He couldn’t handle being told what to by a strong empowered female and resorts to mansplaining. Basically, a CIS lord.
Luke Skywalker to Disney- Stop being so Jew
Purple hair who is never seen before gets put in charge out of no where. Everybody is about to die to the enemy, she keeps flying her ship as they run out of fuel. Instead of sending people to get fuel she does nothing. People panic because they are going to die. One dude (Poe) starts a non-violent coup and takes over. His plan also sucks and he get quickly whipped back by purple hair. Turns out she had a plan, but it’s shit anyways.
This leads to “strong women” character marketing when the character is actually just shallow and shit. Poe has a penis so he’s sexist hothead pilot. Dykes and other mentally ill people think the purple hair women character is lesbian with Princess Leia so they push harder and double down about how sexist Poe is.
So he is guilty for having testicles. Unsurprised but whatever. Thanks for the answer lads
>making it harder to judge them against each other.
pffft, no
star wars like all other films is about storytelling, the 2nd star wars film Empire Strikes Back has the best storytelling, the first one everybody speaks robot for the first fifteen minutes so that one becomes more like a strange art film as result and the third one with the muppets suffers the same, the rest aren't even films they're ads for toys
>make female characters
>absolutely horrendous writing and character development
You'd think if a woman was a lead writer in a star wars film they'd do a good job on writing a female character yet we get Mary Rey. These women don't have any brains.
>launches ship at relativistic speeds at enemy flagship
>doesn't end up in supernova-tier explosion from that much mass moving at that much speed
>literally only cuts holes through the enemy ships
dont even get me started on space jesus leia opening eyes in space and space jesus flying through the vacuum into safety
Dude she had a force forcefield
Imagine Walt Disney seeing his company push the jewish agenda. Sad.