Luke Skywalker to Disney- Stop being so Jew

Indeed...and fuck Marvel

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It jumped the shark after the 1st one... excuse me, the "4th one" as the assholes now say.
May was well, they pimped that one out after the fact.

Lol good luck. Disney paid 1 billion for that franchise. They need to be able to generate several billion of revenue to justify that purchase.

Le wisdom of a Jedi

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When Disney bought out Lucasfilm, I told people that within a few years they would be begging George Lucas to come back. They acted like I was crazy.

Then the Last Jedi came out.

I feel bad for this guy

was anyone seriously enthused about the disney buy out? A franchise like star wars should have never gotten into their grubby hands.

I was so wrong, Lucas did nothing wrong. Why did we reject him.

I grew up on star wars and i've always loved it. I was really excited for the force awakens, even with the sjw shit. Now that it is 1 every year until the end of time I really don't give a shit anymore. It's trivial garbage, just like some shitty transformers movie. capeshit basically.

I'm sorry George!

7th one you stupid fuck

>star wars

>1 every year
2. one from a trilogy and one side story.

Dyke wars confirmed. Only girls I know that like star wars are dykes and sjw types

>feeling bad for a guy that wants to literally repeal the 2nd Amendment Ishygddt

He's anti gun?

I guess those people will just stop watching it and realize their old favorite franchise is no longer for them.
Cause his last films sucked.

that's a good thing though

Based Hamil does it again

lmao. not even normies will keep interest at that rate.

Lucas is a hack director. We're you awake when you watched the prequels?

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I'd take 1000 Jarjars over the new shit

at least I didn't want to kill myself like I did while watching the last jedi

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Boring END OF...
Bring back the women who KNOWS her place and isn't into misadventure.
Stupid kitchen dwellers.

Promoting fembot exclusive*

Check his tweets from the padt few days

That is the most heebish thing I've ever seen.

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I don't do Twitter but I guess I'll take your word for it. Fuck em then.

>the problem

I hate cultural marxists so so so so much. Theyre worse than commuists.

>that ms paint tier work
Oh my

The fuck is that thing??


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These fucking jews

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>New Star Wars summed up

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Ugly as phuck looks like a drained hairless chicken.

>it jumped the shark with the prequel trilogy
Star Wars has been done in different eras, making it harder to judge them against each other.

Now that we have 3 different eras of movies, it is easier to view the prequel and original trilogies as being more separate rather than together.

The eras are all connected, but they all look different and have a bit of a different tone. So now instead of complaining that the movies aren't exactly like the original trilogy, you can simply have your favorite era while appreciating their differences

The first star wars movie is episode 4 a new hope

Still haven't watched the movies, but she looks like she belongs into some other show, maybe Star Trek or Stargate.

Did this kike get her family name from some ancestor who owned the only well in the village and she'd give out water to only those who paid?

Or maybe a relative who was a landlord and routinely shut the water off to tenants who didn't pay them gold shekels.

I mean to have the name "water cutter" they must've been notorious.

You niggers always chose the darkest ulgyest funny nigger to play the part.
Black movies portray a differing image. a more' real, one.
Nods cap.

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Is it a boy? Girl? White? Jewish? Black?
Kinda looks like Ted Cruz

Boy oh boy did I want TLJ to be special. I'm a fanboy, but I thought Rian Johnson helming the movie would be a breath of fresh air. God damn if he didn't spray indie jizz all over the production, ruining it with self importance and virtue signaling. The same way George fucked the prequels by barely allowing creative decisions to be made outside his purview, Rian alienated audiences by imaging the pats on the back he was going to get every time he shot a scene and let that be his prime motivation. George and Rian could have made ESB-tier star wars by, AT LEAST, tempering their selfish creative sensibilities. To help ensure a quality movie, autonomy in decision making within different aspects of the production should have been doled out to seasoned vets.

Same odin story of him not being pleased at the creation of adam the first man who was black, and ordered the creation of a new man chinese again he was not pleased and ordered a new being this time white, and he was odins smileday.

blah blah blah.
But i liked that story best.

That lack of trigger discipline literally triggered me.

People are susceptible to his looks and fare complexion. The demigod made the mechanism 'right', that time cycle you may state.

I think now the mark has been set.

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I liked Star Wars Rebels

Did Zuckerberg get a sex change?

>Be George Lucas
>Fanboys accuse you of ruining Star Wars and say it needs to be given to someone else.
>Sell it to (((Disney))) knowing they’ll run it into the fucking ground.
>Enjoy fanboys begging you to take it back.

Jew Red Letter Media brain wash people into hating Lucas

Are you retarded?

Prequels sucked. Cant blame RLM for pointing out reasons why bad.

WTF is up with her thumb ?

new star wars movies are poorly written and Harrison Ford carrying ep 7 deluded people into thinking it wasn't pure shit.


It’s a special edition enhancement


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he's not just anti-gun, he literally wants the 2ns amendment repealed

Mark Hamill denigrated the Constitution. Fuck him

Are you Jewish?

Actually 4 billion

Hes hardly based
He’s a leftist

>her master plan was to drift towards a planet and then escape in the transports of the flagship
>all the other ships are naturally fucked, don't surrender, and just get blown up when they run out of fuel
>hide this plan from everyone for literally no reason
>scold young rebels for trying to take control and find a way out of the situation
>your plan ends up failing miserably because the First Order shoots the transports
>launch your flagship into their flagship in a last ditch effort to save the 25% of the crew that is still alive
All hail Pink Hair!

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That’s a WOOOOOMAN?!

The best part:
>destroys big white ship called Supremacy

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Lucas did plenty wrong decisions. He is ideas guy, while he has lot of great ideas, he also has lots of shitty ideas. With original trilogy his wife, writers and other directors called out his bullshit. George called out Kasdans bullshit.

Everyday I pray they won't be allowed to do the same to The Lord of the Rings. Christopher Tolkien has been a Godsend, but he won't live forever.

it/s be really hard to tell where his chin ends and his neck starts if George didn't cut that beard in a neat line

But that’s false user, the truth is no girl likes starwars, just the idea that liking a movie that isn’t for women will generate that sweet sweet attention.

>omg im like such a nerd

One step at a time user. We will turn him, it just takes time.

this is great political talk. sage

Uh sweetie, Jow Forums is /b/3.0 these days just with slightly more conservative views :^)

Wait a sec, I haven't watched any of the movies but I played a SW mobile game, and Poe Dameron was on the good side. How did they allow a good guy to be terribly sexist? Cute milf by the way, apart from pink hair

Mesa so sorry, George! Jarjar wasn't so bad, really. George did nothing wrong.

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He couldn’t handle being told what to by a strong empowered female and resorts to mansplaining. Basically, a CIS lord.

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Purple hair who is never seen before gets put in charge out of no where. Everybody is about to die to the enemy, she keeps flying her ship as they run out of fuel. Instead of sending people to get fuel she does nothing. People panic because they are going to die. One dude (Poe) starts a non-violent coup and takes over. His plan also sucks and he get quickly whipped back by purple hair. Turns out she had a plan, but it’s shit anyways.

This leads to “strong women” character marketing when the character is actually just shallow and shit. Poe has a penis so he’s sexist hothead pilot. Dykes and other mentally ill people think the purple hair women character is lesbian with Princess Leia so they push harder and double down about how sexist Poe is.

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So he is guilty for having testicles. Unsurprised but whatever. Thanks for the answer lads

>making it harder to judge them against each other.
pffft, no

star wars like all other films is about storytelling, the 2nd star wars film Empire Strikes Back has the best storytelling, the first one everybody speaks robot for the first fifteen minutes so that one becomes more like a strange art film as result and the third one with the muppets suffers the same, the rest aren't even films they're ads for toys

>make female characters
>absolutely horrendous writing and character development

You'd think if a woman was a lead writer in a star wars film they'd do a good job on writing a female character yet we get Mary Rey. These women don't have any brains.

>launches ship at relativistic speeds at enemy flagship
>doesn't end up in supernova-tier explosion from that much mass moving at that much speed
>literally only cuts holes through the enemy ships

dont even get me started on space jesus leia opening eyes in space and space jesus flying through the vacuum into safety

Dude she had a force forcefield

Imagine Walt Disney seeing his company push the jewish agenda. Sad.


show bobs

>muh dues ex forcefield

and this is why I just stick to pic related

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I didn't even want to watch the pirated version of the last starwars. I eventually did because my wife wanted to see it. It was absolute garbage and there wasn't one character worth caring about.

They probably thought it would be similar to the Marvel universe. Only issue is there's 40 years worth of comic books they can adopt and it was started before their buy out anyway.

Because Lucas made an entire Star Wars movie in which the politicians argued about zoning laws and redistricting and shit.

Right. Can't wait for even more niggers and degenerates in Star Wars movies.

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That's the last straw, Mr Hamill. You will be visited by the Disney™ Enforcement Squad™ to arrange your suicide.

Search for Laura Dern. You're welcome /pol.

It was a fucking mess. So many ideas and none of them good.

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Oh god, the thumbnail looked like two-face.