Are we going to ignore the fact that Corbyn indirectly named the jew? They're not showing the Mural on the BBC because it literally shows what Jow Forums has believed.
Always told ya' Corbyn was our fookin' lad. Fookin' stickin' up for da werkin class 'nd keepin rayciss scum from insultin' our Ngubu and Mbwembe. Propa bri'ish footbal shud show raycism the red fookin card. 'yer fookin out lad if i catch yer fookin takin' the piss out of Ngubu i'll fookin' deck ya, fookin cunt.
oooh Jereeemmmy Corbynnnnn fookin' you tell 'em lads. kick out fookin racism, like?
we need more women in the coalmines. the coalmines are very patriarchal and we need the government to fix that by force. forcibly send women off to the coalmines. do it for equality.
Jacob Lopez
not you
Brayden Reed
>p**rfag coping mechanisms Aww, poor baby ;(
Jack Russell
post bank balance or the keys to the cars you own
Noah Barnes
The theme makes me think more of 1960s grocery shopping than being in an elevator.
you have coal in the netherlands? we have mostly done our coal by the time if becomes profitable again it will be robots digging it actually that's good robot operator is an okay job for a lass
Asher Green
Already have ;)
Grayson Hill
Oh who is that young sinner with the handcuffs on his wrists? And what has he been after that they groan and shake their fists? And wherefore is he wearing such a conscience-stricken air? Oh they're taking him to prison for the colour of his hair.
'Tis a shame to human nature, such a head of hair as his; In the good old time 'twas hanging for the colour that it is; Though hanging isn't bad enough and flaying would be fair For the nameless and abominable colour of his hair.
Oh a deal of pains he's taken and a pretty price he's paid To hide his poll or dye it of a mentionable shade; But they've pulled the beggar's hat off for the world to see and stare, And they're haling him to justice for the colour of his hair.
Now 'tis oakum for his fingers and the treadmill for his feet And the quarry-gang on Portland in the cold and in the heat, And between his spells of labour in the time he has to spare He can curse the God that made him for the colour of his hair.
>Wanting to egg the best prime minister we have had since the days of David Cameron.
Xavier Anderson
traitors out desu go egg boris or someone not the pm
Thomas Sullivan
are you a woman now king? or a homo like the rest of the cow?
Dylan Torres
The state doesn't allow me to own a bank account.
Parker Lewis
I'm a female, I always was one as far as I'm aware.
Nolan Young
Why is Edward VII so overlooked in history? Rumoured to have plotted WWI along with the Rosicrucians, Elders of Zion and Grey Aliens in a secret plot for British world domination. Unfortunately died before his dream could be realised.
This whole thread has been reported for hate crime. Have fun in prison stinking anglos
Samuel Allen
Britain wasn't very PC until about the mid-90s onwards.
Asher Gray
>two "piss offs" >one "fuck off" They weren't lying about American maths being shit. Blimey.
Jace Rogers
>Unfortunately died before his dream could be realised His dream WAS realized. Unfortunately for the brits, their jewish masters don't like sharing power
that egg is the best prime minister we've had in a while
Grayson Russell
you're a moron you think making the pm look weak helps britain? think why i called you traitor
Luke Reyes
He was a British ultra-imperialist and wanted the whole world to be under British control. When he died, seems like the Jews were granted too much power and the plan shifted to Jewish world domination.
Biggest mistake was to involve the Jews at all desu.
>Most incompetent person in government >Capitulates to all of the EU's demands >Wants to effectively keep us still in the EU until 2021 while allowing open borders and forsaking our fishing waters, >You: don't make her look weak
Real traitors like and support Remainer May (you).
I've never heard that expression in my life. Wish they'd stop assuming I'm familiar with all this darkie-speak.
Aiden Morgan
Samuel Edwards
Uk politics is seriously fucked. > Tories or labour? No? Well how about lib dems? NO!? UKIP? What are you a fucking racist or something? They are irrelevant anyways and don't have what it takes to create your racist white supremacist society anyways!
Lads I am a fenian from NI and even I am concerned now for aul England. The pen is not working. Yis don't even get a pen. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!