Will you travel a lot if you make it?
Will you travel a lot if you make it?
i miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt belief.
The internet has pretty much convinced me that everyone from every country is a nigger.
I've traveled to a lot of places, nothing beats the USA. I'll just buy houses in every state.
yes and no. id like to see the world a few months at a time in each area, then ill recalculate and decide where id like to continue to spend time.
probably between home by my family, the mountains for pow, and the beaches for recharging my energy. I'll also skip out on the usual one season every year or so to try out a new experience (think racing motorbikes in italy, or heliskiings alaska)
no, I will buy an house, a good server, few monitors, 1gbps and I will finally be free to work on my projects full time without having to worry to pay rent and bills
Only to thailand
Traveling is great. It’s very important to see what Jews have done to Europe firsthand.
I will visit friends and family overseas and across the country. Other than that not really. New York State has pretty much everything I need.
Suprim jentlemen
This, everyone from around the globe chimps out over the dumbest shit
travelling is for dumb gay babies
im building time machine
He has the most punchable face
Based and comfy
I will snort it all and end up on the streets
fuck no, the fuck would i do that for? so i get diseased and robbed? the only place im travelling to when i make it is innawoods
either that OR
and this is if i REALLY make
im travelling to a third world shithole like Somalia, Venezuela, or the UK for the sole purpose of conquering territory as a warlord in the absence of a functional government
Go to London
> Ohh wow look at Big Be-
>smushedbytruck.exe or STABBED.COM
Go to Burgerland
>Get shot
>Get robbed, comply with robbers
>still get shot
Go to Eastern Europe
>Get buried alive by mafia
Go to Germany
> Go to jail for visiting the Chans without a vpn
Go to Caribbean
> Get stuck because of hurrican alert
> Find your waifu raped, beaten and murdered by locals
I think I’m going to stay right here in my mommy’s house thank you very much. I’ll just have escorts over when she goes to her therapy sessions (which are fucking bullshit all she does is complain about how my room is such a mess, how I’m such a failure who plays vidya and masturbates all day.)
I WON’T NEED MY CUM SOCKS WHEN MY CRYPTO MOONS BITCH MOMMY, I’ll be able to buy any gf for how many hours I need get stimulate my desensitized cock to the point of orgasm!
Not sloppy seconds on dream girl's corpse
Never gonna make it. #frugalliving
Moar rare Rodgers please user.
To thailand for hundreds of ladyboys
Yes, I want to see the beautiful vistas of natures splendor.
All the national parks, death valley and the aurora borealis
Yes, buy a motorcycle and travel all across europe and NA.
i'll buy a cabin in the woods for winter time, travel a bit, and continue living in my mother's basement with a dedicated mining computer
I already made it, and I am travelling a lot.
10K$ in PRL back in 2017. 75X that token. Cashed out 500K and doing some gamling on next gems with the remaining 250K. I'm mostly picking people and teams now. I like Ultra's CTO. Made me fomo for 20K into Uos
Absolutely based
I will, but as I grow older the traveling meme is not as effective, but I did love backpacking through Europe. If I did leave the United States, it would probably be for a more reclusive lifestyle. Living lavishly anywhere will probably get me killed or robbed