Jow Forums is run by an NSA subcontractor btw. You think the meme flags are for our benefit?

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Where this come from?

Attached: download (12).jpg (960x720, 151K)

my dad used to work on those military network systems in tue 70s and 80s

Attached: IMG_20180329_1206.jpg (800x600, 112K)

We got the best servers, even when Jow Forums is down pol is up

we knew that for long Jow Forums is just cia honey pot


Attached: download (13).jpg (974x548, 74K)

Fuck off, newfag. We are and always have been a Taiwanese shadow puppet BBS board.

Attached: download (14).jpg (960x720, 111K)

Attached: download (15).jpg (960x720, 104K)