction and immediately delivered swift sweet justice to your victim. To the
point where they pity you because of the cost.

Got beat up by a LINK lord? You'll enjoy it, trust me.

Run into a PMP Placeholder with the balance sheet of the solar economy over
their head? Stay the fuck away from them. They don't make mistakes and your
life insurance policy isn't worth that much. Your PMC would be happy to see you
go for the payout that they get.

An unstaked man is akin to a wild animal. If seen in a bar, to be stunned,
disabled, restrained, imprisoned or simply just shot dead in the street.

Historically the market dialectic involved family and markets. The
ultimate incentive of the entrepreneur is often to enrich him, his
immediate kin, and all future progeny. The impetus of markets is to
find and fix capital misallocations. While naturally the entrepreneur
is the ultimate re-allocate of capital the markets provide a means of
doing so with minimal shoeleather cost and the friction goes away to
the point that the market traders can sit behind their screens and
simply code up their version of optimal global capital allocation and
have their machines go to tower.

The nature of the business fundamentally changed in the 22nd century
after essentially all companies were now established as smart
contracts that were often immediately traded on the public markets.
THE advantage is that the capital markets had become so efficient that
raising money to start a company was as easy submitting a form on the
wired. The hard part was that most companies couldn't deal with the
actual stresses of being a publicly traded business from day one. A
la the suicide of our hero in chapter 1.

The good news was that the businesses poorly managed was immediately
shorted in to oblivion. The activist shareholder type still existed
and the wealthy but potentially mismanaged family businesses still
existed. The former more often than not simply acquired the latter at
a price well beyond the NPV of future cash flows in the entrepreneur's
wildest valuations. True risk neutrality is expensive.

Clonedaddy system -- every few years, ranging from 10 to 30 some
number of copies of yourself are created. Artificial womb,
mitochondria-less egg, your own DNA, your mother's mitochondria. The
perfect recipe for the final consolidation. Long chain clone daddies
control most of the remainder of world assets. Playing on levels
abstract. LINK, BTC, physical assets -- ancient manuscripts and
collectibles. Even the remaining banking institutions never bothered
to hold anything physical -- to much risk, too difficult to product,
impossible to syndicate. Irreparable damages and all.

The clonedaddies passed down simple knowledge: compound interest, law
of primogeniture, long term planning, education. For the first time
ever, long term planning with yourself could occur over 200+ year
timespans. Finally eliminating the waste from shortened timepreference

Sometimes longchain daddymommy pairs might actually decide to mix and
start a new longchain but this was rare, even frowned upon. New
mixtures seldom kept their chain going much longer than a few
generations. Not to mention the ever-present fear of disrupting the
delicate balance of power that has kept things in place for so long.

His genetically engineered dog, Boltzmann, reflective white,
morphology between a shibe, husky, and a Labrador retriever, lit up
its fourth and last cigarette for the night. Since the introduction of
genetically engineered dogs and the invention of the dogarette, pet
owners have been dealing with the consequences of pet dogs that are
addicted to smoking cigarettes.

The dogarette is first chewed to light the cigarette and then picked
up in the mouth of the dog by the medium sized handle. A dog can get
8-12 puffs of pungent tobacco smoke before dropping the butt on the
ground. They're given out for free at dog parks and pet pooches know
exactly how to beg for them. In fact, dog nicotine withdrawl syndome
has lead to the injury and loss of productivity of millions of owners
as their dogs viciously fight for another puff.

The dogarette contains an on-repeat mutli-spectrum advertisement.
Appearing on audio, wireless hotspot, visual, radio, and microwave
frequencies. The owner is the final target for the dogarette as
they'll need to clean it up after their pet. Upon impression, the
owner's implants signal to the dogarette contract that an impression
was made. Currency is immediately deposited into the ad network's
wallet, the wallet of the dogarette manufacturer, and the wallet of
the convenience store which provided the dogarette.

Blech, huuuunnnnnggg, blech, huuunnnngngng. Slip slide. Another slips
past me. Why? People slip and slide past, visually blurred. A thick
mucous folded everything. It always had. Enmeshed between bodies. An
amniotic fluid of oxygen, nutrients, hydration, trace excrement before
cleanse. Not necessarily unpleasant. Cramped. You can sometimes get
deep enough inside that the roundness outside disappears. Human bodies
turn it from the bright yellow of the edges to red, orange fringecolor
to the final dark grey and then silent black of the center. Towards
the edgeworld light. Towards the center dark. No striving, no.

Why did The Governor keep 7 billion people in a 1mile high, wide,
thick, transparent cube? An AI assisted miracle it was called. The
final show of force for anybody who might question things. Could they
put people in there for punishement? Of course not. Were they actually
people? It was debated until the end of time --- not certain but
almost certain. Was anybody punished by actually being put in there?
Yes, people lived and people died in the cube they were born of the
cube, never removed and never put in. From a pure legal perspective
they weren't considered people. They couldn't be---too horrific to
think of that. They were merely like the animals once eaten --- a
reminder that not everybody enjoys the same level of protection that
was supplied by the system. Something as a reminder --- you don't have
an escape, you don't want to be reborn as a cubee do you?

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The human brain is a miraculous pattern recognition system. Regardless
of the patterns that its fed it finds order, builds a world model ,
and allows the entity possessing it to interact and build upon the
world around it. The Beijing experiments were a horrific but
interesting take on this exact concept. children of the senses they
were called. 感官孩子。The children were blind but communicated with a
complicated audiovisual-taste language using dynamic chemical
synthesis and real time communication of their visual fields. A
spray-bottle filled with capsaicin, a body in pure pain.

They were still better off than the minecraft babies, strapped to
birthing pods with headsets fused into their skin. Unable to remove
them, sad, but not as sad as being unable to realize the world and
physics they knew were simulations. It was the least expensive proof
to date of the simulation hypothesis. Some doubted its validity but
none doubted the fact that after 25 years the kids still hadn't
figured things out. Visitors let in (only dozens at a time) would
often come to them with the same fevered religiosity of a prophet.
Telling then tales of the outside world. They were taken with about
as much seriousness as they deserved. No proof, no pudding.

Attached: alice-went-all-in.gif (320x327, 3.85M)

Some called the implementation of the system the first real
implementation of natural rights. No need to appeal to a higher power
or the nature of man. A simple oracle and distributed PMC did the job.

Any violation of rights within the regions governing contract would
immediately be reviewed and justice swift and sweet delivered in a
moments notice.

As the drinks piled up over the evening he became acutely aware of the
eyesockets that surrounded his field of view. Something once erased
bubbles to the surface of his consciousness, signs of imminent shut
down. Breathing heavy. Awkward. Spinning.

He throws up on his neighbors lap. The smell of Quinahol, meatmixX,
and bile filled his nostrils. His neighbor simply looked up shook his
head--walked away--pity the prime.

Eyes bat. Crawled out of his plastique head and came to. Headache
started to appear and fade with his heartbeat. The transactions had
left him with just 15% of his short-term liquid assets remaining.
Physical space violation, biosphere violation, disgust inducement, a
pair of pants, a pair of shoes, oracle fee, council fee. The
reimbursements and recompense for his actions had been made almost
immediately after 13 council review and as always. Justice delivered.

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Another cursed schizo thread

strong buy signal

strong sell that is

Why is it cursed?

It was billed as the most extravagant evening anybody who was anybody
could experience. A crowd that made the Alfred E. Smith Memorial
Foundation Dinner look provincial.

These weren't the public facing type of well-to-do. These were the
behind the scenes. Chainlink barons. Hard hitting Jews. Jesuit
coadjutors. Bit bankers. Even a few Long-chain clone daddies.

Since the Urbit Diet of 2172, all scrip were backed on a few prime
assets and their induplicability. The only remaining Black Lotus
backed 1.2Tn worth of securitized assets. Pieter Brugel the Elder's
Triumpth of Death, Suicide of Saul, and Albrecht Durer's Self Portrait
at 28 backed 8 milion BTC wo8/rth of derivative assets and insurance
contracts, that's over 75% of the world's known active supply (~10.6M
at time of writing).

It's said in the past and again on the day the Edict was passed, that
the real was usurped by the simulacra. The only remaining things of
value were abstract works, no inherent value other than the whims of
PMP, a few Long-chain clone daddies, and rogue autonomous DAOs---the
only entities with a shell of mystery surrounding them thicker and
darker than that of the daddies.

What they saw that evening could come to be known as The Final Consolidation.

Attached: saul.jpg (1600x1024, 1.28M)

I like your crypto short stories schizo user

The audienc sat down and at precisely 6577777777, the seat-based
handcuffs locked them into their seats. An assault like this would
usually entail an automated emptying of ones staked assets into
the wallet of the victim. However, as the perpetrator walked on stage,
the audience realized the gravity of their situation. An unstaked

For an unstaked human to breath air in the same 30km radius of a
Long-chain clone daddy was already a violation of the Beijing Treaty
and hundreds of billions of dollars of chain backed insurance
contracts, whose smart contracts were immediately triggered and
emptied into the

bank accounts of the Long-chain daddies in question. The Consolidation
resulted in the bankruptcy of no fewer than 6 dozen syndicates and
countless agents, agencies, and corporations.

"You're gathered here today to witness my final contribution to The System."

Seven dozen Key Items were rolled out onto the stage. The audience
couldn't believe their eyes. Alpha Black Lotus, Bant Diamond
(suspected to be the only remaining child stone of the re-butchered
Hope Diamond), the only remaining tablet original of the Lament of Ur,
Rou Xing Stone, the engrossed and signed Declaration of Independence,
The Fritz Engraving, papiro biblioteca rylands p52, and the Harper
Fragment. These items represented the backing assets for Trillions of
on-chain assets and nearly all non-chain assets in the world.

A molten tub was brought out to the center of the platform. One by
one, the assets were submerged. Permanent erasure. As for the Bant
Diamond. That was merely transformed into graphite and pulverized,
before being dropped into the molten pool.

"Now all that remains is the public / private keypair for each of these assets."

No more did the cryptographic representation of the items represent
anything at all beyond its inability to be replicated. Not unlike the
original assets themselves.

The audience outside was greeted by a swarm of news agents as they
fled the theatre.

Attached: meatstone.jpg (700x700, 87K)

didnt read not selling

this is excellent writing and i would like to read more. it's scifi, not a schizo thread

Based story OP.

I love how much Discord / Twitter paid shilling is happening on Link. Every cent increases their money as they caught this shit spread and are now acting like it's the next ETH. hilarious. enjoy the down-trend.

Buy the dApp bubble of 2020. Buy CHR.

This is unironically the future I want to live in

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laughing my ass off at the concept of a dogerette


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Fuck you I liked it

You liked it because you're an idiot

Nice rare.

saved, but fuck you

can't find this guy's work anywhere but biz archives. deserves a book contract. maybe neal stephenson pastes his personal scribbles here when he gets high

Dogarette one was pretty funny

What is the clone daddy system?

For the mathematicians, it's the fixed point of an individual's genetic destiny. It's striving towards the complete elimination of nurture by controlling for the nature of the nurturer.

While there are different flavors practiced throughout the world, the basic premise is the same. The flavors are mere hyperparameter changes on a fixed architecture.

Every so often you create a new clone of yourself which you raise. You, unless the founder of your clone daddy chain are already likely somewhere towards the end of a long chain of clone daddies like yourself. You raise yourself, raised by yourself in the way that only yourself can raise you.

Long term planning.
Long term thinking.
Immediate Lamarckian evolution.

Death and taxes.
Compound interest.
Pictures of My Penis Growth Fund CCCLVIII, L.P.
Long chain clone daddies.

The mere fact that an individual's planning horizon can now last for 2-400 years means that human advances have reached an all time high while time preferences are at an all time low.

The combination of this with the complete digital securitization of the world economy has resulted in zero plus epsilon interest rates for the last 300 years.

Attached: 1561951908563.jpg (500x866, 76K)

Now that’s what I call crippling mental illness

Just use a binary to ASCII converter and you are good to go

01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01100010 01101001 01110100 01100011 01101111 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100110 01100001 01110011 01110100 0001010 0001010 01010011 01101001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 00111010 00101111 00101111 01100010 01101001 01110100 01100011 01101111 01101001 01101110 00101101 01100111 01100101 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100001 01110100 01101111 01110010 00101110 01101111 01101110 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100101 0001010 0001010 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101100 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010

It reminds me of Harrison Bergeron and A Scanner Darkly.


You're just posting images created by minimizing the resultant image's feature activation volume distance from the the feature activation volume of the wojak and the gram matrix of the resultant image with the gram matrix of a fire image.

You'll, nonetheless, still interpret this as a schizo post.

Attached: iq.jpg (750x669, 84K)

>hurr durr strange concepts and lots of words, must be schizo
Pathetic brainlet trash can't appreciate quality sci-fi OC. Keep it up OP.

Getting a blowjob was easier than getting a beer. A few crypto
microfractions and it was served up with the same service person zest
of a waitress thoughtfully placing down your entree. Any well-staked
family had parents who trained their children to have pristine manners
around service people---sex workers included--- you were taught from a
young age to always make eye contact, say "Thank you!", "Have a nice
evening!", "It was wonderful."

The lightning network finished approving the transaction. She smiled
as she wiped her lips and finished swallowing the holocaust in her
mouth. He noticed that she swallowed with the same ease that a
bartender might remove your empty glass from the table. "Would you
like anything else?", asked cheerily. "How could I?", he thought. "No,

The total and absolute dissolution of monogamy---at that moment, and
in his mind---was clearly the best thing that has happened in the
Anglosphere since they stopped stoning non-virgin wives.

Due to improvements in transportation, reduction in financial
friction, and consolidation of thought satisnaction markets, flash
spatiotemporal convergence is major problem for those looking for an
"in person" experience.

With a hosted population of 480 billion people, the world had become
an increasingly crowded place. Despite the fact that you could smash
everybody shoulder to shoulder to fit into the city of Hong Kong, it
still felt busy, especially in the large cities like Lagos and

Flash spatiotemporal convergences (FSCs)----or simply
"convergence"---is a situation where hundreds of thousands, and
sometimes millions, of people might converge on a recommended dining
spot or vendor, causing trampling, mass deaths, and of course, the
complete destruction of whatever they might have been converging on.
Causes include rapid runoff word of mouth virality through comms or
simply algorithmic recommender system highlighting from a popular
neurarec implant.

What the hell is going on....are these LINK holders...are all you stinky linkies like this one..?

It wasn't long after the Computerized Assassination Marketplaces came
online that the governments decided to hand over the reigns to the last
thing that mattered. The money monopoly.

One of the earliest recorded written documents in human history was a
complaint written about a man named Ea-nasir who had delivered an
inferior grade of copper to a merchant, Nanni. Doubly frustrated by the
poor grade of copper as well as the repeated mistreatment of his slaves,
Nanni wrote a scathing review of Ea-nasir's services.

The pursuit of justice and right in the world is as old as organized human
culture. CAMs serve this deepest of human needs.

"The sovereignty of the United States will not be challenged by
foreign anonymous cowards.", Speaker Bruckston commanded to the
floor of the United States senate as it passed legislation to institute a value
added tax and create a separate bracket for crypto currency related
income and capital gains (though leaving traditional carried interest
in the lower bracket).

Concurrently, a distributed network of legislative-focused LINK oracles
signaled to their clients that the bill was passed by the senate. CAM was one,
of millions, of clients to this particular oracle contract. The CAM smart contract
deposited 1.5 BTC into the wallet of a separate smart security linked to
blockchain-based life insurance contracts of all US Senators.

This cryptosecurity states that $320M USD equivalent will be deposited into
the wallet of the security holder if more than 6 US Senators are killed in the
next 48 hours.

Seven different crypto assassination providers released a few dozen
microdrones equipped with a small explosive charge and a face
recognition CNN. 2 hours and 15 minutes later, 16 US
Senators were dead, unfortunately for the security holders, there were
no bonuses for surpassing the quota.

After the USG handed over the money monopoly it wasn’t long until they
rescinded the monopoly on the legitimate use of violence in their

After the USG handed over the money monopoly it wasn’t long until they
rescinded the monopoly on the legitimate use of violence in their
territory. The provision of security is now efficiently managed
through smartcontracts enmeshed with a distributed oracle sensor
networks. You place an anti-crime stake on your head of X coin which
is instantly transferred to the victim of any crimes you commit. The
courts were long ago replaced with thoughtless, distributed, and swift
justice delt by LINK lords.

Any low stake or off blockchain individual is immediately restrained
if they attempt to enter high stakes private property. Anyone without
a coin stake is liable to commit crimes and clearly unable to pay
restitution. They are simply---physically removed.

Unless they're an enforcer, no sane citizen would attempt to enter a
low stake / no stake zone. No more than they might enter into the
death pits of the Parisian caliphate or an early 2000s citizen might
attempt to vacation in Fallujah, Iraq.

The European Union was as good of an idea as the League of Nations.
Confidently cosmopolitan. A brotherhood of Nation States, equal before
the law, solving disputes without violence. Again, the specter of natural
rights haunting man before its final exorcism during the consolidation.

Imagine a raven pushing down before assuming flight. Tight flexion of
its legs as it launches from the branch. The branch swings down,
swings up. Returning to equilibrium. Now imagine that same action on
the same branch but this time with 3 million ravens. That branch
swings down, it doesn't swing up, it snaps.

The braindrain from the European Union to the freestaat as they became
known as during the last decades of the old regime sapped her of any
hope of standing up alone. The critical mass of intelligence,
integrity, and work ethic was not to be found there at that time or
ever again. The fall of the west was not actually the fall of the west
but the fall of the decadent west that had decided it was better to
make wine and philosophy than to dominate the intellectual space
financial space, the seas, actual space, cyberspace, or any other
'space' for that matter. Imperialism of 'space'---a 20th century
specter here and gone.

The remaining caliphates established, far more enlightened than the
neoliberal corprocratic order that existed before. No culture, no
language, no shared values Just...... wine? cheese? old ducal titles
and a shared sense that they were the aristocracy of the world and yet
they somehow didn't realize they were in the stagnant pool in their
back yard phase.

Attached: pythag.jpg (427x641, 94K)

The LINK lords became more than just magnates and oligarchs. They were the new Gods, second only of course to The Governor. Luckily The Governor's intentions were so alien and seen so darkly that its existence could largely be ignored.

The reconfiguration saw the destruction of all but 45 million LINK tokens. Making surviving 1k suicide stacks from the early 2020s the ultra wealthy. 10k stacks were usually used to endow core insurance and PMC contracts for patchwork nations, trade, and educational institutions.

The few remaining 100k stacks were the exclusive domain of long chain clone daddies, AI DAOs, and The Governor.

The global economy reached a crescendo with the first public acquisition of a major patchwork territory and the introduction of SEMs, Sovereign Equity Markets. Sovereign Equity Markets allowed for the speculation, exchange, and issuance of equity shares in Sovereign corporations. SEMs solved the problem of capped upside on Sovereign debt. Nobody will finance your revolution for a measly 50% annual interest rate. They're going to want all future cash flows from your soon to be highly educated tax base.

For a time, common exit strategies were simply acquisition by the United States Government, but, as the USG influence waned, strong positive cashflows and attracting offers from patchwork rollups became the de-facto way equity lords achieved liquidity in their investments.

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The aurora australis danced in suspended time over James' head as he
looked up to the sky. A wave a jealousy swept over him as he saw his
mate move towards another bird. Doubt. Was my coat not preened enough?
Did I not vocalize properly? Fear. He buzzed in rage and clumsily
charged towards his spouse, Franklin. After clarifying that he was to
remain monogamous by attacking his potential mistress, Franklin began
again to cuddle against the synthetic feathers of James' 4 and a half
foot tall emperor penguin suit; the suit was a near perfect recreation
of the flightless Antarctic bird. He had birthed a child with Franklin
and loved him dearly. Seven months prior, he used his suit's
artificial vagina to receive a deposit of liquid energy mixed with
Franklin's genetic material. Embarrassingly, James had to go back to
the laboratory to fertilize his egg. He remembered immense feeling of
pride as he daintily carrying the egg back in his hands before
dropping it to his feet to rest and incubate. By the first quarter of
the following year he would begin testing of revision 3 of the suit;
complete with integrated egg fertilizing system.

His research was partly funded by the Japanese Imperial government and
party through trans-species fetishists. Japan went 锁国 after the Third
World War but grants continue to flow in for intellectual and creative
pursuits they deem are worthy. Regardless of their foreign origin.

Bookmarked for later follow-up of this random skizo Jow Forumsraeli who wasted his time and energy posting fan fiction

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>1.2Tn worth
1.2Tn what?

>he thinks it's fiction

Anime is shit

Least shit thread I have read in many months.

Thanks schizOP.

Attached: (474x250, 26K)

Dale knew his job was automation proof. He'd worked with the AFP for 11 years as a negotiator and he knew he'd be there until retirement.
That all changed with one kidnapping from a few months ago.
They kidnapped an 11 year old girl, the daughter of a local MP. She was missing for a month and the hunt was on. To begin with they thought that obviously it would be a ransom. Grab a cashed up MP's kid, submit a list of demands, a bit of back and forth with the AFP and negotiation team and she'd be home safe. After a month they began to assume it was a rockspider, someone who kidnaps kids for their own perverted benefit, and that they'd find her in a suitcase 5 years later.
Then it arrived. An e-mail containing a link to a smart contract was delivered to the MP, along with a short breakdown of how the contract worked.

"This contract has two possible outcomes.
1) The address your daughter is restrained at will be automatically disclosed via e-mail upon receipt of 10 BTC.

2) The container she is currently restrained in will be filled by a hopper of lye.

This contract will execute unless 10 BTC is received by the date provided."

No contact details, no anything. Just the contract and a wallet address.
When Dale was briefed about the situation, he was flabbergasted. He had lead teams on kidnappings, and now they were looking to him for direction. 'What do we... What do we do? We're not supposed to accept demands?" his team members asked. The briefing broke off as pairs talked about what this all meant, was it a bluff? How could they talk the perpetrator down?

The time ticked away as the team realised that they were completely worthless. The MP managed to buy some bitcoin and send it in the end, but being the technological philistine he was, did not account for transaction fees and the contract's requirement of 10 BTC was not fulfilled in time. A drum of brown biological syrup was found in an industrial estate one month later.

Damn I almost read this until I saw how many posts it was

Since then, all kidnappings were done via smart contract. No exposure, no risk, no emotion. Just a yes or a no on the contract. The smart contract simultaneously removed the guilt of pulling the trigger on the hostage, and removed the lack of liability from the financial target of the ransom. Now if you received a ransom contract, it was entirely up to you. If you did not pay, the person would die. No negotiation, no stalling. Just an amount of time before the person was removed from your life. And it was a booming industry, one with no room for negotiators.

Excellent sci-fi shorts my dude, u shoukd send these to Sam