Women are out of Control

Is it better to focus on making money or finding the right partner?

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Fuck bitches, get money

This common phrase is a double-entendre and can be easily misunderstood. Do you mean disdain bitches or actually have sex with them?

I think that's the point because it makes sense either way

Focus should always be

1. on yourself (fitness, career, mental health, etc.)
2. your family
3. your friends
4. finding the right partner

I think that if you focus hard on the top 3, the 4th will fall into place. Timing is everything. Never force a relationship, and forcing Tinder dates/meaningless hook-ups/half-hearted relationships is dogshit and a disservice to everybody involved.

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fuck off biz isn't mgtow general

So I'm an actual Tinder/dating coach and this is exact advice I give people. Aim high and be aggressive, shoot your shot before anyone else can.

The top 20% get scooped up and leave the app in usually less than a month
The bottom 20% find someone willing to settle for them or just get discouraged and leave the app in usually less than a month.
The middle 60%, a healthy majority, are good enough for a root or fwb. They have plenty of suitors, so they have a real delusion of self worth. They think
>all these guys are crawling all over me
>I must be really in demand
but really its just a bunch of guys looking for a decent p&d. They just misinterpret it. They are certainly good enough looking to date but they think they are god's gift.

So what you want to do is blow the doors off one of the top 20%, since your odds with them are no worse than your odds with the next 60% because the majority of the app thinks they are hot shit.

Bitches are pathetic. Get the money then let the bitches ceawl to you. Only marry a virgin or one who has had no mirebthan 1 first boyfriend experience.

>Tinder/dating coach

Christ, the world we live in. I can't even hate though, the advice is sound. Tinder is a disgusting place but there are worthwhile girls on that app, they are just incredibly rare, like a needle in a haystack.

Anyone using Tinder to find anything more than a fuck should proceed with extreme caution, but that's a given.

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Makes sense and this advice would make a young man’s life much simpler. Getting denied by a regular or ugly bitch is an ego crusher, and if your shooting your shot you might as well aim high.

The hardest part of it is trying to make men keep their options open.

So many fall head over heels for the first date I set them up on. I used to just do the chat for them and line them up five or six dates in a two-week span just so they could get the nerves out before really trying to find a decent partner. Over half of them would cling desperately to the first date and cancel the others immediately. This was for what I would generously call sixes and sevens (and the guys I'm setting up are sevens themselves but are employed as pilots or doctors). I'd get some lauding email about how thankful they are that I found them the one, then two weeks later they're back saying she wont respond to any of their messages and need to get back out there.

Its fucked. The whole thing is fucked, I'm not a worshipper of females but men are as much to blame for the sorry state of things as women.

Betas cant be helped

Should I flex my crypto gains then?

food for tought

you know that Japan is 5+ years ahead to the rest of the world, technologically (nowadays example: search for 'Japan 1GB fiber connection congestion')

In Italy, it was this way with the Ladies already 15 years ago. Now: no phd or expat or superattractive/fame status, no party. Doesn't matter if she's a 4. She has expectation to the family/friends/society to maintain.
Insufferable superarrogance can suffice short-term, apparently it still wins a lot (Trump is a meek lamb compared to these men I'm talking about).
If you have any of those traits and aren't arrogant: cringe worthy anxiety-rising stalking. Like that old meme of jealous girlfriend, only that you barely met once this/these woman/women. If you like to have email/phone/home searched once hooked, and infinite drama, it's the relationship for you.
Of course, they buy €1500-tag dogs/cats, all very instagrammable, but they treat them like dirt.
Once you lose your status/job/body, you're done.
Basically like today in the US, from what I've seen, but with increased coldheartedness. Also, very limited standard deviation from the model.

If you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

I would honestly say, focus on your goal.

The right women will come in time.

Also, fucking random women with no connection get's dull and boring. Managed to fuck an Australian girl without ever meeting her. AMA

I have a lot of work to do then. I'm rich but I'm a nobody. Lmao

It's all about the paper. Money rule the world. Bitches make the world go round. Real niggas do what they wanna do. Bitch niggas do what they can.

who do these women actually get with if they turn everyone down then? does Chad just cheat on them with the remaining 80% of women when he's bored or something?

Making money usually involves working with other people. Try to find mutually beneficial situations, rather than screwing people over all the time. Will make a few good friends increasing your chance of meeting a decent woman.

These are my favorite type of threads on this board. I always gleam a few good nuggets of truth. I can tell a lot of genuine guys who have made something of themselves tend to come out of the woodwork and post some pretty based advice. Thanks brehs

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Yes, focus on the gym, reading books and wealth. Wait until the thot bubble pops. We're due for a huge correction

All females 5 thru 10/10 want chad.
Chad doesn't settle down, Chad fucks 5+ women per week


Got Jow Forums. Lean abs all year round. Enough size to impress non lifters and some lifters in a shirt. Good enough that body always impresses girls but not roiding status.
Got rich thanks to Jow Forums.
Improved my social skills to above average normie tier.

It helped and I probably peaked around 2015.
Did ok till 2017 or so. Have only improved myself since but attraction from girls has dropped substantially since. Only get fat girls hitting on me.

Still couldn't outpace chadflation.

At least getting fit, rich and well spoken improved my life.

There's just nothing I can do to actively attract girls anymore. I'll still try with girls I come across whilst doing my own things but that's it for me going out or trying to chase girls.

Welp been a shit run boys but it's time to go cocoon incel mode.

Become a good and wholesome guy yourself if you're not already, become attractive as a future family man. Then look in the places that you might find trad women, like church etc. Your looks honestly won't be super important, and you'll attract the women who actually want a wholesome family life - these are the quality women who are less likely to fuck you over, because they actually want something real, just make sure you're willing to provide that. Then go all in and be vulnerable when you find the right one, be direct about the fact that you're not looking for anything shallow. It's better to do this before you 'make it', you want the woman whos been with you since before you made it, who had faith in you. The problem you want is controlling yourself once you become super attractive to shallow bitches who want your money, you don't want the problem of wondering if your partner is trying to vampire off you. You also want to be there to see the fruits of your creation in multiple generations of wholesomeness like meeting your great grandchildren - so do this all as early as possible.
People may laugh, but this is the best advice you'll get if you want long term fulfillment - finding a partner and starting a family is a huge part of that if not the most important aspect.
Don't be the guy who makes a tonne of money and then just has shallow physical relationships the rest of your life with nobody who cares about you beside you on your deathbed, the existential dread will kill the light in your soul long before you get there.

decent women are too rare, gold futures are more reliable

future of humanity and relationships and middle class America with no money, lowtech hard scifi book:
Parable of the Sower, by Octavia Butler

They keep fucking Chads until they're undesirable, then they get a cat and become activists or teachers.

That seems a bit unbelievable, wouldn't that put them at a partner count of like 10,000 by 30?

Lmao....who the fuck wants to go to Italy in the first place. Fuck their whores.

Based but in order to have a family unfortunately you need to find a women. Can’t continue your blood line without children, not until we get artificial wombs that’s when the thots bubble will collapse.

The people in power of our culture want us to believe there's more to life than love and family, but they themselves understand the value and do their best to secure this kind of thing for themselves.

This actually remains to be seen since this dynamic has really only been playing out at this level for less than five years. I can tell you people do find successful relationships and its not nearly as bleak as some...alternative...internet communities insist.

Unless you're asking who they are hooking up with, and that answer is basically everyone who looks decent and has some charm. Get some professional headshots done and have some high level chat and they'll just invite you over. Its really that easy to fuck them.

Betas will eventually become redpilled through enough life experience

Only true in the Americas. A majority of EU leaders are childless.

One of the famous basketball players I think wilt chamberlain said he's had over 10k partners.

Chad has 3 or 4 roasties in rotation at one time, getting laid 4x a week is 200x a year. Chad's been pumping and dumping sluts since he was 15, by age 35 he's fucked 4000 whores.

There are plenty of good wholesome women out there despite being the minority, you just need to be honest about whether you're doing what you can to be a genuinely good person. From their perspective, they also have a hard time finding an actual good guy, and to them most guys are degenerates just the way we see women. The problem is that most people in general are degenerates.

I think you're right about the figure heads and the actual politicians/puppets, but the people with the real say in the matter, the people with real wealth and control, are concerned with securing their estate for their family. I don't think they have the optimal situation for actual fulfillment either, but they know that fulfillment doesn't actually come from money or power.

internet dating isn't effective to find a good partner, mathematically speaking. Better find a local community about a hobby of yours, and meeting people from it.
Fun examples: archery, local small sailing/boating/canoeing clubs, maker/raspberrypi/arduino clubs. Probably not leftist art collectives, they hate everyone from the outside, but single lady artists can be supercool people


Do what I did, go for Asian girls.

From experience: only when I got pectorals, after becoming a gym rat. Otherwise, 'you're not good enough' vibe.

Generally no, it's zuckerbergin style, avoid. Only a very few are super cool.

lol imagine the type of bitches youd meet at a raspberry pi or arduino clubs

i fucked over 50-100 women in san francisco since the app's growth in 2013
basically larp as a millionaire i mean i am one but no one knows
usually end up hooking up within 2 drinks
women are dumb and even the nicest manic pixies dream girls are social status obsessed thots
i have had multiple tinder accounts, one had 3,000 matches before i restarted it and right now has 1,000
they're all the same. i mass message 100+ girls at once the same message for optimal results

o yes and i am chad lol

The modern variant is "chase a bag, don't chase a thot", so it would be the former. However, makes a strong case as well.

this but not western born ones

>Get some professional headshots done
discredited. thought I could trust you man

can confirm, know some girls who moved there from the midwest, sf acroyoga 'changed' them

Based and tinderpilled

I guess my point was *women who minimize their use of gruopthink* (which is real, not a memeword), and are passionate about something.
I'd like to add that a good girl can still take 2 hours to choose a dress, but when it matters she won't be a backstabber.

it basically is during a bear market, we run out of things to discuss since there's only so much to talk about in regards to accumulation, so we all remember how lonesome we are and become Jow Forums

>Once you lose your status/job/body, you're done.
sounds like the end result will be the same whether I actually start trying or keep doing my own thing while being single. I'm tempted to say it's better to just stay single and go for the occasional P&D because you'll end up the same way but without being brokenhearted

This... I know that there are people who are legit rich that post here and people that arent rich but have been thru shit with females.... i mean r9k talks girls but it 's always reeeeeeee girls dont like my 300lb ass why? girls are shit amirite guys?! but here it's legit advice and people giving experiences and stuff. I learn alot about females reading these female based threads since biz seems to be fairly honest about this on this section of the site (hilarious considing how much fud and shilling goes on)

mate I am not saying like a fucking actor for their resume. If done right nobody will be able to tell you paid to have them done.

good girls are too rare, and many of these quality women don't talk much/aren't too flashy, so basically they are like exoplanets, as said in a previous thread

(not in volume, mass or market cap lol)

>Japan 1GB fiber connection congestion

Just searched this and nothing really relevant came up. Only got ads from AT&T and articles talking about Japan's fast internet with no mention of your term. Got any links?

second option:
like the children of old Mitsumasa Kido in Saint Seiya the manga (not the anime, no spolier from me anyway)
you can read it here
you can download the chapters in cbz with this program

But they still lie and I fucking hate that.

not chad but will confirm the millionaire things works... sadly I am kinda noticeable with some things I own and the property itself but taking pics of me outside my house is a huge reason since it's a known need money to live there type place here. So I noticed that once I did that and got on tinder and was on there for a bit females in general around town started being friendlier overall to me... random hellos,smiles, a few waves. so that money part def helps you get boosts in league..

Average user on Jow Forums it’s in their 25s-30s that’s why you get decent life advices and meaningful experiences

strange, can't find again
basically if everyone has 1GB fiber and uploading/gaming/torrenting at peak hours, connection is still slow and ISPs cant keep up lol


i wrote when it matters she won't do that
I know, we can't tell in advance

>tfw you find a good girl but she leaves you because you don't want kids

Fucking jannie just banning people left and rigtt

Sure 10k is a bit of a stretch, but think of all the women who have had dozens of partners and all the seething incels. It takes two, so some dudes out there are absolutely cleaning up.

>That seems a bit unbelievable
It sure does, but I can assure you that it happens. I've seen it irl. Flatmate was a chad who played guitar. This guy literally had an addiction. In one day, when I was home studying, he scheduled in 7 roasties (sent out text messages to about 20 or so) for the same day and hit 5 of them, two couldn't make it. One in the morning, one called in during a lunch break, one in the afternoon, one before going to play a gig in the evening, one he bought back after the gig.
It was a sight to behold.