Whats wrong with that? People have hobbies loke golf and what have you and lets be honest the nintendo switch is amazing
At sisters wedding
LARP harder virgin
very nice concern trolling faggot
Kill yourself tard. You will never have sex
Even if I know that it's a fake, WHY does fit so well.
Some tries to be nice and just have a chat and you act like a autist and bury your face in your switch in a paddy.
If your 36 then act like it
>at social event
>brings your Nintendo Switch
Fuck I though that was just a meme,
You're a manchild. Act like an adult ffs!! You cant even man the fuck up for your own sisters wedding? Fucking pathetic.
Dude at your age you should never be playing video games in public. Maybe a little xBox at night or a PC game on the weekend for fun, but dude youre 36.
>you will never have sex
He just said he had kids user. Please don’t disrespect his wife’s son
Btw, I’ve seen millennial dads with the Switch. This one faggot was married to this blue-haired whale. Instead of playing with his kid, he was hogging it all to himself.