Why the hell is sex trafficking common all of a sudden?


>Nothing can prepare you for the shock of finding out your teenage daughter has been murdered. The family of Carina Saunders is living a new nightmare as police believe her murder may have been filmed.

Why the fuck is this a daily thing now? It's not reported on main stream news but all over the internet are reports of human trafficking, sex slaves, pedo rings, rape rings, missing kids, Hollywood abuse, etc? WTF is going on?

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Now people selling snuff films?!

>It's not reported on main stream news


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I believe the elite are cleaning house

In what way was I making that implication



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you born yesterday?
you never heard of, "the oldest profession"

check out
wakaya island nr fiji
not to be mistaken w
owned by clare bronfman of
nxim infamy

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kidz of wakaya

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Was likely common far longer than we realized. Lately it's on the radar because of alternative media. Otherwise it wouldn't hardly get attention.

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You just hear about it now because of the internet.

People have been raping kids since the species began, it's in fact the driving force of all of humanity once you get redpilled enough.

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Look at his God damn fingers!
Getting real enough for you all?

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>Why the fuck is this a daily thing now?

We have more:
Organised crime
And suddenly we see an increase of degenerate types or crimes like prostitution, trafficking, rape, etc.

Hmm I wonder if there's a connection there.

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Fostergate is Canada's pizzagate

Crash the election

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pickton pig farm

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williams w queen

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Tell them it's Wakanda and they'll all leave.

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Bonnycastle had boys from Child and family services that were sexually exploited at Bonnycaste park.

Lots of pedos in Winnipeg boy lover pedos

I am working to expose what happens to kids in care

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They used to be really good at suppressing it. It's just harder to suppress it now. In the past they could invent things like the satanic panic to try and hide it. They are still just as good at it. Everybody knows the term fake news. Nobody realizes it was catapulted into mainstream thought by pizzagate.

And it worked to prevent pizzagate from reaching mainstream news.

Second crisis was weinstein, because there were a lot more skeletons in that closet. But they ran a pretty effective "yeah but this happens everywhere" campaign on it, until #metoo made it about attention whoring roasties.

Seriously, there are enough breadcrumbs to go back 50 years and find out about the same things. Schools being quickly leveled after people start asking too many questions.

I still wonder how they keep being able to remove this video without someone at google crying foul:

But then I remember google was seed funded by the CIA.

I mean in regards to pizzagate, there was a guy 3 or 5 years ago eho made a big ruckus about comet pizza. Then the mayor, journalists and such hounded him into shutting the fuck up. I'm sure they've scrubbed the vid of youtube now, but it was one of the things, because of the years before youtube upload date, that showed comet pizza wasn't some random hoax. There is also breitbart's tweet of course.

Now how do we know that that wasn't bad information too and they just built on that?

For me the biggest proof is the coverup. And it centers around ben swann. He did a very mild evenhanded report on it. You can find it on youtube easily.

After that this up and coming journalist suddenly went dark for 6 months, his kickstarter abandoned, never retracted the story, but it was memoryholed.

That is a clear coverup and one with governemental force behind it. It screams washington. And who are the powerful people of washington?

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barry and honey are dead

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Brian Bowman made Bonnycastle park a dog park.

There are very few pet friendly buildings downtown.

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It that Simon Pegg at a pussy party?

>Simon Pegg

why so many leaf fags

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gay bar

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What is this?

government is expanding
The pedo culture is a blackmail engine
Trafficking is seeing a rise due to need for more blackmail fuel
I can prove none of this but you can see the government struggle for more and more power daily. The bigger our government gets, the more that the Jewish subversionists need control mechanisms


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what's KR and AM

looks like branded human skin

nxim kult branded victims

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nothing will be left uncovered in the end


two ways one could read the brand as initials. So this sex slave could belong to a person with initials KR or with initials AM

>all of a sudden
you mean for the past 5,000 years

The king returns to kill the Vile people


sorry meant who or what
what does KR and AM stand for

raniere of nxvim cult was
arrested and extradited fm MX
funded by bronfman family
w fijian mex and guat ops
alison mack

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yeah, like the rothchilds only let people enjoy real success if they eat the babies, but then will periodically cull these people so that group can really threaten their hegemony

rainbow cultural garden
is a yuge kiddie traffic op
fancy website too
check raniere clare bronfman
wakaya island

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AM is Allison Mack

>all of a sudden
Dude shits been going on for eons

bronfman w billy goat

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>the rothchilds only let people enjoy real success if they eat the babies
and they call it success, what a group of fantastic failures this family are

when told to create art they create a continent of garbage in the ocean

they will be forgotten after they are remembered for their spectacular failure

they aren't special, their forebears were smart but regular people, they have ruined what previous generations built for them

inbreeding has made these people stupid, this is why they seek to dumb down the public, because they dumbed themselves down with inbreeding

1000 pieces

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>>Nothing can prepare you for the shock of finding out your teenage daughter has been murdered. The family of Carina Saunders is living a new nightmare as police believe her murder may have been filmed.

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When was it uncommon?

alison mack
ecuador kids traffic

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Welcome to the internet, boomer. Here you will find that the world is not as rosie as you previously thought and that your favorite career politicians are probably scumbags.

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There is no escaping the golden light. Justice shines upon them

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I wanna see more high profile hollywood take downs.

Not just blackmail. It's carrot and stick.

Has there been any? I'd like to see one.


Um, where have you been?

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what more do u need
alison mack and more in this
show are implicated in raniere
sick shit

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The high up nickelodeon guy got fired a few days ago.

Tell me Jow Forums how does this video make you feel?


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Why are you changing your flag and replying to your own thread?

lotsa kidz on wakaya isle

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Two tone spoils what could be a good thread. Random pic unrelated

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>going to france is a takedown.

He had explicit clauses in his contract if these things ever came to light and the worst punishment is going on vacation and losing your job?

You get put in prison for teaching a pug to nazi salute, you get banned from UK for saying allah is gay (but not for god is gay), but you are supposedly breaking multiple laws in regard to sexual misconduct and your punishment is smaller?

That's not a takedown. It's a slap on the wrist.

>getting fired is a takedown

The punishment for making a dongle joke near a feminist is the same. It's scarcely a takedown.

b diller w c clinton aka
diane reynolds
iac board
fukbk zuck?

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They just grew bold and sloppy. Shit was happening all the time, just had better cover up.

Your country is the embodiment of this. I’m glad you guys have woken up before it’s too late. Guerilla style those “peaceful” refugees into oblivion; make life horrible for them so they leave

not a doctor
paul farmer of haiti
cfi point human organ boi
illegal med expirements 2
of chelsea
aka diane reynolds
they like arranging docs and
flying infants around

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p chan zuckapigs
fake beard wifey
luv cutting up kids
where do the organs
come fm

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pizza farmer

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The guy has a big audience of kids. Practically speaking that is a big deal.

she knowz it
poor kid

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