Why haven't you moved to Seattle?

You can steal all you want from stores without risk of criminal charges, arrest, or prosecution.
You can possess a few grams of heroin, crack, coke, meth without risk of criminal charges, arrest, or prosecution.
You can possess all the weed you want without risk of criminal charges, arrest, or prosecution.
You can piss and shit anywhere you want without risk of criminal charges, arrest, or prosecution.
You can be a drug dealer and just only carry a few grams of each drug and steal anything you want from stores and shooting meth without risk of criminal charges, arrest, or prosecution.
You can pitch a tint anywhere or squat in any uninhabited home without risk of criminal charges, arrest, or prosecution.
Its literally a free-for-all in Seattle so why haven't you moved there already?

Instead you guys are losing all your money with internet meme money

Attached: 1566069861713.jpg (632x632, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What is going on in the picture?

how many link for woman to wash sand out of my buttcrack?

I would assume millionare old fuck has a trophy wife to wash the sand between his crack.

When you're rich enough, your thotfu will clean your congealed tagnuts

how pathetic
money doesnt buy health
i would rather be poor with control over my orifices than be rich and shit myself whenever i lift a leg

>clean it up wagie
Fuck I will never make it and get to feel that feel.

> Trophy wife
Surf board

I'm Canadian.
>My kids don't get shot at school.
>I can go a month without seeing a mobility scooter.
>Cheap electricity
>Beautiful mountains
>Not as morbidly obese
>Can breathe cleanest air in the world.

Here, do you want some? We can it and sell it to China, but you can have some too.

Attached: air.png (525x695, 683K)

Muh Canada
Here's a pic of my neighbourhood.

Attached: canada.png (988x735, 1.33M)

lol I live next to Canada and you fuckers are paying 4x the price of everything down here, and that's not including the fact that your money is worthless. Must be nice knowing all those taxes you pay are going to healthcare for Chinese. Also, that pic is a winter hellhole for 6 months of the year and an additional 4 months are of all the plants dead.

Wait, user:
I live on the east coast and it's expensive over here. You're telling me I can sell my house and move to Seattle at which point I can just squat in a house with no repercussions for free. Steal food so I can eat for free. No repercussions. If I want money just sell drugs to all the users that roam the streets using drugs freely to increase my NEETbuck stash.
Want some fly clothes? No problem, basically free.
Hungry? Impossible with all the free food.
Wanna take a nap? Which house will I break into today and squat in.
Seattle sounds based AF.

>I'm Canadian
so am I and all the major population centers in this country are shitholes. there's more Ahmed's and Pajeets in our cities than there are whites at this point. atleast the USA still has some white cities

Attached: leaf air.jpg (625x350, 136K)

even Canadian air is Made in China KEKK

Attached: smells_of_ass.gif (256x192, 1.43M)

Can confirm. Cops are told to stand down and when they don't prosecutors dismiss the cases. Downside is you have to live surrounded by junkies.

I've got an even better idea:

Fly to seattle. Find a foreclosed mansion (Presumably there are a lot since the city seems to have hit a perfect Shit-Storm).
> Setup shop.
> Buy drugs wholesale.
> Recruit homeless people to commit grab-and-go thefts for items Give them a bit of drugs in exchange for their work to support their habit.
> Sell items on ebay/amazon/online.
Buy more drugs wholesale to grease the wheels on my petty theft ring & repeat the entire process until rich.

Look at that guys posture. Yikes.


>Downside is you have to live surrounded by junkies.
But they're also your customers

>brb selling your country Canadian pharma because you guys don't have free healthcare and cheap meds
Hey, at least you can buy McDonalds and iphones at 30% discounts. Cool story bro.

Attached: 1565211893068.png (1156x1084, 791K)

top kek and based

>You can steal all you want from stores without risk of criminal charges, arrest, or prosecution.

Wrong dipshit. Retail here. Poeple have been charged and arrested for stealing from stores.

Hurr durr my country is so rich (indebted)!

Buying shit on credit =/= wealthy or indicative of a strong economy.

>brb checking which countries have the top AAA credit score.


hmm.. must be a typo, where's the U.S.? Oh..

Have a good day, don't get shot while driving your mobility scooter into Walmart today.

Attached: unironic.jpg (248x203, 6K)

Look i know how miserable it is being second fiddle, but don't pretend fiat currency means anything next to americas nuclear stock pile.
It doesn't really matter what your "credit score" is when you can just make everyone do what you want all the time, like they do.

Can confirm. I live in Seattle and thanks to our awful city council cucking the police force out of any power you can get away with any relatively small crime. This in turn makes it impossible to discipline the mass amounts of homeless people in any form.

Except they don't anymore. We're rapidly moving towards a multipolar world. Nobody respects the US like they did 30-50 years ago anymore. This trend started before Trump, he's just accelerating it with his buffoonery.

I get that he probably don't give a fuck about her, but getting a qt to do that is just fucked up. This guy probably lost all the joy of life.

why does canada have shipping containers full of cp

>tfw salty bc no petrodollar

Homeless and illegal aliens can get away with that shit.
If you walk out of a bar with your bottle of beer and a cop sees you, you'll be arrested and jacked up in the legal system for months costing you thousands of dollars.

it's like that everywhere with lots of homeless people. what are you going to do, threaten to house and feed and cloth them?