They used to be really good at suppressing it. It's just harder to suppress it now. In the past they could invent things like the satanic panic to try and hide it. They are still just as good at it. Everybody knows the term fake news. Nobody realizes it was catapulted into mainstream thought by pizzagate.
And it worked to prevent pizzagate from reaching mainstream news.
Second crisis was weinstein, because there were a lot more skeletons in that closet. But they ran a pretty effective "yeah but this happens everywhere" campaign on it, until #metoo made it about attention whoring roasties.
Seriously, there are enough breadcrumbs to go back 50 years and find out about the same things. Schools being quickly leveled after people start asking too many questions.
I still wonder how they keep being able to remove this video without someone at google crying foul:
But then I remember google was seed funded by the CIA.
I mean in regards to pizzagate, there was a guy 3 or 5 years ago eho made a big ruckus about comet pizza. Then the mayor, journalists and such hounded him into shutting the fuck up. I'm sure they've scrubbed the vid of youtube now, but it was one of the things, because of the years before youtube upload date, that showed comet pizza wasn't some random hoax. There is also breitbart's tweet of course.
Now how do we know that that wasn't bad information too and they just built on that?
For me the biggest proof is the coverup. And it centers around ben swann. He did a very mild evenhanded report on it. You can find it on youtube easily.
After that this up and coming journalist suddenly went dark for 6 months, his kickstarter abandoned, never retracted the story, but it was memoryholed.
That is a clear coverup and one with governemental force behind it. It screams washington. And who are the powerful people of washington?
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