Why haven't you moved to Seattle?

lol I live next to Canada and you fuckers are paying 4x the price of everything down here, and that's not including the fact that your money is worthless. Must be nice knowing all those taxes you pay are going to healthcare for Chinese. Also, that pic is a winter hellhole for 6 months of the year and an additional 4 months are of all the plants dead.

Wait, user:
I live on the east coast and it's expensive over here. You're telling me I can sell my house and move to Seattle at which point I can just squat in a house with no repercussions for free. Steal food so I can eat for free. No repercussions. If I want money just sell drugs to all the users that roam the streets using drugs freely to increase my NEETbuck stash.
Want some fly clothes? No problem, basically free.
Hungry? Impossible with all the free food.
Wanna take a nap? Which house will I break into today and squat in.
Seattle sounds based AF.

>I'm Canadian
so am I and all the major population centers in this country are shitholes. there's more Ahmed's and Pajeets in our cities than there are whites at this point. atleast the USA still has some white cities

Attached: leaf air.jpg (625x350, 136K)

even Canadian air is Made in China KEKK

Attached: smells_of_ass.gif (256x192, 1.43M)

Can confirm. Cops are told to stand down and when they don't prosecutors dismiss the cases. Downside is you have to live surrounded by junkies.

I've got an even better idea:

Fly to seattle. Find a foreclosed mansion (Presumably there are a lot since the city seems to have hit a perfect Shit-Storm).
> Setup shop.
> Buy drugs wholesale.
> Recruit homeless people to commit grab-and-go thefts for items Give them a bit of drugs in exchange for their work to support their habit.
> Sell items on ebay/amazon/online.
Buy more drugs wholesale to grease the wheels on my petty theft ring & repeat the entire process until rich.

Look at that guys posture. Yikes.


>Downside is you have to live surrounded by junkies.
But they're also your customers

>brb selling your country Canadian pharma because you guys don't have free healthcare and cheap meds
Hey, at least you can buy McDonalds and iphones at 30% discounts. Cool story bro.

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