The hardest part of it is trying to make men keep their options open.
So many fall head over heels for the first date I set them up on. I used to just do the chat for them and line them up five or six dates in a two-week span just so they could get the nerves out before really trying to find a decent partner. Over half of them would cling desperately to the first date and cancel the others immediately. This was for what I would generously call sixes and sevens (and the guys I'm setting up are sevens themselves but are employed as pilots or doctors). I'd get some lauding email about how thankful they are that I found them the one, then two weeks later they're back saying she wont respond to any of their messages and need to get back out there.
Its fucked. The whole thing is fucked, I'm not a worshipper of females but men are as much to blame for the sorry state of things as women.
Bentley Carter
Betas cant be helped
Blake Sullivan
Should I flex my crypto gains then?
Easton Rodriguez
food for tought
you know that Japan is 5+ years ahead to the rest of the world, technologically (nowadays example: search for 'Japan 1GB fiber connection congestion')
In Italy, it was this way with the Ladies already 15 years ago. Now: no phd or expat or superattractive/fame status, no party. Doesn't matter if she's a 4. She has expectation to the family/friends/society to maintain. Insufferable superarrogance can suffice short-term, apparently it still wins a lot (Trump is a meek lamb compared to these men I'm talking about). If you have any of those traits and aren't arrogant: cringe worthy anxiety-rising stalking. Like that old meme of jealous girlfriend, only that you barely met once this/these woman/women. If you like to have email/phone/home searched once hooked, and infinite drama, it's the relationship for you. Of course, they buy €1500-tag dogs/cats, all very instagrammable, but they treat them like dirt. Once you lose your status/job/body, you're done. Basically like today in the US, from what I've seen, but with increased coldheartedness. Also, very limited standard deviation from the model.
Liam Reyes
If you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
Leo Nguyen
I would honestly say, focus on your goal.
The right women will come in time.
Also, fucking random women with no connection get's dull and boring. Managed to fuck an Australian girl without ever meeting her. AMA
Asher Rogers
I have a lot of work to do then. I'm rich but I'm a nobody. Lmao
Jaxon Gomez
It's all about the paper. Money rule the world. Bitches make the world go round. Real niggas do what they wanna do. Bitch niggas do what they can.
Kayden Ramirez
who do these women actually get with if they turn everyone down then? does Chad just cheat on them with the remaining 80% of women when he's bored or something?
Ryan Thomas
Making money usually involves working with other people. Try to find mutually beneficial situations, rather than screwing people over all the time. Will make a few good friends increasing your chance of meeting a decent woman.