
College makes me suicidal. Working makes me suicidal.
Is god trying to tell me something?

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>Is god trying to tell me something?

Try EMDR therapy work on things that upset you in childhood no matter how small. Basically your brain is full of bad predictions about reality.

cure fucking depression


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try LSD

yeah, man the fuck up you beta pussy lmao

Such a boomer thing to say. Should I pull myself up from my bootstraps too?

college/work isn't making you depressed. your shit life is. your lack of friends, social connection, community, and hobbies is. you sitting in front of the computer with your dick in the hand is

Want to know what triggered this? I'll copy and paste it from my notes:

"Well long story short, god is a bitch.
At age 12, I would do 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 seconds without stopping. At age 16.5, I used to do 17k pushups with 45lb in a month, 51k situps in a month, curl a 20lb dumbbell 1,800 times per arm in one single set, almost maxed the machines I used for 2 yrs (ages 15-16), curl 50lb dumbbells, hand stand pushups, Etc. That's just a brief summary. I basically did one of everything. Trained 2-3 hrs everyday for 4.5 yrs from age 12-16.5.

As for the weights in the machines that I used, I couldn't tell you. I put pins randomly. I tried to put it in the heaviest I could handle, but never looked at the amount. The fitness room in my highschool also had pins for bench presses. I had my own bench press too with not much weights (maybe about 200lb. Nothing really).

I was planning on doubling my routine and doubling of that and doubling THAT, but it hit me I wasn't going to grow anymore and it completely destroyed me to oblivion at age 16.5. Now I'm 24.

I trained EVERY part I could. I did yoga too. Etc. Training was literally what defined me. So why did I stop? Because my final height was 5'5". That messed up everything. Schooling, jobs, mental health, etc.
Now I need 40k to get surgeries to make me 5'9" (5'10" was my dream height).
I have been suicidal for about 7.5ish years over my height.

This + wagecucking makes me want to end it."

"I was doing like 1k in the low 40 min mark in sets. Once I did 3 consecutive sets of 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 sec with 45lb. 4 min and 20 seconds total for 300 pushups (10 second break in between sets). Again, as a 16 yr old. Imagine if I had never stopped?
I've spent more time being suicidal (7.5ish years) than training (4.5 years). I already lost in life. Even with my surgeries, this faggot god already won. I am broken."

the lifting caused your growth stunt

this and psychodynamic therapy

find what you actually tolerate or like doing for a job and try that before killing yourself, if youre gonna die anyway what do you have to lose by trying?

also check if you have low testosterone levels and if you do, get testosterone from a doctor and inject it into ur ass-desu

godspeed fellow suicide-contemplating-user

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>genetics isn't real!!!!!!
>genetics doesn't control your height!!!!
My parents are midgets. My mother is like 4'11" and my father is like 5'3".

It wasn't my training that stunted my height. I just have shit genetics.

Get a nicotine habit. I'm brain damaged and have permanent depression, so arousal of the brain is low. Nothing is perfect I guess. Try overly focusing on insignificant matters. Find comfort in the fact there's no right answer.

haha didnt you know weight training stunts growth faggot

my friend is 6'3 and his parents are like 5'5 lmao

>genetics doesn't control your height!!!!
>I know what I'm talking about and am not talking out of my ass I swear!!!

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By your retarded logic, I could have grown to be 10 feet tall because "genetics are irrelevant to height". Dipshit. Genetics is basically 80% of what determines height. It's not like you can grow infinitely taller by "doing everything right".

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I destroyed you so this is all you can resort to. Shitposting. Lmao

>hehhh this is a thing that can never be proved but i am definitely right

okay midget

>never be proved
Try googling it, retard. Read doctor opinions. Again, obviously the growth of an individual isn't filled with infinite potential, dipshit. It's not like "with the perfect conditions, you could have been 10000 ft tall". Utterly stupid.

Why aren't ants 50ft tall, huh? Too much lifting? Get real, brainlet.

cool story bro

cool shitpost bro

cool manlet bro

cool faggot bro

rather be a faggot than a manlet

that's because you're a beta male. Faggot

rather be a beta male than a manlet

good for you. Thats pathetic.

yes, but being a manlet is worse

i can always become alpha. you will always be manlet :^)

>dur hur rather be pathetic than a manlet
anyways, loser, Im out. I going to sleep. Suck a dick by the way.

>i can always become alpha
looool okay. Whats stopping you now :^)? Youll always be a loser. Bye, retard. I destroyed you so im done here. I will btfo you more in the morning if the thread is still up.

>so infuriated he had to return from his "sleep" to comment again

feels good manlet :^)

That sucks dude
I hope you get your surgery

There are cute smaller girls out there though